How you guys holding up?
What y'all drinking tonight?
Is drinking solving your issues or making them worse?
Let it all out fellow al/ck/ies. This is a friendly place.
How you guys holding up?
What y'all drinking tonight?
Is drinking solving your issues or making them worse?
Let it all out fellow al/ck/ies. This is a friendly place.
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I'll start things.
I'm drinking my usual fifth of vodka tonight mixed in with a few beers.
Drinking for a long time has enhanced my life but the last few months it's taking its toll and I look and feel older. My kidneys hurt a lot in the mornings. I'm holding up ok, still managing to stay sober at work, albeit hungover most days.
Drinking, but feel dead tired. If it wasn't for other chemical subsistence providing borrowed energy I'd be asleep.
Drinking wake until sleep is terrible. Did it yesterday, and felt pretty fucked up this morning. Thankfully I was moving furniture all day to sweat it out, but man I feel bad for the office saps (I'm one now) who gets shitfaced and then has to deal with it by sitting in a desk for 8 hours.
The office guy is literally me. I get up at about 630 every morning feeling like death, sit on the toilet for an hour letting out a foamy vodka shit, have a shower and get to work. Sit at my desk from 8-12 feeling anxious and sick to my stomach.
Feel better after lunch and about 2pm the cravings hit and that's all I can think about until I get home at about 5 when I pour a "vodka tonic" which is really about 5 shots of vodka and a quarter shot of tonic and a lime wedge. I finish that in about 10 minutes and make usually 3-4 similar drinks which I nurse a little more. Go to bed at 11 and start the process over again.
What's the other substance? Some energy sounds nice even if it's fake.
It really is terrible. High stress, but no physical outlet.
I could wake up fuck hungover when I used to be on field duty (landscaping, moving furniture, cleaning houses at crackhead speeds, etc.) and by noon I would feel level-headed. Without physical activity and sweating it out, if I'm sitting at a desk all day, I still feel sickly.
Guess I'm alright, considering my fuck buddy is ghosting me right now.
Drinking some Sobieski vodka with an olive thrown in just for the fuck of it.
Drinking tends to take the edge off for me and makes shit more bearable, even if it does make me emo sometimes.
I can understand that. I'll give a bottle of whiskey in a night and then just shit it out for an hour with the shower running before I go to work the next day.
I have the worst time concentrating on most of my work for the first hour or two
For legal? BronkAid is ephedrine, legal at every drug store. Break one in half and you're good for about 4 hours.
For illegal? Go for white or amphetamines. If you don't have a good hookup for the former, then be sure to purify it yourself with an acetone wash. Although that being said, the non-legal alternatives are expensive.
Hypothetically speaking...
Just picked up a bottle of wine.. Too late to buy liquor.
I tried not to drink tonight but I get so fucking bored.
Most likely I'll drink all this and rush to the store before 2am to get some beer. Only problem is drinking red wine quickly makes me nauseous/puke before I can get a good buzz going
Fuck this life
OP your'e a fucking cuck for the alcohol.
No shit
Doing ok I guess.
I've been trying to cut back on drinking. So just had a beer and one old fashioned tonight.
I've been fearing that I've been on a path of destruction but after my last really bad night....I realized thst I gotta stop. I don't want to stop completely but I have to get better control. I'm pretty sure I could have died of alcohol poisoning and I don't want to be in that spot again.
Life is just so hard though. Oh well
i'm alright, just cooked a thrown-together tofu stirfry with my gf and it was the highlight of my night, nothing to do except shitpost for now
maining fireball and mango nectar tonight
it's neither solving nor exacerbating my issues - it's a bandaid to keep me from getting anxious about everyday shit to the point of being completely frozen and incapable of basic living, but i don't drink often enough to hurt my liver [spoiler]yet[/spoiler]
Let's set the mood
Fresca and Tito's vodka is pretty wonderful.
Glenfiddich 15 year
It helps with the loneliness
One day until I can drink. I have Mondays off always. I have some interesting stuff for tomorrow. One Belgian trappist dubbel beer, plus two Belgian triples. One Czech lager. Chilean cheap wine.
Why can't we keep using the one image for /alc/ threads (pic related), for easy recognition
Why not drink now?
Some of us are functional alc's and not complete fuck ups
Irrelevant, the image I posted has been used for a long time, it is clearly recognizable and signifies a clear outline of the thread
Its worst than worse, I'm pretty much living in hell. If it wasn't for my parents I'd be for sure dead or worse in jail. I really wanted to be sober for this month i started the month eight days sober but then pawned my tv and spent all the money in one day. Ended up going on 4 day binge i don't even remember how i got the money for those three days. I ended up staying in my room for three days just feeling like the worst shit, only leaving to use the bathroom and getting water.
My parents didn't even check to see if i was ok, i think they have mentally and emotionally prepared themselves for my inevitable soon death. It would be better because i'm just a burden for them at this point. Im 29 so there is no changing, I wouldn't wish this curse on my worst enemy. I truly believe i never should of been born, I have no place in this world, I can't connect with other human beings. I have accepted this a long time ago I knew when I started stealing my parents liquor at 12 years old that I wasn't going to be shit. I'm off to go buy me a pint it's only 8am but haven't slept so hopefully this knocks me out after having a fifth and 8 beers last night. Good luck to you all.
>Doing sudokus again
You still have time bud
>Mom calls again
>Drunk so time passes a lot faster
>15 minute phone call
>Could be summed up by 4 sentences
Why does that happen?
Counter example:
>Dad calls
>Few sentences
>uh huh
>yeah its good
>end call
>1 minute
New to these threads. In pretty bad shape in some ways. Relapse. Was 5 months sober.
I had replaced alcohol with prostitution. Now though, I'm in Medical School and moved and there are no whores in my area, so I go to the strip club and I started drinking again there when a nasty little slut filled her mouth with vodka and put her tongue down my throat.
I now go to the strip club 2-3 times a week, on days when I don't, I drink a 5th and eat Burger King. In those 5 months I had lost 80 lbs, gained back 10 so far. Feels bad man.
Its like I NEED a vice. It excites me. I also feel giddy that I'm performing well in my medical school and people think I'm a great guy but they don't know I fuck hookers and drink on the weekends.
I feel like I'm on a negative path where I'm psychologically addicted to doing "bad" things.
I'm even masturbating to nastier porn while drunk and losing my fucking mind. On really crazy nights I'll drink 1.5 L and puke and pass out and skip morning classes.
This is all so FUCKED. I need to find access to whores, so I can stop going to the strip club and stop drinking.
Gambling my life.
i realise you've left the thread, but if you can stay sober long enough i'd recommend a shitload of manual labour. i know my depression got a lot more manageable when i started working as a farmhand
> a nasty little slut filled her mouth with vodka and put her tongue down my throat
jesus christ alfucking mighty
> I need to find access to whores
the slut with the vodka is probably an actual slut, you idiot
transfer yourself to another school
rent her for a night, tie her to the bed, beat her up, fuck her ass till it bleeds and leave town
you need a fresh fresh start
nigger you're going into medicine. you're learning how to have the power to bring someone back to life or alternatively kill them if you fuck up, how is that not more of a thrill and getting drunk and seeing a titty?
user is bipolar
shit sucks
Who else boxes their wine?
FUCK I have a hangover. I have images in my head of stabbing me with a knife. Putting my head in a fucking grinder and having it torn to pieces. I need this pain and agony to STOP. Im having images of shooting myself in the fucking head and all my brain and blood spilling out
Sitting here trembling and staring at my vodka trying to decide if I want to continue today. I have to work in the morning. Can't stand these withdrawals. I'm supposed to go pick up a cat today too.
Fuck my life.
Just go to AA.
This isn't going anywhere, because you're robbing yourself of quality sleep, nutrition and true stress management. You're self-medicating stress in a way that is toxic to your body and mind and it will have a vicious cycle effect of you, spiraling downward. This is pure limbic system at work here, but maybe you just haven't researched that enough to understand. Distraction addiction, internet addiction, porn addiction, sex addiction, it's all reward behavior from the limbic system involvement. You can psychoanalyze further to say you had a distant emotionally father or something like that. Whatever shit you have in your life, or predispositions, is just not being faced in a healthy way.
Your baby brain is still developing that frontal lobe (gambling and risk of odds calculations which is probably already damaged) and you're exciting pathways that need replenishing chemicals, which you aren't getting. Get serious and stop. What a waste of your fucking time. You need to get some friends who know and care about you. Go to a meeting, go see a psychiatrist who specializes in this, get facts when you let someone into your secrets. You think you're the only student self-sabotaging their life? You're going to end up with student loans, broke and no direction when you get removed from the program by some smart professor who sees through your facade and sees that bigass chip on your shoulder you think you can hide.
Recovering from st. patty's day celebration. Surprisingly okay though, which sucks because I know I'll be out again tonight spending fucktons of money and continuing my march toward self destruction. Wish someone would bring me something to eat like fresh chinese food or some mcmuffins or something. No car because I left it halfway across town. Fuck...
nigga drink some salt water
I just realized that if I'm trying to sleep, and I'm not on some substance or another, I literally cannot fucking stop eating. And gorging myself on food all fucking night makes me feel so much worse than just drinking. I don't want to be fat. I would rather be dead.