Whats the best apple?
Die. Also Granny Smith is superior
Android is better
Applejack has a delicious ass
Acceptable apples
-Red Delicious
Depends on what you are doing. I usually have Fuji or Gala for just eating plain, but I use Granny Smith for pies.
Pick one and only one.
Adam's apple.
>Hannibal picture here
Pink lady boy is objectively best. Jazz is bretty good too.
These used to be good till factory farm varieties took over the produce section. Now they are shit. I just got a small bag of Kanzi apples to try them; they are like a Honeycrisp crossed with a Granny Smith. Not bad. I like Pink Ladies as well. There was this other kind I found in California... I forget what they were called though. Can't get them out here where I am now anyway so it doesn't matter I guess. Just for the love of god, don't eat Red Delicious. Disgusting, mealy things.
>red delicious
Yeah, nah
Red delicious with cheddar cheese is just right.
Try it
You two are silly.
All I need are Granny Smiths.
Jonathan master race
Honeycrisp all the way. I've picked them fresh from the tree. Holy shit, I will never forget.
Jazz or none
We're Apples forever
Apples together
We're family but so much mooooooooore
No matter what comes we will face the weather
We're Apples to the cooooooooooooooore
Honeycrisp > Brayburn > Fuji
Best mini horse.
Also, best orange is Temple.
No u
McIntosh right off the tree. Theyre fucking incredible.
Pink Lady.
Every other answer is wrong.
Never thought I'd say this but they're too joocy.
PInk Lady or Honeycrisp. I've had Granny Smiths that have been hard as rocks sometimes, but I still get them if I'm baking with them.
Do they still exist? They were my favourite but they dissapeared from all the stores here
Granny smith is the only right answer, it's the apple that bits you back
What's Pink Lady like?
Light, crispy, juicy as fuck.
Lovely flavour.
Like a lady should be, amirite? ;D
I'll see myself out.
Crisp but not too dense. Skin is thin enough that your teeth can't catch on them like red delicious and granny smith. Sweet, with a clean tart finish. Beautiful mottled colour of pink, green and red. Very juicy.
These are lady boy apples, you rat fink.
Used to taste like custard as a kid. Now that flavour ship has sailed though :(