hi Veeky Forums a gril from my work convinced me to buy tempeh. what the heck can/should i do with it?
Hi Veeky Forums a gril from my work convinced me to buy tempeh. what the heck can/should i do with it?
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Ive had it in a curry before. Was satisfied. Better than tofu imo
You can make vegan bacon.
It looks like peanuts frozen into a block
>Better than tofu imo
does it taste different? or is it mostly just a texture thing?
I distinctly remember it was tastier than tofu. They nsy have soaked it in salt or otherwise marinated it. . who knows. But ive never enjoyed any tofu dish for what its worth
Only tried it once. Tasted earthy and had a coarse texture. Didn't like it all that much.
fair enough. i was always very hesitant and reluctant to try tofu and the like, but i definitely enjoy it more than i thought i would. it makes great backpacking food because it doesn't spoil as easily as meet
coat in tumeric powder and fry
season with a small amount of salt
It's a cheap and easily made snack.
fuck her op
this sounds tasty. i don't have any tumeric powder in the house, but i will definitely have to try it in the future.
You're in the friend-zone bro.
i plan on it. we're going camping with my friend and his girlfriend this weekend
Season and fried it.
Eat with hot rice and sambal.
That's the way they do it in Indonesia.
thanks user what do you usually season it with? do you use tumeric as well?
Extreme version will use crushed garlic, shallots, etc. No, not turmeric. It's messy. Indonesians try not to use powder stuff like Pajeets.
Honestly, if you like the taste, salt and pepper are enough. Just slice thinly and pan fry it.
Sambal, you can get from Asian shops.
>Indonesians try not to use powder stuff like Pajeets.
interesting haha it blows my mind that i can just go online and get indonesian cuisine tips from someone who's actually in indonesia. thanks again
Actually, Indonesia is blocked by Veeky Forums. They shitpost too much.
t. Indonesian.
>avoid powder stuff like pajeets
lmao dude I'm chinese and it's literally one of the best ways to make cheap, filling tempe snacks with minimal prep that I've learned from a malay friend.
also, your govt's Internet Positif campaign really is a pain in the ass eh
Not Internet Positiv. Veeky Forums really blocked a few countries because of excessive shitposting. One of them is Indonesia.
Wikipedia said you soak it in brine and then deep fry it.
I meant using raw turmeric is messy.
you can make fried tempeh with soy sauce
you know when civet cats eat coffee fruits and they poop out the beans? That's what tempeh looks like
thanks for that
Should've asked her to bring you some instead of buying it like a cuck. You could be like MMM GOOD BUT PROBABLY NOT AS GOOD AS YOUR JUICY CUNNY ;))))
marinade in soy, ginger, garlic and chilli
This is good. I would slice the tempeh quite thin, so it turned out crispy.
Vegan here. Tempeh is the worst faux meat you can buy, and is usually miles more expensive than the tofu or seitan sitting right next to it.
The texture is flavorless soy nuts bound by tortilla dough. Flavor never penetrates it, and however you prepare it, it will still be disgusting.
You got memed
This. Seitan is way better. Plus it's made of wheat so it keeps the estrogen-in-soy nutjobs quiet.
Nothing. It's disgusting hipster shit.
>wheat gluten
You get a whole nother category of nutjobs though
You are buying some shitty tempeh, m'lady. Stop buying ready-made shit and start making your own. Especially seitan. Who the hell buys seitan with a 600% markup when all you need to to is add water and wash. Are you simple minded perhaps?
So OP invited the girl over to show him how to make the food, they watched a documentary about factory farms, than he made sweet sweet love to her for 2 minutes while she made overly enthusiastic gestures and he unexplainably went soft.
>t. Indonesian
Go piss on Suharto's grave for me, would ya?
if it tastes bitter as fuck to you, you can boil it first to take out some of the bitterness.
personally i think it tastes disgusting.
Don't live in that piece of shit country anymore.
Personally, I think tourists would have better experience in Singapore or Malaysia. Don't go to the retard country called Indonesia.
I do make my own seitan you fag. This is a cooking board, after all. I also don't have to buy deluxe salt from a French lake to know that all salt is salty.
I also prefer Chinese version of seitan to tempeh. Too bad, couldn't find a good recipe for the Chinese version.
>Needs recipes
Are you simple minded perhaps?
Why so mean? If you need help, just talk with your friends or parents.
No need to aggro anons.
So that's why I can't post from my phone back home. Do i need to use a VPN when I get back?
VPN is also banned from Veeky Forums.
To avoid shitposting.
>blocks Indonesia because of excessive shitposting
>Nah we don't need to block 'Straya
Indonesian shitposters must have been truly legendary
Why don't you ask her cuck.
holy shit Indonesia is my favorite country now