Do you put butter on a peanut butter and jelly sandwich?
Do you put butter on a peanut butter and jelly sandwich?
Isn't that like 1/3 of the ingredients?
I put bananas on a pb&j sandiwch
jelly a shit
pb and bread only
but for real, no, but some of my family eat something called pb&b.
This a joke?
Peanut butter is the name of the shit inside the jar, not what's outside of it, plus unsalted butter.
Look, butter is one of, if not the, greatest ingredients of all time (you know a recipe is good when it calls for a stick or more), but come on. It's a PB&J. It's a classic for a reason.
PB&J does not need butter.
Cheddar on PB&J is awesome, especially if it's toasted.
American breakfast foods are literally dessert.
Coupled with the fact that american white bread is so sweet it's practically cake, you're smearing sugary fruit goo on top of an extremely calorie dense peanut paste.
You know they use literal packets of peanut butter as a nutrition aid to keep starving kids in africa from dying, right?
The sandwich in the picture is probably 1000 calories all by itself.
Don't forget the milk, that's another 500 calories because you drink a whole glass, right?
>a glass of milk is 500cal
>a pbj is 1000
Peanut butter and jelly sandwiches aren't a breakfast food.
Did you put the whole jar of peanut butter and drink a quarter of milk?
The fuck are you on about fatass
Peanut butter and honey is where it's at.
I know you're kidding but the concept makes me nauseous.
My grandmother used to put butter, peanut butter and jelly on a sandwich. She was from Vermont though and their freaky-doo shit was just whatever she was doing. Tasted great all the same.
She freaked her shit when she had real syrup from her state. It was like when I get our huckleberry jam elsewhere.
>when non-Americans are so sure of themselves that they think PBJ is a breakfast item and that two thin slices of break, a table spoon of peanut butter and a table spoon of jam are 1000 calories.
Only if the bread is toasted, and even then not often. Depends on the jelly/jam.
>a glass of milk is 500
Move aside plebs
No, but I can see the appeal of it.
t. nigger.
If it's PB&J in the pan, I'd say its required
imagine the gainz...
2 slices white bread: 140
1 tbsp Peanut butter: 100
1 tbsp jam/jelly: 50
2 cups of milk: 200
Total: 490 calories
When I was a kid my grandfather did, and then he'd get pissed when I'd whine about butter being on my PB&J. Then he'd call me a faggot and whip me with an electric cord.
I eat peanut butter on toast with butter. I don't care for the Amerifat jelly meme.
Toasted Marshmallow&Banana > PBnShit
only if you use real peanuts not peanuts butter
2 slices of bread buttered side down
on one
peanut butter
sliced bananas
chocolate shavings
on the other
sprinkle on small marshmallows
hit them real quick with a salamander if you got one
close and serve preferably with a nice cold glass of whole milk
>slice with honey
>slice with jam
>toast 1 piece and then put PB on both sides
>put the PB piece in between the two other pieces
Strawberry preserves are the true "jelly" in a peanut butter and jelly sandwich
These are facts
depends, do you put meat on a vegan sandwich?
One slice bread with liverpaste, put a slice on that, put peanut butter, roasted crispy onions and pepper on that, top it off with another slice. Trust me.
A peanut, butter and jelly sandwich
Semi-related question, but what other sweet sandwiches are there besides the pb&j? Other than honey, that one's obvious.
PB and Banana is the best.
PB and Apple also acceptable.
Blackberry preserves are the correct ideal pairing with Peanut Butter in this timeline.