Anyone else eat raw steak? I do when I can get away with it. My mommy always stops me when she catches me doing it.
Anyone else eat raw steak? I do when I can get away with it. My mommy always stops me when she catches me doing it
My mommy and I live in a first world country unlike the USA where we can eat our meat raw and not get parasites
You can't eat meat raw because of bacteria you brainless moron.
Enjoy getting mad cow
do americans really do this?
Yeahh their so fat they cant even wait too cook there food too eat it its actually realy pathetic
>mad cow disease is caused by bacteria.
Kill yourself, retard.
My daddy always gives me his meat raw
just make a steak tartare
>implying steak tartare is an american dish
Blame the french.
I have a friend who used to work as a chef at a steak restaurant. When I ordered the tartare, she looked at me like I was just trying to impress her. That was the most insulted I've ever been in my life, because not only have I never had a problem eating """""fancy""""" food, she's ugly as fuck.
Heating meat doesn't destroy the prions that cause mad cow, you retard.
Havent tried raw meat. Tried raw vegetables a few times, wouldnt recommend it.
dude, use lube. simple as that. unless you like it bloody.
I never thought of tartare as being very fancy or pretentious, what the fuck is wrong with her
Get a job and an apartment and your mom wont be able to tell you what to do anymore.
What a cult. This post upset me.
holy shit lol you retard
We have antibiotics in our meats that allow for safe consumption of undercooked meat.
inb4 banned from all boards
food industry people are the worst
Switch to Steak Tartare, that's the classy way to eat raw steak
yeah my friend does, he keeps ordering steak but wants it to be pink on the inside
>Being classy
Your fucken meme needs to die fucker.