Why is Chinese food so fucking nasty? Sweet as fuck and super fucking salty with literally no other flavor profiles baka
Why is Chinese food so fucking nasty? Sweet as fuck and super fucking salty with literally no other flavor profiles baka
Stop eating at ghetto 99-cent takeout shitholes retard.
I eat at Panda Express though
are you kidding me? my chinese parents complained just yesterday about some place's sweet and sour spare ribs, not enough salt or sweetness, it was fine IMO. Good tofu and mushrooms though, nice and chunky.
I love chinese food and the OP image one looks so good
Your Chinese parents sound like typical degenerate amerilards. How much do you fuckers weigh?
>Stop eating at shitty takeout shitholes, fat retard
nice homemade chinese food bro
I thought Panda Express was pretty authentic though? They always advertise the,selves as being so and the food seems pretty Chinese so...?
I'm Canadian
170lb, was 200, aiming for 150 so no bully.
thanks Veeky Forums
>posts pic of American fast food garbage
Never change Veeky Forums.
It didnt used to be that way where every Chinese restaurant tastes the exact same. Try the lemon chicken, at least its not covered in molasses.
you're not helping your point by using such an appetizing looking picture
panda express is to chinese food as olive garden is to italian
quints confirm
I don't understand this analogy
How tall?
they're both disgusting
very nice
quints dont lie
I defy you to find better table bread than olive garden.
u got me there
Go to Cheesecake Factory
red lobster
Panda is a good fast food source for a lot of protein brah. Just skip on the rice for veggies.
There are numerous fast food places that provide better resources for protein
Like what?
Maybe I'm overestimating, but I don't think their that bad. You can stay under 500 calories and stillg et a good heap of protein.
McNuggets are very solid for protein and all your macros.
>10 pieces
>410 calories
>26g carbs
>23g fat
>26g protein
booster juice has the same protein and is tastier and super convenient, not really cheap though
Finally a decent post
>booster juice
Is that what they call jizz these days?
>All Italians eat is table bread.
Your post comes across as either confusing or simply misguided and I implore you to think again before posting.
It's called harmonizing the five flavors, you barbarian.
>using pounds instead of kilograms
nice try Liberia
It's because you're a stupid American with no taste bud to the point where the only Chinese restaurants that do well nation wide is those that offer shit tier chinese food.
hoisin sauce is like 50% sugar
Get the mothafuckin moo shoe pork. Ya got ya pancrepes, ya hoisin sauce, and ya shredded pig and vegtables. Ain't no mothafuckin sugar in that, mothafucka.
I am russian living in PRC and I can say that chinese food is shit. Thank God we have some supermarkets with russian food here.
How is it more convienant than fast food? Are you too lazy to chew your food?
Its a leafistan thing
Holy shit that pic
>magical thinking is a good way to approach literally everything
>trolling this shittily
Ya dun goofed
Chinese food is great for when you want to eat a shit ton of food for a small amount of cash. I went to some tiny Chinese restaurant in Spain once when I was blitzed beyond repair. Forgot about those portion sizes and I ordered about 5 or 6 different dishes. The food barely fit on the table but I felt like a king.
Kek saved
nice triplets too
only way to do it properly, kudos
>I'm Canadian
That's not how it works, Chang.
do you ever see chinese people eating panda express??
think i might head down to chinatown tomorrow, what kind of wacky shit should i order
Live carp in bean curd. I had it in NY chinatown and it was quite good. It isn't served live, but they pull it from a tank just before cooking.
get some chicken feet
alternatively, their bakeries look different enough to be interesting, but not so different as to be disgusting
seen it and it looked delicious, but i will be getting carryout so seafood is probably a bad idea
never tried chicken feet, not sure how to even eat them? definitely swinging by a bakery though, like me some rousong bao
>not sure how to even eat them?
Same way as eating wings. Hold them and nibble off the meat.
no idea how you eat them, just think they look pretty bad and the idea of someone having an unpleasant meal over something they know they like just because they asked for advice from a laotian frottage network tickled me
Quints is truth
that's only because old chinese are super cheap and don't eat out while second generation chinese are super pretentious when it comes to food in a desperate attempt to cling to a culture they've never really experienced.
Quints are love, quints are life; I'd let someone with quints fuck my wife.
Include me in the cap
american chinese food is more american than it is chinese
It's literally the WMAF hapa of cuisine
Yep. I've had American and Singaporean chinese food. Just worlds different. American chinese food have a tendency to drown everything in sugar and corn flour. Not a fan of it.
There are good and bad Amchinese joints just like there are good and bad American diners, American burger joints, etc
Also, you can get stuff blasted in corn flour in Singapore if that rocks your boat
fuck I miss egg foo young or however its spelled
like I give a shit if it's culturally chinese or not. the chinese eat dogs.
>been working at Panda Express as a kitchen lead for the past 3 months
>good food
Ask me anything
>Ask me anything
Where did you work before that?
>second generation chinese are super pretentious when it comes to food in a desperate attempt to cling to a culture they've never really experienced
I like how that's your go-to answer to explain why Chinese people don't eat at fucking Panda Express
passportless flyovers who have never had anything better than fast-food tier ''''chinese''''' '''''food''''' need a reason to think good food is "bullshit"
it's the same guy who says fine dining is a liberal hoax and there is no such thing as differences between vinho verde and LBV port, and then in the next post he'll write an extremely nuanced opinion on the exact differences between pepsi max and diet pepsi and which one he likes better and why people who like the other one (or don't care about the difference) are plebs
Small scale agriculture work in New England where I grew up. Moved to a flyover temporarily and couldn't find a job in my field so I found a job in fast food. Returning to my old job in a few weeks once I move back. Very easy job with decent pay out of the gates for fast food btw
Why did you think a box of peppers was the a good picture to tie to your post?
It's a spicy photo, user!
>Hoisin sauce
>no sugar
This, also you won't get real chinese food unless you go at least somewhere near Asia. Anything you get in the US or western countries won't be close.
Well, Chinese food is more than deep fried chicken and sweet and salty sauces but that's mainly what 'beetus 'murricans want so that's what's sold in the states.
>it's the same guy who says fine dining is a liberal hoax and there is no such thing as differences between vinho verde and LBV port, and then in the next post he'll write an extremely nuanced opinion on the exact differences between pepsi max and diet pepsi and which one he likes better and why people who like the other one (or don't care about the difference) are plebs
you just blew my mind. i never thought about it that way. ive consumed tons of gutter trash food enough to articulate their subtle complexities, yet havent eaten enough yuppie crap to do the same. granted, i still think fine dining is massively overpriced especially compared to cooking for yourself