is this really what american schoolchildren are served for lunch everyday?
Is this really what american schoolchildren are served for lunch everyday?
no. its the same type of food but way shittier quality
The quality there is way too high for school lunch.
>that good
No way in hell. It's like if you took that, removed all vegetables and sauces, boiled it in water and then slopped it onto a plate.
Not all at once.
I fucking wish, the meat in your picture actually looks real.
It's far worse than you can imagine, friend.
is this really what the rest of the world's children are served for every meal?
Shit, sign me up for that school.
everyday, if you don't finish it they hold you back a grade, sucks, i gained 200 lbs in the 4th grade from the burgers
Who /rectangular pizza/?
This is seriously the most limp wristed response to a meme I've ever seen here. The asshurt is poignant. Stay obsessed
I love english as a second language posters.
they are our hourlies
That's just the mid-morning snack m80.
>they didn't catch the fact that it says OBESEd
>he didn't catch the fact that it isn't a word.
Only in grade school.
Past the age of twelve, girls are served two of those and boys three.
t. Santa Rosa School District Vice-Subsupervisor
>he doesn't know
>what is play on words
If i got served that for lunch maybe I wouldn't have killed myself
why are americans always so angry and butthurt
>what is a shit come back
Non-Americans, when will they learn?
How can I get my mobile chickin?
Picture nothing. That's what the kids eat in from the cafeteria, the kids who eat bring lunch from home. Everyone else just drinks chocolate milk.
Honestly I was thankful for cheese stick day.
It's not great, but I can eat it, unlike frito pie.