What's the most frivolous lawsuit ever directed at a restaurant or fast food corporation?
What's the most frivolous lawsuit ever directed at a restaurant or fast food corporation?
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>false advertising
yeah that sure looks real
plus no american says 'advert'
My favorite recently is a lawsuit that says Moby Dick as a restaurant name is "offensive"
Moby Dick Restaurant's 'Offensive' Name Spawns Suit
Imagine you walked into a Chipotle and saw a photo of yourself on the wall eating at another Chipotle years earlier — used without your permission.
Oh, and in the photograph? Some alcohol was photoshopped into it.
She wanted $2.2 billion for them using her photograph without her permission?
How did she arrive at that number?
Lawyer probably talked up numbers of Chipotle stores and annual gross or something along those lines
How many of these reprobates filing bogus lawsuits actually get a settlement?
Not restaurant-related, but there was that one time Pepsi was sued for false advertising because some guy thought he could get a fighter jet if he redeemed enough reward points.
American greed knows no fucking bounds, over fast food no less.
He seems to actually have a solid case if the rules permitted exchanging cash for points. Doesn't matter if they assumed no one would actually do it.
I'm surprised Pepsi got away without having to pay him something but I suppose these corporations have armies of lawyers so that even when they do fuck up they can get out of it.
Not many. Some manage to get a pittance as a nuisance settlement.
That D.C. judge who tried to sue the Korean dry cleaners for millions for ruining a pair of pants got disbarred for it.
>Caldwell, who is representing herself,
from the filing
>*1 The sum of the company’s profits or net income spanning 2006 through 2015 from annual reports. The 2016 annual report, upon release, must be added upon release to the current $2,237,633,000.
She literally wants Chipotle's entire profits over a ten year period - as though they wouldn't have made any money w/o her picture.
It was the lawyer's doing. First, of course the lawyer wants as big a cut for himself as possible.
But huge numbers otherwise are just to get publicity from media, draw out others who may have had the same happen to them but didn't think to sue before hearing how much they *could* get from it, and ensure as large a settlement as possible since figures often come down from the ridiculous asking price.
There's really no harm in asking for such a large figure unless the judge has it out against you because of it.
But in reality she'll be lucky to get 1/5 of that.
I don't think the lawsuit is bogus in this case, but the number surely is.
She would be white...and obese.
>I'm surprised Pepsi got away without having to pay him something
Except that they did:
> Pepsi, upon receiving the order, sent the cheque back with a letter explaining that the Harrier Jet was “not part of the offer”, nor was it included in the prize catalogue, and that its inclusion in the advertisement was merely intended as “fanciful” addition to make the ad more entertaining. The letter also included a bunch of coupons to apologise for “any misunderstanding or confusion”.
So he got some coupons at least.
I'm sure those coupons covered his court costs.
>It was the lawyer's doing. First, of course the lawyer wants as big a cut for himself as possible.
She is representing herself.
Wikipedia doing the good work of making everyone they disagree with look like shit.
I couldn't find this paragraph you did, I only saw hatred aimed at the guy and pepsipenis buffering.
I like the one about the coffee at McDonald's being too hot.
oh for christ sake is this lady shitting me? i hope the court awarded her 20 dollars called her a moron and sent her packing what the fuck? im pretty sure the 20 dollar bucket is the 16 piece
Didn't that coffee give her second degree burns?
That doesn't seem frivolous.
Fuck anyone who says it was justified.
It's no different than buying a chainsaw at Home Depot then suing Home Depot because you were retarded and accidentally sawed your leg off.
Has anyone sued a fast food chain for making them fat?
Third degree to be exact and had to get skin graphs.
She was a passanger and the car was parked
Friendly reminder that these 'food' companies spend millions defaming and spreading misinformation about former customers who bring litigation against them in order to limit their liability.
The most 'famous' frivolous lawsuit, the McDonalds coffee suit, was the result of McDonalds superheating it's coffee to 200 degrees and then selling it at that temp (~200 is what a heater/drip machine will get at directly, I work with espresso equipment) even though they had recieved several complaints and concerns about it prior. The old woman who sued McDonalds accidentally spilled it on her lap, giving herself 2nd and 3rd degree burns on her lap, burning her genitals, forcing her to have reconstruction of that entire area.
Initially she only wanted McDonalds to partially or totally cover her healthcare costs, which were quite high because LMAO AMERICA.
After putting her off for over a month, they offered her 500 dollars. So she sued the fuck out of them. In the process they settled, but she couldn't speak about McDonalds, and they used advertising firms and funded efforts to defame her in order to discourage future litigation by publically making a mockery of the woman.
>3rd degree burns from coffee is frivolous.
El autismo magnifico
see and
That would have been like having acid dumped into your lap.
Coffee is hot and it's not McDonald's fault she spilled it.
if coffee burns your skin bad enough to need skin grafts its going to do the same inside of your mouth
That's what slurping is for.
The suit is for injuries you idiot.
>thinking slurping can stop coffee from melting skin.
>The suit is for injuries you idiot.
If you buy chicken from KFC and trip while eating a drumstick, is KFC responsible for your gouged out eye?
Learn some basic physics, retard.
The coffee was waaaaaaay beyond just "hot" if I recall the coffee was literally boiling. Go measure the coffee from your coffee maker. It isn't that fucking hot.
You equated chicken to coffee that melts flesh. You are either just being obtuse on purpose or retarded.
Also the lids were pretty flimsy. So flimsy lids + molten lava coffee are literally McDonald's fault.
Mostly it was the fact that McDonalds had been made aware of the issue repeatedly and there was no practical reason to even heat it to the temperatures they were. Since they had awareness, and lack of need, a judge found them liable.
>implying you should sue
what you should do is write an actual letter regarding your complaint (real or fake) and send it to them
enjoy free coupons out the ass
this also works for groceries, so all my food costs pretty much nothing these days
>god all the mcdonalds coupons will help pay my medical bills for 3rd degree burns!
I've actually gotten 2 checks from the redbull class action suit that was built around the fact that it doesn't actually give you wings. Around $2 each
Just stop being clumsy for fucks sake.
>i should have known better than to have an accident with flimsy lids with coffee that gives me 3rd degree burns!
You are stupid
Can you be more specific about how they mocked/defamed people?
She was 79.
>The old woman who sued McDonalds accidentally spilled it on her lap, giving herself 2nd and 3rd degree burns on her lap, burning her genitals, forcing her to have reconstruction of that entire area.
Yeah because she was retarded enough to hold a fresh piping hot coffee in a to-go cup between her legs. She shouldn't have gotten a dime.
The time Slipknot sued Burger King over a fictitious band they used to promote Chicken Fries
>Two McDoubles have been added to your account
For me it's the McChicken.
Haha seriously though I hope she suffered.
Years ago I sued McDonalds because a cup of coffee didn't have the lid secured and the coffee spilled all over my lap. I was awarded around 3 million dollars.
I agree, every car made in the last 30 years has cup holders. It is moronic to have the coffee on your lap at any point
>She wanted $2.2 billion for them using her photograph without her permission?
They made her out to be a drinker in the picture, which could have colored her perception in her community. But, models are paid, and she specifically declined permission to use her image when asked. I can tell you that if she was someone who was a professional, and I don't know a thing about her mind you, someone who was a college professor mind you, she could have be passed over for some kind of promotion which could have cost about a million dollars every 3-4 years of her life if she was savvy or had patents or royalties from her work. Some people need wholesome private life reputations and images for their career success. Having fame you don't desire can affect your mental health too. All of this is to be thought about when you consider other lawsuits of course. Lawsuits against media for using images that were illegally obtained (trespassing), or who make career damaging gossip claims, tend to be huge and won often in court. That's an industry that would be vile without some checks and balances.
Giant extreme-amount lawsuits that appear frivolous are supposed to serve as deterrents from screwing over the average poor person through the financial power of a larger corporation. They are above the law if they only had to pay affordable small amounts when someone deigns to sue them for breaking the law (or laws of morality). Large lawsuits is to make examples of companies so that they don't try stuff in future. Initial claimant amounts do come from extensive legal hours needed to complete a whole case that goes to trial, research hours and salaries of those involved, but also it's a starting number, one that usually is assumed to be negotiated downwards. Companies are supposed to be run to the point that someone is in fact checking and ensuring honesty in all things from accounting to marketing. Some of the richest people are in the big 5 accounting.
>blame the lid when you squeeze a plastic/styrafoam cup with your thighs to hold it
>cup holders
Clearly you've never owned a BMW.
>Also the lids were pretty flimsy.
That's cost cutting negligence indeed.
Why should coffee be served at 200 degrees?
Statute of Frauds alone means he has no case. If you're deal is worth over a certain amount it has to be in writing and signed.
Do they not have cup holders? Every car I've been in has them
They're an optional (expensive) extra when you buy new.
>Can you be more specific about how they mocked/defamed people?
Oh, it's Lawyering 101 "blame the victim" defense. It's a publicn relations coup. Win at any cost. Deflect the (very stupid) public with tangents that paint the victim negatively so you simply don't like them and aim your sympathy away from them. There's a reason they question jurors about their access to the news before selection, and then later sequester juries to keep them away from media. It's powerful stuff.
Take this for example. If the management company broke laws, does their responsibilities have anything to do with how this guy chooses to spend money he earned? Not at all.
Media and lawyers have been blaming victims of their own, for example rape, crime victim status for years!
So that it's still hot when someone gets it on their way to work.
Most people understand that coffee is hot and i'm pretty sure you'd get at least second degree burns from fresh brewed coffee from any place.
>Yeah because she was retarded enough to hold a fresh piping hot coffee in a to-go cup between her legs. She shouldn't have gotten a dime.
The lid could have just as easily popped off on the way to lips when she gripped the cup towards her mouth. Pfft.
I take it you never drank coffee besides iced coffee.
Ive spilt hot coffee on myself a few times(im clumsy) and never got anywhere close to that kind of burn.
>Has anyone sued a fast food chain for making them fat?
Fuckin' all the time, dude. Were they successful? Fuck no.
False. This has never happened ever.
Makes sense to me.
The fact that we know the story as the "dumbass didn't expect coffee to be hot" lawsuit is exactly what they did.
The actual lawsuit was about the glue used in the manufacture of the cups...Mcd knew the cups were a problem, but chose to ignore it...
It was,and still is, a valid lawsuit for negligent manufacturing...
When I first heard about this, some 25 odd years ago, I thought like you...and that thinking is wrong...
and mcdonalds was retarded enough to sell coffee that gives 3rd degree burns
her punishment was the pain and surgery she had to deal with, and mcdonald's punishment was chump change to them
That coffee was too hot. Nothing should be given to a person that can cause burns like this.
(Yes, this is the same lady).
This user is correct, if you read up on this case you will find that they were negligent. The case has been used to mock consumers rights ever since but she was in the right.
Eh doesn't look like that grime tunnel was getting much traffic anyway
>every car made in the last 30 years has cup holders.
I've owned three cars, all made during the mid-90s (yes, I'm poor, but still, it's within your parameters), and none of them have had cupholders .This includes my current car, which isn't exactly a luxury model, but has all the possible options, including an extra fancy console. I've been in plenty of other cars without cupholders, too. Most of the time, they cost more, so people don't get them.
It hurts, that's the important part. I won't claim vaginas are necessary or important or even desirable, but burns are awful
I don't know about you but I don't generally expect a minor spill to result in my genitals melting shut and I think that's pretty reasonable.
It literally has, you daft faggot. They haven't been successful but there's many cases of suing fast food joints for making people fat.
Even Arby's jumped on it as a joke on their ads.
>If you want the sizzling hot skillet, sorry. It's too hot. Remember the coffee lady?
Of the cars I've owned in the 90's only 1 came standard with cup holders: 97 Maxima.
>could have
It didn't, she held the cup in between her thighs like a complete and utter mouthbreather.
I'm pretty sure several chains like Starbucks keeps their regular coffee very hot, hot enough to give at least a second degree burn.
Coffee is supposed to be hot, you're a retard for spilling it on yourself that much to begin with too. I've never had that issue because I'm not retarded.
>the glue
It wouldn't have ever happened had she rubbed 2 brain cells together and not used her thighs as a cupholder. Nice try though.
She deserved it, McDonalds sold hot coffee for people going on their way to work and it's obviously a hot beverage. I'm glad she got 3rd degree burns and I hope the lawyers took most of the money.
>I don't expect coffee to be hot at all
>minor spill
She busted the cup open squeezing it between her thighs. It's coffee, you're a complete and utter retard if you think it's not hot. It should be hot, that's pretty much the entire point, maybe not 200 degrees but she was still pretty much entirely at fault.
>this shit again
Coffee is traditionally served and consumed at 140-150 degrees. McDonalds superheated their coffee by going out of their way to set the urns to approximately the "murder" setting, with predictable results. The victim sought a settlement for medical expenses only, and McDonalds refused to settle. Later, this came to bite them in the ass.
Ignorant ever since people got hoodwinked by the bogus tort "reform" movement into thinking "hot" is a specific temperature. The sole purpose of this exercise was to see to it that negligent businesses could not be held accountable for causing injury or death.
Source: third year law student.
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none of that was the point of the lawsuit
the point was the coffee was served at a temperature far exceeding what could ever be considered safe for human consumption, with emphasis on the far
that's why she won, and that's why they paid her.
it was inarguable and indefensible: the coffee should not have been that hot.
>im not retarded!!!
>goes on to prove their point exactly
it's amazing how useful subhuman animals like you can be
>maybe not 200 degrees but she was still pretty much entirely at fault.
hurr durrr
Jesus christ, you are a walking embarrassment. How old are you? That's not a rhetorical question, I actually want to know. Because if you're older than 14 and you still harbor this mode of thinking, you've failed to develop as a human.
>maybe not 200 degrees
wow so maybe
just maybe
if it wasnt 200 degrees
she could have spilled it (and it would still be her fault)
but she wouldnt have horrible 3rd degree burns on her legs?
are you trying to suggest that she could, in fact, sue over the temperature of the coffee and not over the fact that she spilled it?
are you some kinda genius? a flyover like me cannot comprehend your superior logic and brian power
Hello Adam Combover
>suing someone over literally nothing
it's because we don't have useful laws to stop bad business behavior and just have to sue and the dumb asses who vote against consumer protections think it's free money
>I'm pretty sure several chains like Starbucks keeps their regular coffee very hot, hot enough to give at least a second degree burn.
well, you're wrong
No they don't
>im not retarded
>Calls other retarded
>posts something extremely retarded
Pot meet kettle.
Skin grafts from 3rd degree burns is not standard from coffee you retard.
I worked at a Speedway, and I am an absentminded klutz. On two occassions, I spilled fresh coffee directly directly onto myself, and on neither of those occassions did I receive so much as first degree burns. The coffee was plenty hot, and it was painful both times, but no skin melted because as shitty a company as Speedway is, they're not shitty enough to pass out styrofoam cups of death.
Anyway, here's a test for you, my man. Heat up a pot of water to 200 degrees and try drinking it.
Get a pot of water. Put it on the stove until it boils. Pour it in a cup, and dump it on your crotch. Coffee is supposed to be hot, not 10 degrees from boiling.
Coffee is regulated between 130-140 degrees. it was found to be around 200
The franchise had been warned over and over to lower the temperature, guy refused
Old lady was a passenger in the car, asked for a holder, cardboard tray, was refused only for milkshakes
The lid on the cup did not fit, had ordered wrong size, owner refused to order the correct size until back stock was used, had been a lot of complaints about lids coming off
This was before most cars had cupholders
The burns liquified the skin on her genitals and ass, sealed them shut
Was a great liability case, what happens to an owner who decides not to give a shit about safety, case changed the way many companies handle franchisees, rule are a lot more strict now