don't talk to me till I've had my coffee
Don't talk to me till I've had my coffee
Is this the new "guy in a flame suit orders black coffee"? I remember you used to get banned for posting that multiple times a week.
>tfw forever alone
>no one to even try to talk to me before coffee
I think that user means >is this meme the new fedoraposting
don't talk to me or my coffee ever again
I wish they made this one for hubby.
>not having anime mugs
>*A portly fellow in a flame shirt waddles to the counter of a Starbucks*
>"What would you like sir?"
>*The atheist squints around the coffee bar, his hands at the sides of his khaki shorts like he had two holsters. With one hand he expertly pulls out his wallet and with the other, he brings the tip of his hat down before placing his order*
>"Coffee. Black."
>*A hush falls over the patrons and staff. Women gush in their panties as whispers from men can't believe what's transpiring. The barista looks like he's about to faint, his grip on the cup furiously shaking as he slides it over the counter to our hero. If this order is taking place in the ghetto, several black people go DAAAAAAAAAAAMN*
>*The cheetoh avenger slaps down a sticky five and a quarter with his hamhock fist before mumbling to no one that they should "keep the change", knowing he's a far more euphoric human being than people that put sugar or milk in their coffee*
You used to post this every day like clockwork. A new thread to replace the old one that got deleted when you got banned. Remember?
not having /mu/ mugs
How do you people have your coffee?
Don't call me or my tea coffee ever again.
With oats.
>me when my bf talks to me before I've had my second cup
with milk if mediocre coffee, black if actually good (great coffee with milk is the equivalent of great whiskey with coke)
My pot of memes lets me post two additional memes a day.
Yeah me too when hubby bothers me for coitus before my morning coffee and bowel movement.
>I use UHT "milk product"
Don't blame the recipe when your ingredients are shit
Good coffee with good milk is the equivalent of good liquor in a good drink. If you've never had a rob roy made with sherry cask aged single malt, you suck at enjoying life
~1:16 ratio
Medium grind, sixth notch on my Skerton
3:15 brew time in the french press
>tfw don't drink caffeine and literally everyone around me is a slave to the coffee bean
What the fuck happened to humanity? Worthless subhumans who require substance abuse to prevent their spiral into madness, all coffee addicts should be shot.
>using a skerton with a french press
Enjoy your fines
I fucking hate this place.
Strong drip brewed coffee, black with 2 sugars in a pint sized cup
*tips waterbottle*
That's why I modded it
Oh god, my sides
By "modded" you mean you completely replaced it with a competent grinder? The shitty 3D printed inserts make it suck slightly less for aeropress and pourover, but it's still a terrible choice for french press, mods or no mods. You're like halfway to a refurbished Encore with all the money you've put into shipping various "hacks". It's like people who buy a gaspipe fixie and then put $400 worth of Chris King bling into it, just why
I never buy UHT, my grandparents had a cow so I always had access to fresh milk as a kid and UHT tastes nothing like it
that being said, adding good milk to god-tier coffee still kills it's taste
The grinder was $25 and the mod was $6 shipped. Either way, fines/sludge really hasn't been an issue. Not sure why your autism is flaring up so hard
And making cheese "kills" the taste of the milk. And cooking beef "kills" the taste of the tartare you could have made. And cooking god tier fish "kills" the taste of the fish, and the refined taste of the maldon salt, and the refined taste of whatever else you used, lemons, capers, wine, soy sauce, ginger, etc.
Clearly we should only ever eat sushi and everything else is for plebs who can't HANDLE raw fish, right?
Or maybe, just maybe, when you get over the shock that some coffee tastes amazing without milk, you'll realize some coffee also tastes amazing with milk.
>Not sure why your autism is flaring up so hard
Don't talk to me until I've had my third cup of coffee
sure, you can make chili con carne with god-tier beef loin, but don't try to tell me you're getting as much flavor as you would from a steak or tartare
unless you have loads of cash using super premium ingredients doesn't make sense unless you use them in a dish where their flavor can actually shine through
>sure, you can make chili con carne with god-tier beef loin
Except that's a bad use of ingredients, based on the flawed premise that more expensive = better
>but don't try to tell me you're getting as much flavor as you would from a steak or tartare
I don't know what you mean by "more flavor", but at face value, chili con carne has quite a bit more flavor than a tartare, yes. At any rate sirloin is better for tartare, if you're chopping your beef up finely enough you need a bit of "bite" in the meat to give a good texture
>unless you have loads of cash using super premium ingredients doesn't make sense
Eh, I think you just have a weird dichotomy in your head where you just lump everything into very broad categories, pick the most expensive from each category, contrast that with the cheapest most awful commodity bulk crap, declare a winner, and then proceed to misuse that ingredient.
A god tier espresso is like $15 for 12 oz bag and is definitely god tier coffee even if it's different from a rare veblen microlot that gets roasted and brewed differently to highlight its specific characteristics. The expensive part of doing coffee with milk is the machinery and wasted beans that go into dialing in a perfect shot, to be then blended with perfect milk. If you're dumping $70/6oz bag esmeralda gesha into a Braun auto drip and then pouring a jar of half and half and 3 scoops of sugar, the fault is entirely yours for not knowing how to use ingredients.
>paying $25 a pop for shitty mugs with poor print quality
ordered an estus flask mug once
immensely regret it
why are we even having this discussion when we basically agree on this matter
> when we basically agree on this matter
But we don't. You have a bizarre prejudice against coffee drinks involving milk, and people who drink them, because you're too busy overreacting to the discovery that some coffee tastes good without it
>love attention too much to post anonymously
>too fucking stupid to put on a tripcode so people can't imitate me
wow yeah this place is the worst amirite
btw i just fucked my mom and shat in her mouth AMA
always enjoyed this
Don't talk to me until I've had my 'cha 'sso
Don't talk to me til I've had my twelve coffees.
I hate this cup.
My grandma had the exact same cup
502 youre on the horn
Hows ghost doing these days? I stopped listening about a month after his comeback. Even radio graftiti was getting boring
Hey I remember both of you.
good seeing you two again.
how was it like losing you're virginity
go into detail
Don't ever reply to me again unless you're actively contributing to the thread.
hey i remember you guys from before!
what's new fellas?
>Don't talk to me until I've had my hot, sugar-filled, bean-water
>Don't talk to me until I've made my inane sarcastic remarks on my mineral, fossilized zooplancton, and proton electron box
Ups and downs ever since Ghost came back. Even with Trump getting elected, he's still treating as if each show could be the last. Also Troll War IV is (thankfully) low key as his own Inner Circle group is battling /pol/.
Boycott Starcucks!
Man, just dont even fucken talk to me at all.
Shut up Phil, and go back to /k/.
>Don't talk to me or my wife's son until we've had our coffee
>don't talk to me till I've had my coffee
Look at this miserable sack of shit without real natural willpower, bitch and nah about some hot pisswater instead of just showing some self-respect
water coffee ratio 2:1
>don't talk to me until i've fucked a big booty bitch