Redpill me on Girl Scout cookies

Redpill me on Girl Scout cookies

Samoas are the patrician's choice.

Are they actually made using child labor?

tag a longs > all. As a matter of fact all the others are trash.

thin mints

They are pretty much dog treats. Canada's are better.

samoas/caramel delites are the best

It's one case where the pleb answer is arguably the right answer, much like favorite rap album.


You're a manchild, so they're perfect for you.

>Gets triggered over a term he doesn't like
>Calls others manchildren

only the left two in pic and preferably vanilla

Mint is gross when combined with anything. Give me mint straight up or not at all.

Really though, you can make better cookies yourself.

they're unarguably delicious. Don't get hooked. Every other year, they either up the price, or reduce the amount you get. Soon they will rival gold for cost by weight.

Samoas, Tagalongs and the new Smores flavor are all good.

They are possibly the most calorie dense cookies ever conceived. the tiny ass Smores cookies are 75 calories apiece. On the bright side, if you can resist them, you can feel vindicated about the beers you drink instead.

/mlp/ ruined these for me, now I refuse to buy them.

>REEEEEE QUIT USING Veeky Forums SLANG ON Veeky Forums


I've never had any. And I was a girl scout

Redpill isn't Veeky Forums slang. It's incredibly reddit and could only fly on /pol/. You're literally being a fedorafaggot "hurr I can see beyond the veil, enlightened by my own intelligence". This websites saving grace is a sense of jantelaw and we should try to retain as much of that as we can

I like samoas to but yeah

It's being used ironically here. Nobody expects some dark truth to be revealed to them about girl scout cookies. You should probably kill yourself.

It's being used ironically far too rarely faggot.

Former scout here- not since roughly the first year of their existence three gorrilion years ago.
A Kellog offshoot makes the cookies.

I honestly don't get the point since almost no girls are actually selling them door-to-door anymore, the point was kind of an individualist competition that'd fund the troop. Sitting on your fat little asses outside the King Soopers is extremely gay.

tell that to the family of any of these young extortionists. I have 2 nieces in scouts right now, and if I buy less than 4 boxes from each they guilt trip me until next year. But yeah, it's getting a little lame. Their mom just drives them to all of the family members houses, and does all of their selling for them when she goes to work.


I like the peanut butter ones

>be me
>be ten, out selling cookies in a small town
>grandparents said to go to the rich part of town where all the wealthy faggots have summerhomes
>they supposedly buy the most cookies
>Rollin down the street with my cookie wagon like a baller
>fat oil and gas tycoons and their fat families love cookies
>buy cookies faster than I can go back to house to restock
>making so much fucking bank. I'm totally gonna win the bike they give out for selling the most cookies
>come to biggest house on the block
>literally a motherfucking mansion. >niggas had four floors and a big ass mahogany door with a knocker
>ring doorbell
>some sticky 12yr old boy opens to door and looks at me with a gameboy in his hand
>dead eyes and perfect hair, pretentious rich brat living in the country
>"what do YOU want?"
>hey there would you like to buy some cookies.mp4
>he stares
>gets his mom
>she buys two fucking cases of every kind
>I leave
>walking down street with more cookie money than I had ever even seen in my life
>turn corner, hear whirring noise behind me
>sticky rich gameboy fag is approaching me at high speed on one of those kid's dirtbikes
>he's yelling about a rip off
>another wealthy prettyboy comes behind him on a less expensive but still pricy bike, also yelling
>suddenly first boy loses control
>flips bike, lands on pavement
>his lackey runs over him and falls
>blood and screaming
>both bikes skidded across the road looking fucked
>wagon my ass out of there at light speed
>I won the prize bike when I went back home

I don't follow, why were they chasing you

Were your cookie boxes empty? Thats not very scout trusty of you.

So you had a victorious moment in your childhood. But tell me user, where did it all go wrong? That's what I really wanna know

Beats me. All the boxes were full, they crashed before I figured out what they were mad about. I think they just wanted something to parade in the streets over.

It all started when I began selling drugs with the cookies as a front. I was in with a Mexican Girl Scout gang that slipped heroin in with the tagalogs on the sly. We were never caught

Maybe his mom took it out of his allowance or the budget for his regular snack foods.