>he hasn't put his children on a raw vegan diet
Reminder that it's the healthiest and most responsible thing to do as a parent. Just because you're a meat eater doesn't mean they have to eat meat as well.
>he hasn't put his children on a raw vegan diet
Reminder that it's the healthiest and most responsible thing to do as a parent. Just because you're a meat eater doesn't mean they have to eat meat as well.
Other urls found in this thread:
jej if you think this is bad there's some retard who still breastfeeds her kid at the age of ~5
he's also mentally developed as a two year old because of her hippie bullshit, and throw on the fact she'd fled to ecuador avoiding child abuse charges
give this pallid bitch a steak
lucky kids except too bad their mom attention whores them out on youtube
>the last known image of eric clapton jr
that child dead now
yeah, malnourished as fuck. very lucky.
Don't look like they are.
Maybe with american standards they are.
they look healthy and happy
this is depraved though. that child is fucked
Try being a real hero...get your pets on a vegan diet...
I dare you...
My rabbit is vegan.
my dog is vegan and is very happy with all the food i give him
im going too the vet with him soon though because he has been vary tierd lately and keeps throwing up the delicious food i give him
I've been a vegan for almost two years. Raw veganism is bullshit.
ALL plants are toxic, and cooking eliminates a large amount of those toxins. If you've ever nearly shat your pants between explosive bean farts, it's likely that they were improperly soaked to get rid of the lectin. We're resistant to a lot of what would otherwise kill a dog or cat very quickly; however, where a deer would very happily eat hemlock or belladonna we would die the very next day.
Growing children also need quite a bit of fat and varied nutrients - all of them found in a healthy, broad diet, but many sorely absent from a raw diet.
It's also very difficult to take in calories on a raw diet, which is why avocados and coconuts are their beloved staples; without them, they will die.
Tl;dr fuck off
Reminder that this thread is b8
>ALL plants are toxic
>mother was 44 or 45 when baby was born
disgusting. it didn't have a chance
>800 calories per day juice cleanse
>my VEGAN diet almost killed me!!!
she looks nice and thicc
are you implying that isn't a vegan diet?
These are all biased and wrong
It's a sensationalist news headline trying to give veganism a bad name.
It's the same as someone saying their diet is omnivorous when all the eat is boiled hotdogs and chicken tenders.
>trying to give veganism a bad name
Hasn't veganism done a good job of that itself?
What's biased, the facts or that the facts are pointed out in a way that offends you?
>lady arryn.mp4
So the kids aren't dead but alive and well?
>God damn facts!
You're supposed to yell "Fake news!" these days when you don't like facts, user.
No effort required.
Do raw vegans ever wonder how much time they have to waste eating their own body weight in food a day just for the dumb gimmick diet?
No, they don't have the energy to think that hard. It's a vicious circle.
Seems like they're both going to grow up to be really scrawny.
What else is there to do
Come on man don't you want to eat for 5 hours a day and sleep for 14 because you're so malnourished?
Since vegans treat all life as equal, when can we legally revoke their human status?
I want to hunt and eat a vegan.
It's better to be an omnivore health wise.
Fish is extremely good for you, chicken breasts is alright too.
Just avoid dairy and red meat.
nothing wrong with low fat dairy
Dairy is bad for your skin, it fucks up your hormones.
Inb4 shitskin, etc
Perhaps for some people, but it certainly doesn't affect me that way.
I've been drinking milk daily ever since I was a baby. My skin is flawless. Even during puberty I barely had any breakout issues.
why do people think that everyone reacts the same way?
I'm sorry you're not white and can't enjoy whole milk.
Sure man, and I heard green vegetables contain antioxidants that can destroy free radicals that cause cancer.
>low fat
>Opinion pieces
>Starving a child
Nothing wrong with red meat, beef liver is one of the healthiest thins you can eat.
>Crown Shakur
Kid never had a chance.
>Opinion pieces
Those are literally stories reporting on court cases where parents were prosecuted for child neglect, all of which engaged in stupid fad diets that left their children malnourished.
>the court's opinion.
Its still just editorial content, even if the source is a "so-called" judge.
I'm a shitskin and I've been drinking milk at least twice a day ever since I can remember since it's so god damn tasty, haven't had any problems.
Never knew where this shit came from that only whites can drink milk without side-effects.
>Its still just editorial content
You have no idea what those words mean.
damn, kid gets to suck on a nice big titty whenever he wants
Good argument.
The kids look alright now because they aren't growing much. Wait until they're nearing ten years old and they're stunted as fuck with weak muscles and brittle bones. Then their body will be really fucked even more when they hit puberty.
Not to mention how mentally fucked they're going to be with mommy grooming her kids to hate meat and meat eaters and be annoying hippie vegan faggots. This is brainwashing, just as much as forcing your kids to be Christian, Muslim, Jewish, edgy Atheist, etc.
Why can't people just fucking raise their kids to be NORMAL and stop trying to make their kids be like themselves?
Do you think his husband/boyfriend gets the same treatment for some added nutrition?
>What is an anecdote
No stats given, just one off cases.
Do you think that meat eating and dairy eating children haven't died of due to poor dieting? Obviously the parents were not following a healthy form of vegan diet.
The diet is not easy, a balance is required.
>one off cases
Yes. Those multiple one off cases.
If your ancestors reared cattle your chances of survival were greater if you carried the gene that allowed you to digest milk past infancy, because the milk guzzlers could eat more than the non milk guzzler. Idfk whose nasty ass idea it was to steal the cow's titty juice, but because ancient Northern Europeans were all about that cow life, they're typically ok with milk. But other cow raising civilizations are the same
>tfw a product of natural selection doing it's job
>Koala mode achieved
Nope. I breastfed my son as long as he wanted, and he was tired of it by ten months. This is on the early side, but none want to nurse until they're five.
He also only eats grassfed, organic meat. Worth.
organic meat is the only organic thing thats not a meme because of the diet the animals are fed
Organic vegetables are just inferior products
Is breastfeeding vegan?
>contracting scurvy in this day and age
this is why
Lactose tolerance was more about cheese than milk wasn't it?
Cheeses can be aged, meaning they last throughout winter and provide a lot that the body needs.
Protein, calcium, etc.
It stands to reason that if you believe in a cause you encourage your kids to do the same, especially when you believe it is morally wrong to live a different way, which is what the religious and vegans believe. You're going to hell if you don't go to church, save your kid too
It's not rocket appliances
there is far more lactose in milk than in cheese, especially aged cheese
>mfw what we don't see in the video is the amount of supplements she have to give to her kid so he doesn't end up fucked for life
is this the enema lady?
grass fed is a meme unless you eat exclusively burger and stew
>pretending to be a girl on Veeky Forums
All plants evolve natural defenses against herbivory you mong
99.9% of the pesticides in your diet are those naturally produced by plants for this purpose.
Why don't you usually get sick on produce? Because several thousand years ago at the dawn of agriculture, we observed which plants weren't killing us and decided to breed them as food crops. Why will chocolate, coffee, and grapes kill your dog? Because dogs weren't the ones designing agriculture.
>vegan diets are the healthiest and best decisions you can ever make for your child, except for the numerous unhealthy vegan diets, which don't count because they're not healthy,
>you technically possibly can follow a healthy one, since at least one exists, and therefore you can never critique the standard, average vegan diet for its unhealthiness or the added effort and mental energy that go into ensuring yours is healthy
where2cop frames?
Fuck you, OP. The bullshit "raw vegan" diet is even worse for a child than a vegan diet, and neither one provides nearly enough nutrients to let a child develop normally.
I had a classmate who had a little gathering for his daughter when she turned 3. Mommy insisted on a vegan diet for everyone at home. Got there, saw a child who was, literally, physically smaller than the 1yo baby a neighbor brought over for the party.
I felt bad for my classmate, because hey, his kid is getting destroyed by Vegan Mommy's mental illness, but on the other hand, what can you do, call CPS and have the kid thrown into foster care to be raped and pimped out for the next fifteen years?
that meme picture really proves it
Your rabbit eats its own shit to reprocess it repeatedly until bun-bun can extract the nutrients from its vegan dinners.
If you and OP want to eat your own shit, feel free.
>inb4 that shitty photo that compares steak and leafy vegetables in grams of protein per hundred calories rather than grams of protein per unit mass, because someone's plant-addled brain thought that was a reasonable comparison to make
I mean that's an interesting point, but unless you kill your cow you can still drink it's milk in the winter if we're looking at dairy from a survivability perspective, plus
No, "fake news" is when CNN posts a story claiming that Nancy Sinatra told them she was pissed off about Trump using one of her songs, and then Nancy Sinatra goes on Twitter to tell the world the truth -- that CNN never contacted her and that she loves the God Emperor and is happy that he used her music.
Assholes like you don't realize just how much the "normie" media like CNN and MSNBC lie about what they write. Twitter is giving people a way to spread the truth.
You lucked out in the genetic lottery. If you're a black American, thank the slaveowners who raped your ancestors for your ability to tolerate lactose.
No, because it is deriving nutrition from the forced enslavement of women by the patriarchy.
Semen is vegan, however.
Grass fed beef is garbage compared to corn fed. But who was marbling?
>implying it wasn't ms. (((sinatra))) who lied about not saying that to CNN in order to make them look bad
>forced enslavement of women
Don't really see any evidence of any of either in the West desu
It's hilarious watching him destroy my vegan classmates, though.
Assuming what the twits tweet is the twuth.....
The Sinatras are all Soros-funded mafia fake news
the premise is sound
God this activates my almonds, I can't believe how mad this makes me. The thought of the stunted growth these 2 kids will have coupled with the social stigmitazion their personalities will cause after being raised by this shithole makes me physically sick. Surely this is grounds for parental neglect.
At least vegans don't breed like muzzies, since they're too tired to fuck.
True, but unlike muzzies its a completely manufactured defects, these kids don't have to grow up to be unbreadables, its just being forced on them at birth for no fucking reason.
>refuse to eat animal products.
>Feed baby only a single animal product
how the fuck does that work?