Do you think Jack knows just how many of his regular viewers are there to laugh at him?
Do you think Jack knows just how many of his regular viewers are there to laugh at him?
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wtf?! Hiroshimoot trying to jew us out of our hard earned shekels again
He gets paid either way, why would he care?
He doesn't just know it, he's counting on it. Pretending to be bad at cooking is his schtick.
He averages about 40,000 video views a day. That's about $50 a day sitting on his ass.
I really think you are overestimating the general population.
cry some more, everyone shitting on Jack for making money is either a jealous fag or too lazy to participate in the market themselves.
He doesn't just sit on his ass, he cooks stuff poorly and also reviews food that other people make. As bizarre as it may seem to you there is an audience for it. His money is earned.
we know its you jack
lol you think he's only pretending to be retarded
>he likes YouTube 'celebrities'
like pottery
Yeah, actually. It's pretty brilliant.
This thread pertains more to /tv/ and isn't relevant to Veeky Forums in my opinion so I've reported it.
>Global rule 7
top kek
snitches BTFO
If anything it really belongs on /b/
That being said I have also reported it
snitches get fucked
>Breaking rule 7 by mentioning rule 7.
Enjoy your b&aid.
Well played.
I'm on the IRC, I'm bulletproof.
What did he mean by this?
IRC is the kino version of Veeky Forums
if you guys actually bothered to follow along Jack as he cooks, obviously side stepping the few mistakes he makes along the way, you'd realize he isn't "retarded" and is actually probably a better chef and certainly a better teacher than most people on Veeky Forums. Nah that won't happen, better just hate him for no reason.
Oh what...? He makes his own sauce, and has a very successful cooking channel? Damn I wish I could make actual money cooking for a living... oh well at least I can always bitch my lonely nights away on Veeky Forums while my girl goes out and gets the Best Sauce You'll Ever Taste from some pudgy Italian guy.
Thanks for the upvote
Does IRC have upvotes?
He got pink eye on purpose? I think a lot of people actually look to him for recipes and cooking advice. It's scary.
No you retarded little muppet
You aren't making sense.