Anybody eat these? I've been looking for new foods to subsist on, tired of eating different combinations of meat and bread.
Are these healthy? ITT less commonly accepted food
Anybody eat these? I've been looking for new foods to subsist on, tired of eating different combinations of meat and bread.
Are these healthy? ITT less commonly accepted food
sardines are about as healthy as meat/fish can get. god-tier macros and little to no mercury plus omega 3
I do. The best are from Italy, Portugal, and Spain. But they are expensive, kinda defeating the purpose.
Alternative would be Baltic/Russian sardines. They are also great.
Of course it's healthy.
>Of course it's healthy.
Baltic sardines are loaded with bad shit (PCBs, dioxins, thread-like plastics, etc)
thanks man
How much are they? I don't mind shelling out more, I'm just really lazy and they seem easy to prepare or not prepare.
do you throw anything on them?
They're good, but if they're packed in oil drain that shit to cut down the fat content.
Actually thread, what can I use sardines in besides just eating them with crackers or bread?
do you know any safer sardines locations
>2 Eur in Germany.
Buy online or in some health/bio supermarkets.
For comparison, Morrocan sardines is like 0.6 Eur per can.
canned mackerel is much nicer imo
Fishermans Eggs. Sardines, Onion, Garlic, Parsely, Oregano, Salt, Pepper, Eggs. Hot sauce if you prefer.
If you can buy fresh sardines, grill them.
If you buy them canned, maybe in salads ? I never tried it though.
Wild planet is a great brand
But Iffy since processed in Vietnam but the quality has always been great
Nice quantity too
>fresh sardines
I'm a canned sardines connoisseur. I eat a lot of them and enjoy it a lot.
I one bought fresh frozen sardines. I thawed some and notice they weren't cleaned.
I turned my kitchen in a bloodbath with fishy smell just to obtain micro filets that I threw out anyway.
Never again, I don't know how portuguese mamas do it everyday.
>I thawed some and notice they weren't cleaned.
Yes, you need to clean them.
Check Japanese grilled sardine recipes.
Canadian sardines are best sardines
How do we resurrect the American sardine industry
>Check Japanese grilled sardine recipes.
I'm not interested in bland food you fucking weeb.
>unrefined taste buds
Weeaboo preoccupations.
buy american son.
I stopped eating much fish since it's all packed in China.
Now I stick with my canadian sardines, canadian canned salmon and fresh water fish.
Fuck tilapias and pangasus cheap filet.
eat them on toast with mashed up avocado and hot sauce
Who gives a shit, they're delicious.
Especially on pizza.
Brunswick makes good shit. I like their kippers.
I put an entire can ful on top of a bowl of brown rice. I add some kimchi, nori, and a soft boiled egg (better underdone than overdone) and it's a good meal
they're great but you don't wanna eat more than a few cans a week
are you supposed to eat these whole? I spend way too much of my incredibly limited income on wendy's and I need a new source of protein.
These things are mega cheap at my supermarket
serious question, guys
i got myself a tin of sardines in hot sauce and i had a hell of a time getting past the taste and texture
am i a lost cause?
This or get the ones in tomato sauce and toss that bad boy onto freshly cooked Jasmine rice.
No fucken duh.
What brand has them with the whole sardines? I can only find fillets.
Mix with things, experiment with textures to counterbalance
Also most brands packed in sauces are shit. Oil or water is best
Fuck you on about nigga
Usually if they're labeled as brisling, it's the whole small fish
Headless and tailless and eviscerated, most of the Beach Cliff cans, some King Oscar, and Wild Planet
tastes good and lots of protein
>eggs substitute
>literally an egg
Theyre good.
Used to eat them quite a bit but got burned out on them. These right here are my jam, straight stockpile these.
I love sardines, I like to take a piece of sourdough bread, toast it up, spread mayo and spicy mustard, then place the sardines, douse with valentina hot sauce and sprinkle with black pepper.
What do they taste like and what's good to cook with them? I just bought a can because I heard they make cool electronics enclosures over on /diy/.
Like Fukken fish
They're not salmon but still good
It's easier to get into them if you start with skinless and boneless sardines, they are more expensive but the Granadaisa ones are only $1.79 at the stores near me. The King Oscar Spanish Style is good too, there's a whole chile pepper as well as a slice of carrot and a slice of pickle inside each tin.
Demo of the insides?
I wanna see what they look like
I don't know about sardines, but I use anchovies to make homemade caesar salad dressing and it always comes out really good. I use King Oscar with whole anchovies and put them in a food processor before adding them to the dressing. I only use 4 when I make it so I put the rest on my caesar salad. So good.
anyone got some sardine recipes?
i usually do aldente spaghetti, olive oil, butter, garlic, salt, pepper, italian seasoning and a can of sardines.
Yes. The bones are an excellent source of calcium.
I eat sardines all the time, they are a healthy as fuck protein / healthy fat source and they are cheap to buy canned
Another less regarded fish is herring, they are very similar to sardine flavor and nutrition-wise
they're basically the same thing
im not too into sardines but i love canned octopus, squid, or oysters.
When you get them in a can, there's no scales or heads or tails or fins. The entire thing is very soft and easy to eat. If someone hadn't told me there were bones I never would have guessed.
if it's still a fairly large fish, you can't really split them without breaking the spine, but even that is actually imperceptible to the bite
It's more like snapping a thin cord
>If someone hadn't told me there were bones I never would have guessed.
the spine is crunchy, idk how you couldn't have noticed
I'll take some pictures for you at lunch today around 12:00 US Eastern.
Sprats > Sardines
So you eat the whole thing? The entire little fish?
I like to make a kind of salad using cous cous, four bean mix, finely chopped red onion, diced tomato, spring onion, parsley, sardines, salt, pepper and a little vinegar.
Takes about 5 minutes to make and it's filling and cheap.
Probably having them on crackers.
Here you go
Not sure why this one didn't have a chili pepper in it, there is usually a small whole red chili pepper about 3/4 as long as the can in these, pickle and carrot are present and accounted for
New herring I tried, hot sauce was good!
Hot sauce herring inside, yum...
>no pepper
>Moroccan sardines
Excellent taste.
Ever had Wild Planet by chance?
Australian here, where can I find cheap sardines that aren't fucking woolies brand tier?
That shit is literally inedible and smells up my house for days, wouldn't even feed to my cat.
I decided to try them out one time
they're not bad
if you can find smoked oysters in olive oil, get those. SO much better than the cotton seed oil version. As for sardines, King Oscar is my favorite. I got jalapeno version this time.
Like where?
I'm not that guy but all I can find on amazon are packs of 5-12 at about $1.70-$2 a tin, which is more than it costs me at my grocery store.
Has anyone here ever accidentally got a can that had a fish which still had worms, guts or shit in it?
I'm anticipating this will happen to be one day and I'll end up disgusted by canned fish forever.
Once, I was visiting my grandmother in the Eastern Europe. Either way you're going to be disgusted believe me they have a terrible stench that seems to cling to everything. Just go for an expensive brand instead of taking the cheap option.
Listen, you're going to be disappointed eating sardines. They're not comfort food like your meme burgers. Go and buy some ground beef and make meatloaf instead. That's a good homey meal that will remind you of the slop you're used to. (I'm kidding - but seriously you're going to hate eating sardines out of a can if you're not used to it.)
>tin sardines packed with veges
A cute little canned lunch box
Go to an ethnic food store or Cocos or whatever you have in your area you mong
Fair enough. I love eating them and never want to hate them. I like trying different brands.
I have not but my coworker who sits across from me eats the smoked ones in olive oil every day for breakfast. I just can't stand that they have the back bones still in them which is the only reason I haven't tried them.
Introducing my work food stash...
So how does one into cannes fish? I want flesh for this Lent thing but fish is only acceptable? Do they stink up your home? Do they come with heads and tails intact? Do you eat those parts too?
This really.
Is canned mackerel in tomato sauce only a Norwegian thing? You'll pretty much find it in every home over here.
Dunno. I always liked every food and was introduced to them as a kid. Most people get turned off because of the smell, they usually have skin, and they still have their backbones inside.
But the skin really is so thin it has no texture. The backbones you can peel out/throw away but most people just eat them, they literally are so soft a penny would crush them.
I think the biggest thing is smell and it's usually from people who don't like fish in general. They confuse the smell of rotting fish with the smell of saltwater fish from the ocean. With no experience or refined taste, they don't make a differentiation and just assume "Oh GOD ITS ROTTEN URRGHH"
I cringe every time. I think they smell delicious and of course taste even better.
you want water/oil packed (rinse oil)/smoked (yes)
Though I like spicy ones and occasionally mustard ones.
Sardines are fucking amazing. Best eaten alone/w/cracker
Here we go again
These have salt added but they're pretty good, cheap too.
Drain the olive oil. Apparently the olive oil is not included in the nutrition facts.
No skin, no bones, just good tasting fish, slightly more salty like a kipper but not smoked.
It pisses me off to no extent to not be able to include the oil and know the calories based off the tin, although the tins I buy don't have any nutrition facts to begin with
Well technically the oil is only there as a preservative, but yes I'd also like to know how many calories it contains.
Superior canned fish coming through.
this + black bread + fried eggs is the ultimate hangover cure
It's pretty fucking easy to google the calorie content of whatever oil the fish are packed in.
O murr, thas pretty sexy mang
where get this sexy bitch?
Literally can't find out how much is in a tin of bumble bee sardines in soybean oil without draining, I could measure it out but that doesn't include what's on them already. Wish my store carried more than this
yeah i'm def a 'deen guy, for sure
worst brand?
got a can of kroger store brand and I'm almost too afraid to open them
Man these fish are tasty.