Just bought 4 of these to prepare dinner
Just bought 4 of these to prepare dinner
Other urls found in this thread:
Have fun with your shitty ass low grade dollar store meat.
You bet I will
Salt, pepper. sear in butter with garlic and shallots, deglaze with red wine. Makes a wonderful sauce.
Remember, a steak is only bad when you fuck up making it. The quality of the meat only matters if you're any good.
>Remember, a steak is only bad when you fuck up making it. The quality of the meat only matters if you're any good.
Uhm... no. That applies if it's something you actually got a grocery store but this shit is literally the worse quality you can get.
>No before picture
Damn nigga, you livin it up.
No kidding. Just washed off the salt rub, will post pictures in a minute.
Moving forward with weirdly discolored steak.
No pussies in this thread.
I eagerly await the results.
Good luck
Rest in piss
Don't forget to give those a nice sea salt sear.
Unfortunately red wine and shallots are off the table, but we have the makings of some decent hoisin beef
bruh I'd make beef and noodles outta that
feed a small mexican family for 3 days and 2 nights
is it really worth sacrificing your life just to make a mildly amusing thread on Veeky Forums?
Wait , how much did you spend on these?
Literally aborted fetuses
Hey good idea. We will.
in response to the 'you're going to die' implication: yeah probably
In America, these steaks are sold in dollar stores, so OP spent around $4 on those.
mothers aren't going to regret their decisions like we are
Post faster OP
from here they almost look like they were intended to be eaten
whats everyone listening to tonight
criminy that was quick
i tried to find good lighting. doesnt exist. not for these pieces of gore.
Don't forget to let it rest and cut against the grain
forgot the pic
This fucken thread. Never change Veeky Forums
You're a brave man OP
you suck at searing
thx bro
we aint done yet.
Napoleon dynamite tier
Those looks disgusting
This should only ever be used for emergency tacos
>we aint done yet
They already look quite terrifying and I am quite concerned about what is going happen next.
(still not done, we've got plans)
>smells like seafood
>maybe my pan isn't clean
lol'd hard
frozen veggies from dollar store
>freezer burn
>imminent death confirmed
tried a tiny piece. I can taste the regret.
garlic, onion, hoisin, a little sesame oil
gonna try dipping them in here and then frying them for a bit
try and describe the taste for those of us who don't have the luxury of living in a country where we can buy this epitomising first world cuisine
saltier than god's cum
Still don't get the joke?
no joke theyre actually a little better now
not edible for anyone with standards higher than your dog's but yeah better than tasting like butthole is still better
let's see if we can't do one more thing to make this at least KIND of appetizing.
sorry, I mean to tell YOU that they were saltier than your dad's ballsack after our vacation to Panama
Did you at least dip it in ketchup?
what's to get
I just want to know how user would have described the taste and now I know
put a single slice of american cheese on one of them
why? why not.
Why would he ruin a garbage tier steak with a shit condiment like that
what are these, fries?
it almost looks like a face aw
well gents time to #die
Don't do it! You have so much to live for!
Not bad, hope the parasites are worth it
Chinese restaurants do this.. mind blown.
So here's the rundown:
Salty, but it's our fault really
Grade Z beef
the potstickers we made on the side (also dollar store) were pretty good
un-fucking-eatable frozen veggies
still TECHNICALLY better than the worst chinese place i ever went to.
i'm actually kind of tempted to try it again, see if we can't do better.
what and waste $4 of perfectly good trash-muscle
why is the camera pointed at her face for a cooking vi- oh yeah, it's a woman
It's literally her just talking in the beginning, nothing is being cooked, and she happens to be really eloquent and well-spoken. Stop sperging out over a non issue.
I'm as much of a "woman hating autist" as the next guy but you're a moron.
Mah niggas. I fall under the woman hating autist umbrella but came here to speak up.
did you watch the video? find me another cooking video where it cuts between the food and a chest and up view of the person's face talking. no one else would frame a camera like they're doing a makeup tutorial for a cooking show
>white-knighting to other anonymous people
Maybe I just want my own shitting on a particular class to mean something? The reason why any criticism of women or a woman is immediately associated with "le woman hating autist" is because some of you spergs actually ARE women hating autists that look for stuff to point out. The boy who cried cunt one too many times.
Shut up loser
Please kick me in the balls
>unironically using "whiteknight"
Faggot you can continue to hate women all you want, but there are far worse and substantial things to warrant your hate for them. This is so inoffensive and a terrible example.
Those actually don't look half bad. If only you used a proper pan and seared them correctly.
>Thinks the dollar store Grade Z beef looks not "half bad"
>Giving advice on how to cook them
Your opinion is worthless.
>unironically using a carcinogen Teflan pan