Does liking rainbow cake make me gay?
Does liking rainbow cake make me gay?
Pretty much. Yeah.
You start eating rainbow cakes and the next thing you know you'll be guzzling some dicks in a back alley and it won't even occur to you to question how you got there.
That's how it happened to me. It was either that or not filtering my water. Now I have an unquenchable thirst for boipussy. Please learn from my example and don't make my mistakes.
Yes. It usually tastes like shit because to compensate for the level of effort put into making it, people tend to use cheap and shitty cake recipes. Not to mention excessive use of food dye is just plain juvenile and stupid. There are way superior cakes out there, would recommend you upgrade
making this thread made op gay
boipucci isn't gay if you do it from behind!
What does boipucci taste like?
I mean in a way, since you either need a lot of cake pans or you're making layers and then reusing pans. Sounds pretty gay.
>What does boipucci taste like?
Basically like a boibocce ball that's been used for a full game in the middle of a dog park.
lick the inside fold of your elbow
no but being a faggot does
I've only seen a rainbow cake once IRL and it was at a birthday party where the token faggot brought it so he could show off how gay he was, and he tried to play up the straight ally thing but people weren't biting.
I didn't have any, I don't want to get aids.
Yes, because the excessive food coloring makes it taste even worse than a walmart cake so there's no way you like it for the taste unless you're from some 3rd-world country where you need to trade sex to get sugar.
Dw OP we can read "getting pounded in the butt by my own butt" by Chuck Tingle together while I fuck the living shit out a rainbow cake and make you a cuck
Yes OP. There are literally no steps between eating rainbow cake and eating a guy's ass.
shut your whore mouth, nigger. mo cake can only make you more fabalous.
>boibocce ball
yes pls
>It was either that or not filtering my water
Are you a frog, user?
oh god why do people do this. it doesn't even look like food at this point
real cake should be well-balanced. you take ingredients that make a tasty cake and only then you arrange them so they look nice.
this monstrocity looks like it just tastes of sugar, cream and nasty canned dough
>this monstrocity looks like it just tastes of sugar, cream and nasty canned dough
That's how all american cakes taste like. Cannot understand how do you not get sick just from looking at them, let alone eat this shit.
Now, that schwarzwald looks absolytely gorgeous
It's not even a fucking rainbow. Real ranibows have 7 colors
schwarzwald is probably my favorite cake honestly, the balance between cherries, chocolate and cream is unbeatable
a good schwarzwald is always a safe bet
It wont make you gay, 'cus you were gay from the beginning.
upvoted for truth
OP is racist against indigo.
>That's how all american cakes taste like
>Now, that schwarzwald looks absolytely gorgeous
You guys realize a bunch of your former compatriots come here, right?
They start bakeries and sell black forest cakes to other Americans.
America isn't magic- it doesn't make poor little Europeans go through some transformation sequences into lil' rascal bound blobs the moment they step onto our soil.