Can they make zero calorie diet food version of snickers, burger, etc? They managed to do it for diet soda, why not with food as well?
Can they make zero calorie diet food version of snickers, burger, etc? They managed to do it for diet soda...
Because some morons drink soda as their primary source of hydration and the cola companies were forced to do that to cater to them. No-one just sits there eating snickers every goddamn hour of the day.
Yes they do, take a look at OP
Actually I do. Not Snickers but I prefer to eat 3 Musketeers. I eat at least 6/day with ice cream for dessert after my meals and sometimes an extra as a snack.
Yep this is Veeky Forums alright
how fat are you? jesus christ...
You get diet snickers.
Zero calories
Exactly the same taste and texture
The only downside is it will give you burning, stinging diarrhea
Would you eat diet snickers?
OP being an abject retard aside, I was wondering this recently. The mouthfeel and taste of fat is something we experience due to its physical molecular composition. I wonder if it's possible to produce something with a similar composition to add richness to things without fat's caloric density.
I shit into a bag. No nerve endings are involved, so I don't experience any stinging. So, sure.
People still eat 3 musketeers? Fucking worst candy bar available.
>somewhat chubby
>used to get a snickers bar every once in a while during break
>want to cut weight
>want to do it properly so inform myself on what I should do and calorie counting
>going pretty well
>come across a snickers bar
>curious about the calorie amount since I've never bothered to look at it
>it more calorie dense than 200g of chicken breast
If is him, probably noy very.
Colostomy bags interrupt digestion, so you don't get everything out of what you eat. My mother ate like 10k calories a day and was still skeletal and needed IV nutrition.
>eat fruit and vegetable all day
>starving hungry all day all night
>eat a large meaty/carby brunch
>dont feel hungry till dinnertime
fuck eating
Does diet soda really have zero calories, lads? I've never trusted that because it sounds a bit too good to be true. There's got to be a catch apart from tasting worse.
Eating sweet things without ingesting sugars plays havoc with your dietary hormones, often just making you hungrier.
That's all, though.
It's just carbonated water, flavoring, and artificial sweetener. Where would the calories come from?
digestion does not occur in the colon, only the small intestine, so unless she had a ileostomy and you misspoke or a massive small bowel resection you're talking shit
I'm not OP
And it's just an ileostomy, I still digest all of my solid food (but have to take particular care staying hydrated)
It could be done but it'd be expensive and give you cancer fast
>tfw replacing all junk food cravings with seasoned baked chicken thighs
>unless she had (...) a massive small bowel resection you're talking shit
That she did. Before she died she had something like 30% small intestine remaining, because VA doctors are incompetent retards.
I don't know, but the
>potassium benzoate
>artificial sweeteners
aren't exactly putting me at ease.
They tried it once, it gave people uncontrollable diarrhea because it turns out that non digestible fat is the equivalent of giving yourself a vegetable oil suppository
Diet soda is still fattening
Calories is a measure of energy, the reason not watching them is bad is because if you don't use the fuel it piles up and becomes fat
Now you're just fat and weak
>Forced to cater
Companies sell products
Selling, they make money
They want money
They see a market
They take it
Nobody forced the company
Why would they be "forced" into accommodating for more profit
The fuck?
Christ this generation really is nothing but fucking betas. Arrogant fucking betas who think they know more than everyone including the men in white coats and hype themselves up on what the latest blog tells them.
Just kill yourself before you breed.
t. Soda industry employee
What does this t. Shit mean?
most diet soda has like 1-5 kcal / 100ml depending on the sweetener, food coloring and taste agents
I guarantee there are worse things in the meat you eat daily
i wonder who could be behind this post?
Lurk moar
you can make it with monk fruit, but the demand is too low
check these macros
gonna need some sauce on that bold claim
I've always heard that, but it's never done that to me.
That picture is just proif that snickers are vastly superior
The ice cream people are getting close to a very low calorie substitute that doesn't.
What does that mean?
The colon does absorb any remaining nutrients and something like 10% of carbs. I had a fairly high colostomy for over a year and struggled maintain weight on my usual diet despite having a healthy appetite. The nutritionist had me start supplementing with shakes and smoothies.
>zero calorie candy bar
It would essentially be artificially sweetened wood pulp and probably taste even worse than a bottom-shelf protein bar without the protein.
Google Walden Farms
thanks doctor broscience
Diet soda isn't actually zero calories.
>Puting barbecue sauce on my chicken tendies
>Fucked up and used pancake syrup instead
>Continue eating...
It only had these side effects in a small amount of retards who eat family sized bags of potato chips and consume very little fiber.
I'm still pissed off about it. I would love to be able to buy a bottle at the store and do 0 calorie frying.
There's some new product on the horizon, I think it's only useful in sweets like chocolate though and not as a cooking fat or butter replacement.
probably more paraffin wax than wood pulp.