what's the difference between the two. is one more superior to the other. (or is it all based on one's opinion)
Lobster and Crab
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Cold water lobster > all shellfish
Take the crab pill
>eating giant bugs
Lobster is fucking delicious and I know it's the more highly regarded but if I'm being completely honest the best crabs I've eaten have been better than the best lobsters.
I don't like dipping lobster in butter, it takes away the divine flavor of the meat.
As with most things food related, it is up to one's individual tastes.
That said, chili has beans you stupid faggots.
Outside US, lobsters are so much more expensive.
I prefer giant prawns in any case.
Lobster is slightly more fishy and sweet and I've found crab to be a little more meaty. The difficulty with crab is there's not much meat comparatively. I slightly prefer crab, but I love seafood and shellfish of all kinds.
not even worth the read
go to belize. you can feast on even cheaper, and better quality lobster than anywhere else.
I was there for ten days and ate lobster twice a day. never got sick of it.
crab tastes nothing like lobster. a fat juicy lobster tail is one of the best things the ocean has to offer.
Crab meat is just more tender than lobster. That's a fact.
Lobster tail cooked even slightly long will go stringy & tough.
>crab tastes nothing like lobster
Go to Japan.
>is it all based on one's opinion
The taste is different, the texture is different, preparing them is different.
I like lobster better but crab is far more worth the price
All nip food tastes bland though.
Bad analogy, user.
I prefer crab, but I got sick from eating bad lobster once and I've never gotten sick from crab. Probably just a psychological association biasing my opinion.
Lobster is so expensive it's not worth it, plus the fact that unless you're at a fine restaurant (in which case it will be even more expensive) they likely won't cook it correctly, when I used to get lobster at restaurants it nearly always got undercooked or overcooked, and even if you complain and get it comped it feels like a waste of time.
With crab it depends, snow crab is like crack for me, and it's impossible to fuck up. If I'm ever at a touristy beach and find an all you can eat snow crab place, it's on.
Stuff like blue crab tastes fine but is a lot of work for almost no meat.
I had lobster at Red Lobster and the meat was overcooked so it was stringy and chewy. to add to that, the legs were small which was a bullshit experience all together.
this is fucking great
Lobster sashimi is more common than Crab sashimi.
what's sashimi?
Go to Japan.
>white people
nvm looked it up.
Bottom feeding humans love eating bottom feeders.
Just because these roaches skitter about underwater eating whatever falls to the bottom doesn't make them any less disgusting.
If I could choose pound by pound, I'd go crawfish. If weight by weight, I'd go for the blue crab and make a nice stew with the whole body!
Hi there Moshe.
Yeah but crawfish though. Anyone not from the south, it's way better homemade.
With a mind like yours, you'll probably want the land crab.
>hey guys what do you like better between choices A and B
>I think I like choice F
I'm not much of a crab eater. They gross me out. But when I do, I eat snow crab. Almost as good as lobster!
Crab tends to be richer and more flavorful and lobster more subtle. They're both good and it really does just come down to personal preference.
ohio pls stop
Can't stop, won't stop.
This is how a king feasts. I've had old women at buffets literally try to stab me with steak knives because I made it to the crab legs before they did.
imo the difference is crab tastes better but lobster is easier to work with
Lobster can be great, but when crab is on its game it can't be beat.
The most confusing thing about this is how incredibly well made it is.
I mean, that is a spectacular example of . . . whatever it is.
wtf i love crab noa
Best shellfish I ever had was grilled Tiger prawns at Newton Market in Singapore.
Eat the crab and sell the lobbies for 4k each in Falador.
I'd say it's personal preference. In my case I've had better lobster than I've had crab so I'll go with lobster. However what I really need to do is have more kinds of crab.
Come to Brasil
but there are no crabs in runescape
If crab is chicken, then lobster is beef.
Also for some reason niggers think lobster is really classy. I think it has something to do with none of them ever seeing/eating one.
One has grabby-grabs and the other has pinchy-pinch.
Crabs are like hamburger meat and lobsters are like steaks. There is a clear winner.
yes, hamburger meat wins.
Lobster used to be the go to for poor people during the American revolution. Now things are reversed
What a mindfuck.
I blame the British for that
crab no question
but if you're going to eat crab you have to do it right, you can't order a few crab legs at some restaurant you need to go to a big crab feast where they serve huge trays of of the stuff and you can eat all you want. it has to be served cold too, it's weird if the shell is soft from being steamed.
No meat on those little bastards.
Not worth the effort of cooking them.
Nothing, lobster is just an attempt at tax-evasion
Having never eaten crab because of it's rarity in my homeland, can anyone tell me how does it compare to lobster in taste and substance?
crab meat is more stringy than lobster and sweeter too, but lobster offers an abundant amount with less work at the loss of crab's flavor; both are equally delicious just as all seafood and food themselves, but i'll take a crab cake over a lobster tail any day given a choice
Lobster is only worth getting when someone else is paying.
When its your own money, crab tends to be cheaper than lobster and always taste better.
I prefer blue crab over most other shellfish personally. It has a huge nostalgia factor for me because we used to catch them all the time off our dock and having big crab boils and picking at crabs with family were just good memories