>there are people living on this earth that dont like dark chocolate
what the fuck is wrong with them?
Eating dark chocolate is so much more pleasurable for me than milk chocolate because the strong taste
Milk is just so boring compared
There are people living on this earth that dont like dark chocolate
Who here vanilla masterrace?
Sugar addicts don't appreciate a nice bitter.
I don't """"like"""" dark chocolate but I appreciate it as it kills my Chocolate cravings.
Also I define Dark as >80%.
I could tolerate 99% chocolate when I was on keto, absolutely bonkers. But I enjoy dark chocolate in general.
I generally avoid chocolate. I dont trust it
I like both. I like dark choclate when I'm reading or something so I can take my time with it. But sometimes I was a richer treat, like with my coffee in the morning so I spring for milk chocolate
any tips on where to get chocolate that strong? Seems like something i'd have to order online the stores near me arent exactly exotic
reporting in
Why? Did chocolate steal your gf?
It's not that hard to find. Lindt makes one
Live in a first-world country.
>There are people who don't drink black coffee
Is sweet really the only flavor you know user?
My man.
Dark chocolate gives me killer migraines. It's a devil candy.
Man the coffee at my work tastes fucking awful but I can't justify to myself spending money on better stuff so I drown it in also free cream and sugar.
>I can't justify to myself spending money on better stuff
What the hell, user. Life is not worth living without good coffee. Set your priorities straight.
Chocolate is a meme
How does this make you feel?
>because the strong taste
Your own shit has a strong taste too, do you eat that?
>the only thing that stops me from eating my own shit is the taste
this is all I got from your post
You can buy this stuff at just about every supermarket around here.
I hate it because it tastes like bitter shit, but I can tolerate it. I also tolerate milk chocolate. I basically don't like chocolate at all.
>Used to drink coffee with milk and sugar
>took out the milk
>took out the sugar
>bought high quality Ethopian Coffee
>bought aeropress
Literally nectar of the gods, I was so confused, was it supposed to taste this fruity and subtle? Every morning is just pleasure drinking high qual cof.
Instant is literally shit in a jar.