Do fast food joints serve burgers with avocado on them in your country?

Do fast food joints serve burgers with avocado on them in your country?
It's pretty common here in Chile. They're usually referred to as "italian".

Yes. Here in Italy, they're usually referred to as "chilean".

Why italian? We have them but its advertised as a southwestern/californian thing

Yes but I don't go to fast food joints to eat gourmet superfoods.

Yes. Here in America, they're usually referred to as "communist"

Yes here in Brazil they ate referred as "Mexican"

Subway had Avocado dip temporary but it didn't catch on.

I tried it once...I actually never had avocado before, is it supposed to taste like green leaves puree?

Avocado is still too advanced for most of america. That's why taco bell hardly includes it in any products.

I live in Flyover, USA, and people have been eating avocados in large amounts since the 90s.

Avocado is popular in Chile and California because these two territories have a long story of trade since the 19th century.
By the way, calling something italian because it has avocado is retarded af
>Fome la wea po

The name comes from "italian hotdogs" which are hotdogs topped with avocado, tomato and homemade mayo which is more white than yellow; these being the colors of the Italian flag.
It's pretty dumb.

In America, that's called a Mexican or a Sonoran hot dog.


As in the Sonoran desert, or the Mexican state named after it.

I also disagree with that user. Avocado has become very ubiquitous in the U.S. Guacamole is becoming one of the most popular Super Bowl dishes. That's about as culturally mainstream as it gets. The avocado-hating redneck vs. avocado-loving hipster thing is an internet meme.

Live in California, I just add my own avocado to everything.

Bump for other countries

The naming isnt that dumb imo. What dumb is putting mayo on it in the first place.
God forbit I forgot to specifically state that I dont want any fuckin mayo on my dogger...

If they do it's called a California burger. Basically anything with added avocado is California style, kinda like putting pineapple on it makes it Hawaiian

Taco Bell's CEO Greg Creed has literally said Taco Bell hardly puts guac in anything because people complain.

You vastly overestimate the extent to which the average american is cultured.

Southern border states in the US all use avocado like crazy. Never been to California, but I'm sure they use it there a bunch too. Texas, Florida, shit like that.

Subway still has guacamole, I worked there for about a month and I never once saw someone get it

Unless you're actually from the middle of the country and know what people who live there eat from first hand experience, you don't know what the fuck you're talking about.

Of course people complain. The guacamole at TB is awful.

you are probably one of those people who think 90% of guys play video games just cause every one you know plays them.

> avocado
Common here in the US, but I lose a bit of respect for people who order their burger with this shit on it
