>"chicken TIKI masala"
"chicken TIKI masala"
>autism detected
>REEEEEEEEEEEki tiki tavi
My mom refuses to say it any other way.
Sakura-Con Tikka Masala
I had one friend that said refused to say it any other way
If they want it pronounced the way they pronounce it, they should spell it as 'bagle'.
how do you say it?
but that's a donut?
Hawaiian Masala, mite b cool. Spam based?
Bah-zil is the British way of pronouncing it, bay-zil is the American way.
What flyover state are you from where you've heard this?
t. a guy who lives in a dumbass flyover state but hasn't heard anyone say this yet
yes thank you fucker face.
ramsay always has the hard 's' though
Ramsay also calls it "arugula" even though you can tell it physically pains him every time he has to say it.
My mother calls it Chipoltes
all the people I know who do this are from Ohio
>live in Ohio
>mfw me and everyone I know say it like "bay-gul"
Columbus is kind of unique compared to the rest of the state, though. We're much more civilized.
Must be those filthy north easterners, doesnt happen in central
It was probably someone from the Appalachians, those savages
Doesn't everyone put pineapples on their tiki masala?
filett miewnioooon
Is it pah-sta or paw-sta?
its fuhlay
Thought so. I keep hearing people say paw-sta and it sounds so fucking weird.
I'm very sad to hear Community didn't come up with this on their own
It's cilantro
>calling it the same thing as poo-in-loos
*raises pawsta*
the guy moved here from Wisconsin
he says some other things weird but I forgot them.
Oh yeah bongs call it something else right?