How do you cu/ck/boys feel about Starbucks?

How do you cu/ck/boys feel about Starbucks?

Starbucks is basically Seven Eleven in most areas now... & there's always a homeless guy treating starbucks as his personal living room & toilet.

All the kids go to Blue Bottle or Philz nowadays...

I don't have Starbucks where I live. Is it true what they say, that it is -the- hangout place for snobby upper middle class teenage/young adult white girls?

i work there.
i would never buy our product.

overpriced shit

Ranges from terrible to acceptable to genuinely good, depending on what you get.

Don't care for their coffee. I enjoy a caramel frappuccino as a sweet treat.

Overpriced, and usually over-sweetened. More cream and sugar sludge than actual coffee.

They do sell just coffee. You don't have to get a mixed drink

It's not as bad as it was 10 years ago. The trendiness has died off and teens are more anti-corporate now than they were.

How much does a coffee cost there?

Depends, but just a medium cup of Pike's Place, their standard mediocre roast, is like $2-2.50. They've got other better roasts you can get for the same price, but if you get there in the afternoon they might not be brewed, and most of their baristas are pretty shit at doing a pour over.

If the place has a Clover, it's worth using. A Reserve is gonna set you back a little more, ranging from $3.50 to $5, but it's a genuinely good cup of coffee, and worth the cost in my opinion.

The sugary blends are absolutely disgusting. I never tried the coffee by itself. Teas are pretty good though.

The only thing I think they make well is Cate Lattes. And by extension their Espressos are ok.

They overroast their beans in the normal coffee, why I only expect because that way they can convince people to pay more for their sugary overpriced drinks. I mean yeah a Caremel Machiato is tasty but so is a Milky Way Bar.

Fraps are ok, but they're pretty damn unhealthy, might as well just eat some Ice Cream.

Ordered an iced latte cafe for 5 bucks at Starbucks once. It was literally 70% ice and 30% milk with coffee. It was the first and last time I've ordered at Scambucks.

I like the caramel machiato but not as a coffee drink. Mainly for something sweet like hot chocolate when it's cold. It doesn't really resemble coffee to me. If I want just black coffee I'll make it at home or go to a gas station for like $1

I like vanilla beans


I boycott Starbucks because they serve shit.

It's alright not my first pick, I'm more thrilled to go to a Big B than Starbucks though, they are from my home state and like to pour my money into my own states business's

Only ever had it once and wouldn't get it again. There are much better options in my area.