>tfw tap water is full of unfiltered, nonbiodegradable estrogen pissed out by women on birth control and recycled back into the water supply
>tfw plastic bottled water is full of xenoestrogens that seep in from the plastic like Bisphenol A
>tfw glass bottled water isn't safe either because the glass is cleaned with detergents full of xenoestrogens like alkylphenol
>tfw every sip of this garbage you take you are lowering your testosterone, decreasing your fertility, mutating your sperm, and increasing your risk of prostate cancer
Tfw tap water is full of unfiltered...
Other urls found in this thread:
Ahhh, it won't hurtcha! The dose makes the poison, after all.
Case in point about this generation being filled with beta fucking nu-males who are literally afraid of the tap water.
You don't know fuck all but what you eat from /pol/'s rotten asshole. Kill yourself before you breed.
>tfw too redpilled to drink liquids
>going to die of thirst because the government is trying to kill off smart people by poisoning everyone else
What is a water filter
Don't listen to the shills OP. You have a valid point but what are the alternatives? We need water to live right?
No wonder there are so many traps and beta numales lately
Every single thing in that post is a fact that has been known for over twenty years, you pitiful fucking retard. Here's a documentary on it from the notorious alt-right Stormfront news organization, the BBC.
The ground water itself is contaminated anyway, so there's no significant difference between tap water and bottled water from a spring.
And I don't think I've ever seen a water bottle made from a BPA-containing plastic, I'm in Europe though.
They are turning the frogs gay.
Last year or so I've got really into ts porn. I blame the water. It never appealed before.
>Wat is a scientific study
And I just skipped through it randomly and the dude said the estrogenic compounds are fat-soluble so they're not stored in the water, they're stored in the animals. So +1 for "nu-male" veganism I guess
Case in point about this generation being filled with beta fucking nu-males who are literally afraid of the tap water.
That's not even a xenoestrogen you fucking moron. Do you even understand what you're talking about anymore, or does MUH CHEEEMMMICUUUUULLLLLSSS just blur together in your rotted out frontal lobes?
The alternative is drinking fresh, untainted water from a natural spring, but that's sadly just not feasible for a vast majority of people. There's no avoiding xenoestrogens in day-to-day life and the global economy is far too dependent on the products that contain them to even consider changing. This was a dire crisis twenty years ago when it was first discovered and absolutely nothing has changed since then. Oh, but worry about the ice caps hundreds of years from now, goy.
I never said anything about xenoestrogens. All I said was that they're turning the frogs gay.
>You have a valid point but what are the alternatives?
Tap water and an Reverse-osmosis filter. Problem solved.
>vegetables and fruits are covered in pesticides
>meat and dairy is pumped full of hormones
>the water is contaminated
i wonder what will come next
this is why I only drink red bull
Actually atrazine is a xenoestrogen.
Vaccines carry the Autism virus
This is the culmination of the helicopter parenting generation. Kids raised to be afraid of everything.
Maybe there's actually a problem?
the problem is that you put a question mark at the end of a declarative sentence
>boil water
>filter water
Case closed. Stop tinfoilin'.
Thank god. Less people is obviously a good thing. And we all get to look a bit cuter
So...I'm going to buy a boat, move north and start collecting icebergs to melt and sell....shit, someone's already doing that.
That was definitely a question.
This guy knows what's up. Goddamn conspiritards jumping at shadows lmao like take a Xanax rofl go to sleep lol
You never wondered why I drink only distilled water, or rain water, and only pure-grain alcohol?
only 3rd world countries have shitty tap water like that
Easily explained by huge increase in excessive masturbation which does in fact reduce sperm quality
You clueless, naive soul.
So here's a question, if all this is true and we are deliberately being poisoned...
What do you think the rich people and the elite are drinking? I have a hard time believing they don't drink tap water or bottled water
My boss (the owner of the company I work for) installed an elaborate filtration system to remove the chemtrail residue and morgellons pathogens in the office kitchen
He probably has the same thing at home
Just buy a water filter and take super male vitality *tm
Why wouldn't you want to become the cute girl? I'm having my nuts removed pretty soon to accelerate the process!~
Le Wacky Water Filter Man is deep state-sponsored controlled opposition with no integrity or spine.
cute boys are better than mutilated boys, you'll never be a real girl.
No wonder you 'Merican white males have all become cucked pussies.
Modern day millenial white males = pathetic, self hating cucks.
This tbqh senpai
>Why wouldn't you want to become the cute girl?
The modern day Millenial white male, everybody.
Beta White Males: so pathetic they make Asian males look like BULL STUDS.