hey Veeky Forums
I got this pickle in a bag.
It expired 12/16/16
Will it fuck me up if I eat it?
Hey Veeky Forums
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No they're pretty much invincible.
Now go away with 1 question dumbass threads, it's a $1 pickle you cheap bastard.
But it's a hot pickel
It'll pickle your nipple
>quality since 1898
Well it's about 120 years old anyways, it says right there.
Just throw it out.
OP here.
I took one bite and the hide on it was tough and leathery.
The initial bite force required to snap through the smooth skin is what id imagine it would be like to bite through a raw smooth skinned fish.
The taste is much like if you've ever taken a sip of soda after somebody has ashed a cigarette in it.
I'm sure to good to finish it though.
Please don't.
I bet the expiration date has more to do with transfer from the packaging to the content, rather than pickles going bad.
post pics.
also you're saying it tastes sweet? Good lord, why.
next eat a big mama's sausage or whatever the fuck that thing is
Why do you need to eat a expired pickle in a bag for? Explain yourself.
stop being so insensitive user, hes clearly an african and that bagged pickle is all he has left from his father
you know how pickle works?
how is pikkle formed?
they need to do way rotend qcumbr
you're a faggot but that takes me back
>Calories: 0
>Serving size: 1/5 Pickle
I bought one of these a few days ago, they taste really bad.
>Will it fuck me up if I eat it?
Yes but that has nothing to do with the expiration date
Good for 1-2 years beyond the sell by date