Why would you use a leek over green onion and vice versa?
Why would you use a leek over green onion and vice versa?
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Leeks are mild and get tender when cooked.
Green onions have a less intense (than onion) raw onion bite to them when used fresh.
I fucking love leek.
Id use it over green onion in a second
>Why would you use a leek over green onion and vice versa?
You cook leeks, or they are too firm and tough/raw tasting, barely edible.
You essentially use green onions raw, a last minute addition, a garnish or in raw preparations, folded into cold pasta, potato or chicken salad, for instance. It should be used within a day or two, or breaks down.
That's the major difference.
You can make great onion rings out of leeks.
You can make calamari out of bleached pig rectums, too. That doesn't make it right.
Green onion you can use raw or cooked and its always delicious.
Leeks can suck my dick, Fucking hate leaks.
Green onion is a garnish that adds onion flavour and a nice green colour at the end of preparing something.
Leek is something you can fry in oil at the beginning of a dish to make the oil taste slightly oniony.
Leek doesn't work well as a garnish because it's milder and it's white. A big part of garnishing something is to give it a fresh colour besides giving flavour.
Green onions don't work well to fry at the start because the green bits will end up being dull and beige by the time the dish is finished, whereas leek will become soft and delicious.
wait, can leeks really get that big or is that a shoop? i've seen pics of people growing big ass pumpkins, but never a leek that big
Leek is the thinking man's onion.
Why the fuck are leeks 8-10 times more expensive than normal goddamn onions?
Import meme foods
i had seared salmon with a leek sauce at a belgian restaurant and it was incredible so im going to say if you want to make a sauce out of it to go with salmon leek would be better than green onion OP
You kidding me? bought some this morning from the farmers market 3 for $2.00 in Ontario.
I can buy onions for about 0.35 USD a kilogram.
Meanwhile leeks go for around 3.5 USD a kilogram.
onions don't have that 'green' taste, like leeks and green onions. and you can't cook green onions into recipes like you can leeks.
I save leeks for mild flavored soups or pastas or whatever. they're kinda pricey so they're better in recipes where you'll really taste them.
green onions are best raw as a topping, or stirred into something right before turning the heat off
You can get almost all vegetables fuck huge with enough effort.
that dude seems like the coolest aspie one could ever chill with
I can make a steak out of your fucking mother if you don't watch your mouth, bitch.
oh, shit. i'm not gonna lie, that made me laugh out pretty hard
Why use either when you can use their hip cousin that is even more expensive and rare?
it's not rare if you live someplace it grows. can't speak to the cost, I've never seen ramp for sale.
In Canada its considered pretty rare, I live in Ohio though so I just trip over the stuff. Apparently its really popular in urban farmers markets so that with its short season drives the price high