How does Veeky Forums feel about the various lunch loafs?
How does Veeky Forums feel about the various lunch loafs?
Reminds me of childhood in the worst ways possible. I can't stomach the shit as an adult. Don't get me started on bologna or mock chicken, either.
Non-American here, what the fuck is this?
I've worked in a Supermarket Deli for close to a year now. The only people that order "___ Loaf" are senior citizens, and I assume they do that because it's cheap and it reminds them of the shitty lunchmeats they ate as a child. I've never seen someone under the age of 50 order Dixie, Pepper, Old-Fashioned, or P&P (OP) Loaf.
WTF is that thing? You actually eat that right? It's not a decoration?
I like them. I even make them from time to time. Olive loaf is my favourite to make. Real cheap, too. 89¢/lb for fatty pork mince, 50¢ for seasoning, spices and stuff per 2lbs of mince, 25¢ for the binder and $1 for the olives. Total of $3.53 for 2lbs of lunch loaf ain't a bad deal at all.
Loaf is the product of the ingenuity of German immigrants, it's a favorite of old white guys
Haggard shit that only old folks eat
Only problem is: because there are no preservatives besides salt in the homemade v the factory made versions of luncheon loaf, the homemade one needs to be frozen. I slice it up and freeze it for longterm keeping. I'm not gonna eat 2lbs of lunch meat quickly enough that I can store it in the fridge without worry.
Ihr seid ausnahmslos allesamt Spasten
Leberkäse ist saugeil
Scheiss Barbarenpack
I must be an old white guy, then. Cuz I love the stuff and make them a few times per year.
so it's sort of like a pate but really cheap and nasty with some other ingredients thrown in?
I'm guessing it's set and sliced so not like pate.
Almond Bros... newfag here...
It's more like baloney or hot dogs, it's sort of like a soft sausage
yummy yummy leberkase on a roll with mustard yum yum YUM!
That's looks fucking terrible a disease.
>Non-American here
No one gives a fuck dude, shut up.
With language like that I have a feeling you look like the shit you posted.
ew why the fk is it melting?
Looks like either fat or cheese
Fuck yeah man. I just tried the headcheese by Boars Head, tasted like garlicky corned beef, the gelatin texture took a second to get used to but it was pretty good
>ew why the fk is it melting?
It's set with gelatin. If the gelatin gets warm, or sits out and absorbs moisture from the air then it melts.
it's cheese this is kaseleberkase or "cheese liver cheese"
C'mon, we all know you've seen forcemeat in more ways than one.
North Carolinian here, what the fuck is this?
(also you stupid faggot)
>mock chicken
what the fuck is that?
I LOVE Boar's Head olive loaf and everyone I know hates it so I buy it and nobody steals it from me. Literally the best lunch meat.
Gross. I always hated lunch at my grandparent's house because they would have sandwiches made with stuff like that (and packaged white bread ofc). I never complained, but no me gusta.
looks like a bunch of cysts
mortadella on a buttered soft roll
I gave ur mum some forcemeat
I haven't eaten them but it sounds like a great idea. Most deli """meats""" are loaves of meat parts and fillers anyway, why not throw in some peppers and shit
It's basically forcemeat plus pickles/cheese/spices/etc. and a bonding agent that's put into a mould. It's still popular on the east coast and in areas with lots of Germans but it used to be popular everywhere a few generations ago - hence its association with the elderly.
I'm sorry. But Europe and Asia have their own version. Leberkäse, luncheon meat, Maling.
The best
Oh, I recognise it now. This is nice in thin slices.
>thin slices.
Should be at least an inch-thick.
Same. I had a lady come in the other day who bought like 3 kinds of loaf and slicing it was awful. smelled like shit
... Literally mock chicken
The kind in my country tastes like ass when thick. Maybe it's different.
Why is Veeky Forums full of picky children now?
Mortadella and headcheese are GOAT.
Go look next to the bologna and you will find head cheese and souse meat and other loafs. I promise.
> fellow north carolinian
Must suck not to be able to get good head cheese. But if you like pickled foods they make a pickled head cheese called so use meat