Meat production is a leading cause of climate change, water waste, and deforestation. Why is everyone overlooking this again?
1. Meat production wastes a ton of water.
2. It takes 2,400 gallons of water to produce 1 pound of meat.
3. Which is something like 50 full bathtubs.
4. Meanwhile, it takes 25 gallons of water to produce 1 pound of wheat.
5. Which is less than one bathtub of water.
6. Raising animals for food takes up half of all water used in the U.S.
7. You’d save more water by not eating a pound of meat than you would if you didn’t shower for six months. So keep showering (please), but stop eating meat. Mmmkay?
8. The Environmental Protection Agency says that animal agriculture is the number one cause of water pollution.
9. And it’s responsible for more water pollution than all other industrial sources combined.
10. Mostly because of the massive amounts of animal poop spilling into our waterways.
11. In West Virginia and Maryland, male fish are growing ovaries, and scientists suspect that this is the result of factory-farm runoff from drug-laden chicken feces.
Meat production is a leading cause of climate change, water waste, and deforestation...
Other urls found in this thread:
12. Raising animals for food also tears down a whole bunch of rain forest.
13. Specifically, 55 square feet of rain forest for every single meal with meat.
14. Every six seconds, an acre of rain forest is cut down for cattle farming.
15. That’s around 14,400 acres every day.
16. About seven football fields of land are bulldozed worldwide every minute to create more room for farmed animals.
17. In 2004–05, 2.9 million acres of the Amazon rain forest in Brazil were destroyed in order to grow crops to feed animals on factory farms.
18. And more than 90 percent of the Amazon rain forest that’s been cleared since 1970 is used for meat production.
19. If we actually ate the foods we feed to farmed animals, we wouldn’t need to grow nearly as many crops, and we could eliminate the need to decimate the rain forest.
20. It’s a problem in the U.S., too.
21. About 260 million acres of U.S. forests have been cleared in order to create cropland to produce feed for animals raised for food.
22. Livestock grazing is the number one reason that plant species in the U.S. go extinct.
23. The meat industry is directly responsible for 85 percent of all soil erosion in the U.S.
24. And then of course, there are those pesky greenhouse gasses.
25. … like how cow burps and farts make up 20 percent of U.S. methane-gas emissions.
26. And then there’s the fact that 51 percent or more of global greenhouse-gas emissions are caused by animal agriculture.
27. In fact, a 2008 study concluded that a meat-eater’s diet is responsible for more than seven times as much greenhouse-gas emissions as a vegan’s diet is.
28. A vegan is responsible for the release of approximately 1.5 fewer tons of carbon dioxide into the atmosphere each year than is a meat-eater.
29. It takes more than 11 times as much fossil fuel to make one calorie from animal protein as it does to make one calorie from plant protein.
30. Of all raw materials and fossil fuels used in the U.S., more than one-third are devoted to raising animals for food.
31. Animal agriculture is a leading source of carbon-dioxide, nitrous-oxide, and methane emissions, the top three greenhouse gasses.
32. If every American skipped one meal of chicken per week and ate vegan food instead, it would be like taking 500,000 cars off the road.
33. And the University of Chicago found that going vegan is more effective in fighting climate change than switching from a standard car to a hybrid.
34. The National Audubon Society, the Worldwatch Institute, the Sierra Club, the Union of Concerned Scientists, and even Al Gore’s Live Earth say that raising animals for food damages the environment more than just about anything else that we do.
35. And the United Nations says that a global shift toward a vegan diet is necessary to combat the worst effects of climate change.
So what are you waiting for—the polar ice caps to melt? Save the planet. Try vegan.
Alright, why do I care, global warming will be fine for western industrialized nations, there will likely be some loss of productivity but nothing drastic. Developing world will get fucked but my desire for steak trumps that.
It's too late anyway. I've set up a rather tall smokestack that will begin dumping methane into the upper atmosphere some time in the next few years. Too little, too late.
We get it you're vegan
lol don't care. meat tastes good, get fucked commie.
Why are you wasting electricity posting on Veeky Forums? Save the planet. Get
Probably because meat is delicious
Climate change is a problem for my descendants lmao
Also dinosaurs took climate change like a champ and they didn't even have meat production, and we're like, better than them. Bring it on
You don't get to set a new number for addendums, retard
>we're in a mini ice age
>once the planet warms up, we'll have even more arable farm land for meat production
fuck the ice caps
youre not supposed to put cologne on your balls but oh well
Dear OP, you are absolutely right and it's so sad that most of the anons here can't think beyond themselves, judging from the replies.
Either we'll have to drastically reduce our intake of animals, or resort to lab grown meat, which can hopefully be made cheap, available, healthy and tasty very soon. Better yet, give up our taste of meat altogether, or stop eating mammals at the very least. In the future eating a cow or pig will be seen similar to how we view eating a dog now, and that day cannot come soon enough.
It's also fucked how secretly powerful the agricultural / animal industry is behind the scenes, how they've had a hand pushing things like lots of red meat diary into the modern American diet, which isn't even that good for us in the first place.
Y'all need to watch Cowspiracy. I'll never eat another mammal again
Thank you I appreciate your comment :)
Op been watching Netflix propaganda
go vegan
pic related steak made of fair trade lawn clippings
>deforestation doesn't take place to grow low cal/lb faggot vegan food
>fertilizers and pesticides needed to produce plants don't pollute our water supply
>my stats aren't shit pulled straight out of the ass of some limp wristed faggot vegan
Fuck off.
These reasons are actually why I cut down on my red meat consumption heavily. I mostly eat chicken and fish now.
yeah let's just eat plain beans and plain rice and potatoes and fruit, nothing else. no spices, they're a waste of farmland and resources
fuck eating for enjoyment
We should kill all animals instead.
starting with u and your senpai
responsible grazing practices on otherwise untouched range land make meat very sustainable. cattle that are allowed to naturally graze on grasses don't produce extreme amounts of methane like feedlot cattle do. feedlot grain diet -> microbes produce a lot of extra hydrogen -> hydrogen binds to carbon and produces a lot of methane
beef (and other meat) production doesn't need to stop, it just needs to be performed responsibly. this is true for almost everything humans are currently doing.
I'll bite.
The water cycle exists. If water isn't locally scarce then there is no disadvantage to using it on farming if it would otherwise just sit in a pond or run into the sea. And if your argument is "muh thirsty melanin brothers" then they can go fuck themselves for building a settlement with no water nearby.
Runoff is a problem that can be solved without the removal of all animal farms. Your "drug laden faeces" will no longer be a problem once GE makes animals that no longer need these drugs. Fertiliser runoff from vegetable farms is far worse than drug-free faecal runoff.
It will take 360 years at that rate to remove all the forest, and I'm pretty sure all the fucking vegetables you'd have to eat to get that energy would take much more room provided you're not eating cattle-feed all day, the real problem is population growth. Have fun eating the GM maize and burping the methane you all hate.
The amount of methane produced by cows in a grass field by the bacteria in their stomach is roughly equal to the amount of methane produced by the natural bacteria in an empty grass field. This is a non-fact. Rice paddies are far worse emitters of CO2, but they don't count towards the Kyoto measurement because "muh vegans".
>CO2 from humans
Is that from the Kyoto scale?
>all calories are equal
Nice myth there. The energy crisis is another problem that isn't going to be solved by everyone turning vegan.
>a leading source
Nicely non-specific, again, refer to rice paddies.
Electric car batteries have a worse footprint than the CO2 from a combustion car, kys. Also rice paddies.
>reputable sources
Those are hippy sources, just hippy sources are now mainstream enough to contain the UN. I don't see the UN representatives going vegan to help their cause any time soon.
Holy shit why do you have one "fact" split between multiple bullet-points, are you autistic?
I'm a mega liberal who screams about climate change but meat consumption is impossible to stop.
I'd sooner die then give you meat, it's my main reason for living.
A good steak is better than sex, life without meat isn't worth it.
I make 30k a year, not much but I could have a car.
I bike, commute, or walk. No car, I'd get an EV if I had a house and solar panels to charge it with though.
Humans are a leading cause of all those things, meat consumption is simply a force multiplier.
A large enough population is always unsustainable, a small enough population could waste to their heart's content without issue.
Stop all the niggers and chinks from breeding.
Higher IQ than you kid.
My dollars at the checkout trump your 'feelings' you pompuos, flatulent gasbag...
I'll eat meat as I want...still waiting on my license to hunt vegetarians...
Leading producer of greenhouse gas can't be all that bright
>2. It takes 2,400 gallons of water to produce 1 pound of meat.
this sounds like complete bs
>people are their government
Not their fault they've been ruled by the socialist party for a good few generations user.
New York is severely affected by the rise of water. Don't blame me when wall street is flooded and your stock is worth fuck all.
Yeah, the building where they keep the physical printed stock will be flooded and make it all worthless, that's why I bought only top floor stock, a lot safer
>Meat production is a leading cause of climate change, water waste, and deforestation. Why is everyone overlooking this again?
no you fucking mong, people are.
less people. less of every single one of the things you just said, children are the culprits of global warming, and the lifestyle we have could be sustained if you vegan fucks, and the catholics and pro lifers could keep it in their pants
america produces almost as much with far fewer people.
this number is based on the water needed to grow the feed the animals eat.
>Muh global warming
It will kill of all those stinky Indians and with a billion people less in this world there will be less green house gases, hence the problem will solve itself. Also a calorie from meat is not the same as a calorie from vegetables in terms on nutrition you dumb dumb.
OP you forgot the most important argument:
The animal industry abuses antibiotics and is contributing massively to the growing problem of antibiotic resistance.
We're just going to start lab growing all out meat once the cost of it goes below the cost of growing it normally. Also when they learn to grow fat in the meat, but they'll figure somwthing out.
>Don't blame me when wall street is flooded and your stock is worth fuck all.
Is this how leftists think stocks work? Lmao