>he stores tomatoes in the refrigerator
Spot the guy who can't food
>he thinks storing tomatoes in the fridge has a significant effect
>he gets all his food knowledge from "top ten tips" lists and other pop science
Try it yourself then! Put one it the refrigerator and one in the fruit basket and try them together after 3-4 days idiot.
I don't eat 4 day old tomato, I pluck them when I need them.
That isn't cookery either way, it's storaging
Just trying to help a brother out in the kitchen is all. The same goes for all citrus fruits. And if you want your avocados ripe, just place them together with a ripe red pepper! Which by the way, also should be stored outside the refrigerator! ;)
>leaving out ripe tomatos.
Are you fucking daft? Sure, if a tomato isn't quite ripe you leave it out, but that goes for any produce.
It looses all it's sweet flawors my dood. Never do that!
>he doesn't put his tomato in the fridge
Putting tomatoes in the fridge makes them mealy and tasteless. They store just fine at room temperature and will retain their firmness and taste.
>everyone lives in the same climate: the post
Hands smell like garlic? Wash them in lemon juice!
i like cold tomatos thst taste like somewhat earthy tap water
>he doesn't put his tomatoes in the fridge
>he seriously leaves his ketchup on the counter
>he doesn't grow his own tomatoes
>he doesn't just walk to the store a buy a tomato when he needs one, during the off season
>he doesn't can his homegrown tomatoes for use during the off season
>I don't eat 4 day old tomato, I pluck them when I need them.
Then they don't need to go in the fucking fridge do they
Are you not gonna grow the tomatoes inside the refridgerator?
>living a meme.
I keep my tomatoes in the pantry, in their cans where they belong.
>he stores hot sauce and olive oil in the fridge
so you admit then that you have never put a tomato in the fridge and therefor have no basis for your arguments?
some posters I swear to god
you're allowed to eat them fresh you know
>olive oil in the fridge
what the fuck? this can't be real!
maybe he's testing it for authenticity
italian olive oil never clouds up because it's just gutter oil with green dye
huh never heard of that, does that actually work?
clouding in the cold is no guarantee of quality, but not clouding is a guarantee that it's garbage and should be poured down the drain
interesting, I might have to give this a try
>poured down the drain
minus that part
my mother, everybody
>uses too much soy sauce and or salt
>most things he cooks involves noodles
top kek... almost had me for a minute until "the toaster" but still funny
Canned tomatoes have a nicer flavor.
>Uses stock on everything
>doesn't even know hot to make stock
>Says meripoix and means bouquet garni
>Uses pepper on everything
in salads? oh, wait, you don't eat salads, do you, lardy mclardface?
>this nigga never ate a freshly picked tomato like an apple
The person uses stock on everything PLUS doesnt know how to make it?
Does the person make a lot of shitty stock and tries to apply it everywhere or just uses store bought stock because he doesn't even try??
It's terrible anyway.
>Most of his groceries are heat and eat shit from Trader Joe's.
Respect your elders, faggot
she is pretty nuts tho, the kind of nuts that doesn't fact check things, obsess over things and force their way of life on others.
This. there's a light in the fridge it can grow from
kill yourself
You are literally a personified fedora.
What, why?
take that back
She makes my katana feel euphoric
>he makes his burgers with lean beef
all food goes in the refridgerator thats just how it works
>pouring grease down a drain
How retarded are you?
It's not grease, though. It's oil.
unless you are an actual chef and not just a NEET stay-at-home cook you can barely taste the difference
I mean, you don't have to be a chef to have functioning tastebuds. neither do you have to be some kind of food critic.
Fridge tomatoes taste of nothing, counter tomatoes, of tomates.
the one in the fridge is edbile, the one in the basket is rotten
i put bananas in the fridge
>eating a tomato like you'd eat an apple
you my nigga
When I was a kid we grew lots of tomatoes in our greenhouse. It wasn't odd for someone to just pick one off the vine and bite into it like an apple. I really liked it
Yeah, who the hell puts canned food in the fridge.
i've never lived the kind of life where a vegetable garden, let alone a greenhouse, was viable, i just said one day
>it's an acidic fruit thing, there's no good reason not to eat it like an apple
and then i did it and it was good and i keep doing it occasionally
Like I mean sure technically you could save calories by eating cold food but it's like seven calories per pound.
>humanity has forged fire for thousands of years
>it's worth less than a potato per day
*cooked* food often has more available calories than raw food, and it's why we developed the ability to cook. But just hot vs cold is only a tiny amount.
Fucking Latinos man
Veeky Forums everyone
Best way to eat an apple