>you will never enjoy food this much
>you will never enjoy food this much
That's like saying "you will never enjoy heroin this much".
What's your point?
what i dont understand is that if the people around these fat slobs are so worried about the persons weight, why do they continue to feed them fast food?
Try not eating a few days, you will enjoy food far more than this fat fuck ever will.
this. starve the first fuckers. they can't move anyways
not him, but addicts don't necessarily enjoy their addiction. It's more like they cannot go without it. Maybe, if you're a smoker, an alcoholic or MMO addicts, you can understand it
Jesus christ satan calm down with the heroin
>fat as fuck at 200 pounds
>mfw this piece of shit loses my entire weight twice and is still a fucking blob
I didnt eat for 24 hours for fun. Ended up super dehydrated even though I drank like two gallons of water. Woke up with a cold next day
Sounds like you decided not to eat while getting a cold.
But he's not eating food.
Look at his eyes, user. He's not enjoying it at all.
Wrong. I enjoy pic related very very much.
Fuckin this. A month or so eating very little and just the smell of food is better than eating it while you're fat.
I do, I just don't look as good
wasted trips
I'm 14 years old and about as big as that dude. Feels good man.
I just finished a 49 hour fast last night feeling fine. You're a pussy.
>I'm 14 years old