Monsanto is a chemical company that was started in the year 1901. They created DDT and Agent Orange. Many people aren’t even aware of their existence and that needs to change ASAP. They’re absolutely huge and own a majority of agricultural production WORLDWIDE (India currently having many legal issues with them). (See
More than just health effects, (see link by New York Times about lawsuits against them) [
Monsanto is a chemical company that was started in the year 1901. They created DDT and Agent Orange...
To make things worse, Monsanto has sued farmers and have won in court! Monsanto has patented (copyrighted) GMO seeds, making them illegal to use/ sell unless paid for. Many crops, such as corn, are wind pollinated and can easily contaminate a neighbouring farmer’s organic crop (via wind).
When their crop tests positive for GMO and they don’t pay Monsanto- they sue the farmers and succeed in doing so! See how they can scare farmers?!
These crops, because of how large the sale is, must be maintained with the use of chemicals. (Chemicals synthesized by Monsanto as well). As stated before, Monsanto’s use of pesticides and fungicides contain chemicals that are very harmful to us and the environment. It’s odd how a chemical can kill all the plants (weeds) around the crop but not the actual crop itself. When it rains on these crops, its causes a toxic runoff that drains into bodies of water and pollutes them! Hence why it’s only recommended to eat fish once a week, as their mercury levels are so high (and for some reason we take that as fact and we’re all okay with it!)
The only financially reasonable way we can help is to spread the word and raise awareness of this company and what’s its doing to us and our planet. As a company that only cares about revenue, when people become aware, their sales will go down! When more people find out, Monsanto will only have two choices: either change their ways or go out of business.
My focus is on the health effects of pesticides on us and the environment. And also, the hardships of famers (especially 3rd world). Here are some scholarly articles that are a better source than the blog (Blog is written by a doctor though). (click on PDF, is 8 pages).
Thanks everyone for your time reading this and perhaps together we can discuss environmentally sustainable agriculture such as polyculture (see google lol)! I appreciate everyone’s feedback, negative or positive. A quick reminder that not everyone will agree (even some farmers), so remember to be patient and respectful of everyone’s opinion… as change does not happen overnight!
>Many people aren’t even aware of their existence
Incorrect. Most people just have the intelligence to realize that agent orange back then doesn't instantly deligitimize future inventions. In fact, monsanto is under massive scrutiny and yet people still can't fault gmos without being completely flawed
>people genetically modify organisms for thousands of years
>suddenly it's bad
There's a huge difference between selective breeding over generations of crops and inserting salmon genes into tomatoes. I'm not saying it's bad, but equating the two is asinine.
first gmo was in 1983 so that's not a thousand years
Two methods for achieving the same result. You can end up with shitty products both ways. The only difference is the methodology.
>What is a dog?
Do you feel better now that you've copy-pasted your little rant OP?
Brazilian cheesecake
Bayer created Zyklon B
Volkswagen produced cars for the Nazis
SNCF transported people to concentration camps
Boeing, Lockheed Martin, and General Dynamics make things that kill thousands daily
A lot of companies do shit under government orders, how is Monsanto any different?
your mom?
monsanto continues to partake in illegal and unethical business practices
What I don't get about the Monsanto fuss is that why farmers can't buy non-Monsanto seed?
Are Monsanto seeds subsidized? Or are they just such an amazing improvement over traditional seeds that farmers can't economically compete unless they sell to virtue-signaling hipsters at Whole Foods?
Also, did they insert genes that prevent seed reuse? Arguably this is planned obsolescence and should call for fines or removal of patent, IMHO. Since patents are an artificial monopolization of the market, we have to apply limits on them, like utilities. We don't/shouldn't let drug patent holders jack up the price on patents because they want money, like the Epipen/insulin shit
>Literally defending the Umbrella corp of the agricultural world.
>repurchasing seeds
If the GE crops aren't economical enough to grow without making a loss once you buy new seeds, then why buy them in the first place? If they'd make more net profit with traditional crops then they have the freedom to do so. GMO crops are not intrinsically bad, it's the way that Monsanto conduct themselves that is problematic, if they are bullying farmers. If they produced GM crops which seeded themselves they wouldn't make any money because people would just breed the plants and not buy their seeds which would have inflated prices to cover R&D costs. If there's enough demand for new strains of crops to counter different new diseases every year or so, then people would buy their seeds from Monsanto if they wanted that extra level of resistance, but this would incur even more R&D costs.
But as says, this is also questionably legal under the grounds of planned obsolescence. I think they can and have avoided this under the grounds that the plants dying is their obsolescence and not them not seeding, and since plants dying is unplanned and unavoidable, this is legal. Still, I have no doubt that they're making quite the profit off this.
>why farmers can't buy non-Monsanto seed?
If your neighbor has monsanto seeds, and the wind carries the seeds to your fields, then the company can (and has successfully) sue(d) you for growing their plants.
>sterile crops
>accidental pollination from neighbours
Which one is it OP.
>muh chemicals
>muh geemohse
Based Monsanto
different products same company, user
This shit should be considered advertising and treated like that. I had it with all the """activist""" wankers shitting all over the web.
Polluting someone elses crops should be illegal. The fact that it can contaminate other ppls crops should make it bannable .
But using my logic if we eat these crops we will become immune to pestecides too.
Thing is that monsanto is selling sterile seeds that need to be sow every year, so risk of pollination to another field is minimal
Its still proven to infect other farmers crops causing massive financle and personal losses.
They need to pay for those losses and their product should be banned untill they prove it cannot infect others.
Rant moar nutcase.
>Big corporate shilling is the new edgy
This has never happened. Fact.
>It's a big company markets their brand by pretending to be multiple people arguing about the pros and cons of their product thread
Oh boy we haven't had one of these in a few days
Shouldn't this be in /pol/ ? While a fascinating topic to pick through this is more political than food related.
Not OP, but I don't see this as an unpopular opinion.
i believe in some of the latest wiki leaks releases they pointed to monsanto colluding with the FDA to cover up the apparent carcinogenic effects of one of their most popular pesticides
Why would a thread about the treatment of food not be relevant to a board about food?
Because this is a conversation about genetics, morality and overall health.
Food is tertiary to the topic.
>The only difference is the methodology.
Where are all of these people trying to mate salmon with tomatoes?
This. The corporate practices of Monsanto are not food or cooking and this thread has already evolved into a circlejerk.
Take it to
t. Igor st Grichka
>The corporate practices of Monsanto are not food
>Thread is literally about food
What software do you guys use to monitor forums these days? I used to use board reader years ago, when I was a forum shill.
Nice dodging the argument + resorting to logical fallacies in the first post. Take it to
Cool sliding bro, totally not an attempt at consensus building.
The only derailment of this thread about food is not coming from myself and those who would seek to discuss this food related issue, but from a strange band of people who seem to think that food related discussions should be moved to a board which concerns itself with political discourse.
I shall leave the reader to make up their own mind as to the motive and actors in this act.
Okay, you're def. from /pol/ in the first place. Friendly reminder to Veeky Forums anons to report and hide the politics thread!
lol. Keep talking to the other shills bro.
>from /pol/
What in the name of fuck does this even mean?
>I cut off all of the /pol/ threads so that means I'm not from /pol/ XD
Keep getting distracted making pretty snips for me instead of shilling. :)
Sure thing shill.
How many Veeky Forums threads do you usually partake in?
Your forum monitoring software can probably tell you.
>Nazis progressed rocket technology
>Space is therefore bad
Reuters had an interesting story yesterday about Monsanto's cold war with the RSS* in India. Members of the government are threatening to essentially nationalize Monsanto's seed stocks unless they slash prices.
*Depending on your point of view, the RSS is either a ruling political movement that promotes native Hindu values, or they're the people who killed Gandhi for being too pro-Muslim and go around lynching cattle butchers.
2007 called
What did they want?
You're retarded. Do some research other than some article you read online. There is a huge difference between genetic modification and selective breeding. Maybe ask Monsanto to genetically modify your kids to be smarter so they don't end up like you, user.
**Selective Breeding**
>Monsanto is a chemical company that was started in the year 1901
Monsanto GMO foods has saved more Nigger lives than Gandi.
Monsanto's creations are directly responsible for feeding more 3rd world Niggers & Indians than any other corporation in the world.
All of us starving African niggers with zero arable land also THANKS MONSANTO for providing GMO foods that actually grow in our waterless shithole.
> monsanto provides seeds that grow in desert with no water
> Niggers hail monsanto as God & Savior
> monsanto can't give away their amazing seeds for free, since they need to pay for R&D & make a a profit
> Also, did they insert genes that prevent seed reuse?
Yes, actually.
You can't just put 10% of your crops aside and use it as seed next year, those plants wont grow properly.
That's just a little part of Monsanto's fuckery.
>> monsanto provides seeds that grow in desert with no water
>> Niggers hail monsanto as God & Savior
>> monsanto can't give away their amazing seeds for free, since they need to pay for R&D & make a a profit
Monsanto has saved more black lives than Martin Luther King, Malcom X, and Nelson Mandella combined.
>Monsanto has saved more black lives than Martin Luther King, Malcom X, and Nelson Mandella combined.
>You can't just put 10% of your crops aside and use it as seed next year, those plants wont grow properly.
Without Monsanto, those people would be starving since their plants would fucking die in the desert. They would have zero food.
Why do you want more starving or dead Niggers?
>That's just a little part of Monsanto's fuckery.
You call it fuckery, yet the farmers are happy to keep paying for seed every year because the yield from the superior product are so much higher. It's not as if anyone is forcing them to buy monsanto seed; they could do it old-school if they cared to.
>Monsanto has saved more black lives than Martin Luther King, Malcom X, and Nelson Mandella combined.
The funny thing is, this is probably 100% true.
Monsanto's drought resistant crops have probably kept hundreds of millions of Africans fed over the decades.
What people? It doesn't matter if they're in Europe, America or Africa, Monsanto's business is allways the same.
Oh boy, i hope you get paid to write that shit.
Why do you hate starving Africans?
Wow, MIDF is in full swing.
Plants vs Zombies...
IN REAL LIFE. who wins? No-one.
Their PR shills have done an incredible job of brainwashing millennials into thinking that DRM for crops = "science" and if you're not slavishly supportive of vile rent-seeking behavior, you're some kind of anti-vaxxer luddite
We had a thread like this on /g/ a few days ago regarding John Deere tractors. Apparently if you think buying an object gives you the right to repair it without paying $10,000 for an unlock code, you're some kind of leftist nut
I wish I was making this up
I've never seen anything like this on Veeky Forums.
>Wow, MIDF is in full swing.
get out /pol/
> yay! more starving Niggers
back to your containment borards
whatever you say /pol/tards
Bottom line, Monsanto has kept more Africans and 3rd world poverty folks alive than any modern corporation in the world.
And that's a net gain. Period.
It used to just be laying on the ground and hanging out in trees. Yeah, we deserve free food. This is why I plant fruit and veggie seeds everywhere I roam.
Oh yeah and I forgot: "if we don't give a small number of international megacorporations strict control over the food supply, you hate brown people and are literally calling for genocide against poor people"
inb4 "but Monsanto isn't as big as Samsung therefore we should take it up the ass from their PR shills"
>Bottom line, Monsanto has kept more Africans and 3rd world poverty folks alive than any modern corporation in the world.
>And that's a net gain. Period.
Yeah, but everything in the world should be FREEEEEEEEEEEEEEE
>Bottom line, Monsanto has kept more Africans and 3rd world poverty folks alive than any modern corporation in the world.
That's not what we're arguing here.
We're saying Monsanto should be giving away their products instead of profiting off of them.
Yeah this is insane. I miss old Veeky Forums, where instead of slavishly licking the boots of those who would own us flesh and soul, we fought for the lulz.
How is that a net gain? It promotes people living on land that is no longer fertile, and instead of moving along to greener pastures, attempting to draw blood from a stone. Overpopulation is the real difficulty here; Monsanto supports overpopulation is all that comes down to. Think ahead, and remember the second law of thermodynamics. I just lost The Game
>I miss old Veeky Forums
me too.
now GTFO /pol/
We get it. You hate niggers. Now back to your fucking containment boards.
> Monsanto has kept more Africans and 3rd world folks in poverty than any modern corporation in the world
There, i fixed it.
>where instead of slavishly licking the boots of those who would own us flesh and soul
He's right you know. Monsanto has probably fed more Blacks and benefited black lives than any black leader in history.
What is it about Monsanto's ability to feed poor starving people that pisses you off so much?
The fact that they make a profit? Or are you just mad they're feeding so many blacks?
>Overpopulation is the real difficulty here
Finally. You get to the point.
Just let those niggers starve and die right?
>implying anyone is going to fall for your incoherent yelling
We get it, if we don't slavishly lick your boss's boots we're racist, anti-science left wing lunatics who want to kill black people
I wonder, after posting this kind of garbage as a full time job, do you start to believe it? Or are you able to distance yourself and find some humor in your situation? I knew a guy who used to review stuff on Amazon for a living and he thought it was pretty funny but your propaganda is pretty emotionally charged and I wonder if it's possible to maintain any sort of sane perspective on your talking points
Overpopulation. If one cannot grow food where one is, one needs to leave. We are nomadic animals. That, and it is the methods they use to feed people, rather than the doing thereof that bothers me. And of course, the profit aspect, which is always leveraged on one of the two people interacting getting more than a thing is worth.
>black people are stupid and need a White Saviour to help them
>somehow, this isn't incredibly racist
>somehow, the people who are skeptical of Monsanto are the racists
I have to hand it to you, those are some impressive mental gymnastics
Nailed it.
>Overpopulation is the real difficulty here; Monsanto supports overpopulation is all that comes down to.
Please. Tell us what you really think about "those people."
Holy shit man, good to see another with a thought process here. It really is like buddyman is getting paid for this, eh? This is nuts. I never used to believe in "shills" but fuck me if this doesn't point to it being an actuality. I'm fuckin flabbergasted
>Monsanto supports overpopulation is all that comes down to
kek. go home /pol/ you're drunk
Those people being the starving or Monsanto?
> its a /pol/ attacks Monsanto for "keeping too many niggers alive" in locations where they "shouldn't be" episode.
You're a goober. Your tactics are blatant and foolish. Come on man at least try? Or am I gonna get a NO U the rest of this thread?
fucking /pol/ is ruining Veeky Forums
Is it currently possible to identify food which has been produced using genetic alteration or carcinogenic pesticides?
Pol is full of corpratists. This is an anticorpratist argument. Hush now little simpleton. I'm playing with a fool already.
>Your tactics are blatant and foolish.
So far, the anti-monsanto side arguments:
1) Monsanto Seeds cost money.
2) Monsanto Seeds keep blacks alive in deserts where they shouldn't be alive
Yeah. I'm the irrational monsanto shill here.
>1) Monsanto Seeds are single-use and illegal to re-plant the next season
>2) Monsanto pretends to be looking out for "the stupid blacks who can't look after themselves" but is really just looking for vendor lock-in by exploting an undeveloped market via underhanded propaganda and unethical but technically legal (the best kind of legal!) mechanisms
>3) Monsanto seriously wants us to believe that if anyone dares to use their brain, they're a racist anti-science radical
Not falling for it, but that is your argument
Now keep on spamming KKK images, you really have us convinced you have the moral high ground, shill
1) is true enough. Last I checked, nature was doing fine on her own
2) is a strawman. Deserts are deserted due to the fact that they can't grow food well. As such, it makes little to no sense to live there. It doesn't matter what color of people are living there, deserts are a tragic environment for human habitation.
1) Absolutely nothing wrong with that. They engineered the product. Farmers who don't want superior yields don't buy the seeds, dumbass.
2) holy shit, you've learned alot from /pol/
3) bottom line, monsanto salves black lives. you're just here whining and complaining, being a douche.
Even if your motivation isn't Anti-black, you're coming off extremely ignorant in your arguments.
Are there really this many Monsanto shills or are burgers just this fucking brainwashed on the issue? It's a fucking scam, people. You are worse than the eurofags and their undying belief in man made global warming with this shit.
>3) bottom line, monsanto salves black lives. you're just here whining and complaining, being a douche.
I'm pretty sure the anti monsanto folks argument is "let the blacks back in nature and if they starve, they starve"
Why are the MIDF shills obsessed with /pol/?
Are they on a crossover shilling campaign, or is it just the board most likely to be known to normies?
>3) bottom line, monsanto saves black lives. you're just here whining and complaining, being a douche.
But the other guy said he didn't want to save black lives.
He hates Monsanto for "overpopulation of niggers"
>Monsanto supports overpopulation is all that comes down to.