reminder that deep dish pizza is better than soggy tortilla NYC """"""""pizza""""""""
Reminder that deep dish pizza is better than soggy tortilla NYC """"""""pizza""""""""
I'd rather have a Japanese teenager shit in my mouth than eat cagoza
That seems harsh. I'm sure Veeky Forums would be willing to set that up for you though.
>new yorkers will never experience this
Ah this is why America is so obese.
No, a New Yorker could never possibly get on a plane and fly to Chicago; chances are many New Yorkers have had layovers in Chicago even if they never planned on visiting in the first place.
It's also only a 12 hour drive - I've done it half a dozen times.
That's basically fucking lasagna.
Brooklyn style or gtfo. Thin floppy pizza with God tier fresh Pepperoni beats everything.
Eating pizza with a fork is for fucking toddlers.
That is a pie, not a pizza
>inb4 autistic screeching
Deep dish is a casserole and NYC pizza is just flatbread with cheese and sauce.
You heard it here folks. Chicago Za is so much better than NY za that they will drive 12 hours just to taste it. NY btfo.
Someone will take this bait.
Why is the black man so in awe?
>using a fork to eat pizza
No detroit style?
It's just an extra thick pizza. Enjoy your nigger-tier tortilla with melted cheese.
>deep dish
And this once again shows america voted for the wrong person
How else are you supposed to eat pizza? Using your hands is for savages.
>Eating pizza with your hands in an expensive business suit
I bet you shit in streets too.
If I were wearing a fancy tailored suit I'd also do Knife and Fork, fuck I'd be George Costanza eating candy bars that way.
people, especially politicians, do that all the time, it's not hard to not get food all over yourself
i bet you need to tuck a napkin into your shirt to avoid getting it dirty you sloppy bastard
>eating with hands like a savage
>has the gall to call me a sloppy bastard
Try again, pajeet.
I've never tried deep dish, but I did just order a large pizza from Domino's with the following toppings
>Brooklyn Pepperoni
>Hot peppers
Should be here any minute. Looking forward to it.
Cut it into small pieces and eat it with chopsticks. It amuses me.
gunna do this tonight desu
S'alotta cheese man.
reminder that bar pizza is superior to both thin crust and deep dish
>Baked in a tin
>Dough is spread
>Sauce and cheese extend all the way to the edge
>Can request light toast to burnt edge, depending on how you like it
>Personal size, everyone can get what they want
>Smaller size, cooks quickly, always made fresh
You'd have to be a dumb concrete jungle monkey to disagree.
That guy had 6 heart transplants of course he'd be amused
So... basically like a round version of detroit-style pizza then.
You sound like someone who writes their name on their underwear so no one takes it
What is the best combination of toppings for a Chicago-style pizza casserole like OP posted?
Dayum, dat's cheesier than mah jokes!
You're missing the point;
tiny hands
I wish my hands and feet were smaller. Buying shores and gloves are such a fucking mess...
Odd as it may sound, less complicated is always best with these pizzas. Cheese is probably my favorite, but sausage is bomb as shit too.
Public Service Announcement:
All pizza can be made well and it doesn't matter whether it's called "pizza" or not. Words have nothing to do with food.
Yeah, if you like shoving your face with dough.
Is there any place in the Dayton, OH area that makes "good" deep dish pizzas? I've never tried one before.
a true new yorker
Mate M
I dont care what anyone says, Sbarros has great pizza
Don't make the mistake of getting too many toppings. One is best, two at most.
.t flyover
>Eating pizza with any sort of tomato sauce on it
>a literal fucking melted cheese tortilla
God damn fuck off with this retarded "flyover" shit. It was funny at one point now it's just stupid. Way to try and fit in, get fucked
t. sour grapes
>implying that cheese that keeps stretching out to infinity is good
you love making a fucking mess, don't you you fag?
>i don't have an argument so here's a word i learned in my five minutes here
>eating floppy pizza that doesn't even stand straight with you hand, thus making a giant disgusting mess
literally an animal
true pizza is as thin, flat, and floppy as paper and has no sauce and barely any cheese. and greasy as fuck.
>caring about how people eat food
literally an autist
I lived in Cincinnati for college, and believe it or not, UNO chain restaurants make decent deep dish. Not as good as the original or DUE up in the Near North, let alone the smaller places that do the best versions possible, but still tasty. Now that I live in Manhattan, I miss it. I love the pizza here and would pick it over deep dish most times, but like a couple times a year I just really want a deep dish from Lou's.
was meant for
Oh man I love Chicago deep dish. I went to Gino's Easy in Wisconsin and the waiter asks me if I want cumble or pattie sausage. It's like the whole top of the pizza is a pattie. Was great!!! Washed it down with the best beer ever spotted cow!
I learned how to make tortilla pizza in the mental institution. Very easy meal to make.
I fold it once, that way it is more firm and easier to eat with my hands. I don't even get grease on my hands since I am not a filthy disgusting american with two tubs of lard on my pizza and/or between my fucking mantits.
I know people hate on the Naples pizza
But that kind of pizza has been the most savory pizza I've ever had
to each his own. (provided it isn't top or bottom)
Enjoy your tomato soup pizza you disgusting fuck.
Lou's was my childhood man, every special occasion we got Lou's when i was a kid. I do think Due and Uno make a better pizza Lou's is pretty damn good