Under what circumstances canb you justify being a housewife in the moderb west? I want to live the domestic life with primary concern veing cooking and eventually child raising
Under what circumstances canb you justify being a housewife in the moderb west...
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We're going to need a little more info, what benefits can you get from your city/state?
Nothing, I have a husband to support me obviously. I'm talking more from a persoective of stigma, how can I spin it in a way so people won't look down on me
Where are you from? American?
how about baking user people go crazy for that shit also your husband can fuck a cake you made might be his fantasy who knows
Is that your fantasy?
Tell them to mind their own fucking business.
Please have and raise many white children and ignore whatever objections people have.
I think it's pretty acceptable, even as a man, I'd rather raise my kids and let my wife work, my passions aren't very likely to bring home a steady income, just something on the side
Almost every family I know of still follows that traditional dynamic albeit with slight modifications. The Father is still the major breadwinner and its usual for the wife to sit back and maybe engage in some part-time work once the keeeeeeds and sheeeit are grown but for the most part their responsibilities include cleaning/prepping the house, driving children, food, errands, other chores, etc
It's still very much alive. Don't believe the liberal lies
Thanks, be seeing you soon.
Hi, my name is Hassan and ive been thinking of moving to denmark.
what are the pros and cons
-welfare state is nice, it makes sure that if you fall on hard times society will help you get back on your feet
-culturally liberated, people will generally not get in your business if it doesn't concern them(there are exceptions)
-medicine is at a high level
-pretty wealthy country with possibly the best infrstructure for growth
-best economic/social mobility
-supposedly very high happiness but might be a tourist trap, lots of people on anti depressants
-highest density of normies
-medicine is pretty conservative, will sometimes be slower to adapt innovations
-living expenses are high
-almost impossible to get in as an immigrant unless you have good skillsets and are in the EU. This might exclude you if you're not a doctor or engineer, hassan.
Maybe in usa. In Denmark feminism really forces the "be an indepebdent career woman" down your throat (I forgot to add this to cons)
im swedish so immigration wont be a problem and im actually an engineer
Oh ok. Well it's pretty similar to sweden,(except for immigration policy) dunno why you'd bother.
under the justification of I just wanna do it ffs
Yes, I have no wife to make me fuckable cakes though, so I feel I'm caught in a landslide. I just want to fuck a hot miku cake and escape from reality.
Why do you need to ask this question instead of just doing what you like as a person?
Why does everyone need to get "consensus opinions" for every viewpoint they have like they're fucking ants looking for pheromone trails to follow? Is this really the future of humanity, people so fragile in self-perception they need input on every decision? They can't even go off on their own trail and give the finger to everyone else because they need muh hivemind to tell what to do, every single day of the week?
It's saddening.
Acceptance is something natural for humans to crave and this is a good thing
Kill yourself. Gaia is not a supporter of your chronic obsession for vindication and I'm tired of people using nature to justify every boneheaded decision they do or don't make in life.
>wanting acceptance from Veeky Forums
You already fucked up. Why dont you ask your husband how he feels about you asking a bunch of autists on a vietnamese dog sled forum how you should live your life.
I don't care about your acceptance, I'm asking how to gain the acceptance of my peers in spite of breaking a social stigma
the only way you can get away with it is to work from home in a way that you consider womanly, try getting into hand crafted textiles or the like. its either that or you have to make gifts, doing canned preserves and bringing them to the neighbors or whoever you want to impress.
Are you a woman or are you one of those new things the internet shit out a while back that says its a woman but its not.
I guess if the person listened to the dog sled forum religiously it would be like being married to a hivemind of sorts.
I terribly greasy McChicken inhaling dog fucking hivemind. Also you will always burn grilled cheese. Grilled Cheese is too advanced of a recipe for you to handle.
>in a way that you consider womanly,
Why in the fuck would that help. The issue in the first place is that I'm being a ""stereotype""
>Under what circumstances canb you justify being a housewife in the moderb west? I want to live the domestic life with primary concern veing cooking and eventually child raising
lol @ Thinking American housewives are homemakers and cook and clean while their husbands are away.
It's 2017
'Merican housewives are collecting those checks & going out errnight.
Modern housewives aren't forced to stay at home. They fucking choose to.
>'Merican housewives are collecting those checks & going out errnight.
Women be free now.
Why do you think zero Millenial women can cook worth shit?
To millenial snowflake women "Cooking = slavery."
because doing not womanly shit would invalidate your own personal requirement of being a stereotype.
you don't sound like you want a solution, you just want to bitch and complain that an era that never actually existed passed you by.
>'Merican housewives are collecting those checks & going out errnight.
I really don't know who the fuck still thinks american women have the ability to cook & be a home maker. Fucking stuck in the 1950's.
American women today are fucking useless & skilless. Pretty much good for fucking, and that's about it. Find yourself a nice Asian or Latina if you want to get married.
Tell them it's not very feminist to try and tell a woman what careers she can and can't pursue. Explain to them that you genuinely enjoy a quiet domestic life. If they can't accept that then they can fuck right off. You'll learn who your real friends are and who the dumbasses who can't think for themselves are. You'll also learn why the left sucks as much as the right.
>To millenial snowflake women "Cooking = slavery."
uuuuhhhhh. White girl princesses are such pain in the asses.
I am also from denmark. I'll settle down with you, sweatie :^)
It's funny cause I know this redneck dude that's all about muh traditions, but his wife just sits on her fat ass all day, and he ends up still having to cook and clean.
It's completely justifiable if you actually make being a housewife your job. It's easy to shit on it when you just microwave TV dinners, fill the dishwasher and washing machine, pacify your kids with tablets and watch soap operas and talk shows all day. But it's completely respectable if you:
learn to properly cook, bake, grill, roast, pickle, etc
learn about nutrition and don't stuff your kids with sweets and fast food
take time to do fun activities with your kids outdoors
have at least 3 kids
read up on child psychology and train your kids to be happy and well mannered achievers
maybe even learn to do basic repairs and shit around the house
Being a housewife can be several careers and full time jobs at once if you seek to become good at everything you do. It's only shameful if you become a slob and don't put any effort into anything. You don't have to become lazy as a stay at home mom. It's a very harmful stereotype perpetuated by misogynist feminists who demonize motherhood and believe the only way for a woman to be worth something is to have a career and generally act like a man.
You are asking Veeky Forums for advice how to better your life. Think about this for a minute. There is no hope for you now.
>'Merican housewives are collecting those checks & going out errnight.
baby mama with 3 kids needs to get her swerve on!
>Being a housewife can be several careers and full time jobs at once if you seek to become good at everything you do
lol fucking lol
have you actually MET any American woman?
> multiple career skillsets
That's slavery talk, neanderthal thinking, and grounds for break up to a white woman, buddy.
I don't know why you're extrapolating some group of American women onto me. I'm me and they're them, why would I care?
>people won't look down on me
Then get a fucking job and don't post your occupation on FB as "stay at home mommy." You're wanting to be a mooch, no two ways about it. You want to shit out brats into the world and put it on your husband to support all of you. Fuck you.
I'm not American
Already got someone
>your own personal requirement of being a stereotype
When did I ever say I wanted to be a stereotype? I have found a lifestyle that suits me and now I'm seeking a way to gain acceptance
Is that a tube clock & a calorie mate in the same place? I'd be In love.
I clearly stated that it CAN be if you turn it into that not that it is.
>I have found a lifestyle that suits me and now I'm seeking a way to gain acceptance
Of course being lazy suits you.
There is no reason to be a stay at home mom once your kids start going to school. It doesn't require an entire day to cook and clean. Get a part time job or at least volunteer somewhere you lazy cunt.
i second this
t. NEET virgin
>projecting this hard
>I have found a life style that is a walking stereotype,
fixed that for you idiot.
Become a YouTube vlogger
>trying to destroy ops life
dont do this op.
Having a husband that provides for you. You also forgot one of the primary parts of the housewife lifestyle sucking hubbys dick
You don't have to justify anything to anyone, if you have the money to afford to do it then do what you want.
my friends gf is a clever girl and real nice, she wants to marry him later and become a housewife. What a waste man, i could never do such a thing as that. I didnt come into this world to become a fucking housewife jesus christ its 2017. maybe in the 50s sure
bout time you bitches start carrying your own weight.
all good I say.
>You also forgot one of the primary parts of the housewife lifestyle sucking hubbys dick
I know you're trying to joke... but if you're a housewife and your man doesn't want to fuck you, then he's already fucking somebody else.
That guitar has 6 frets.
its a shortscale
You misspelled "ukulele"
>Pretty much good for fucking
> Don't bother me tonight, you pig, I have a headache.
> every fucking night
American women who want to be skilled in cooking and cleaning are perfectly capable. It's a skill after all. All skills can be built.
There are American women who strive to be this way, they are just rare. Many white religious women are this way, there are tons of them at my church. You are not going to find a traditional woman If you are a man who only seeks out women who use dating apps and frequent degenerate social events like clubs and bars. To find a good woman you must not be a degenerate yourself.
>white religious women
>more moral
>less degenerate
Nice fantasy world you're living in, christfag. All evidence suggests there is no difference in ethical and moral behaviors between regular churchgoers and atheists. One of the kinkiest fucks I ever had was a pentecostal preacher's daughter.
>I want to live the domestic life with primary concern veing cooking and eventually child raising
Around 2000 I got laid off and my ex wife got a raise. Day care was expensive so I stayed at home and raised the kids, I was already doing the marketing and cooking, et cetera. Worked like a fucking n***** day and night. It is not an idyllic existence. OTOH the point of the exercise is that the kids had a home with at least one active parent in it. We ate actual cooked food. Got to and from school on time. It was isolating, a fuck ton of work, and there were no tangible rewards. But my kids have grown up into decent people and are healthy.
>ima girl btw
>Vietnamese dog sled forum
wrong, you just have to find a like minded girl, not a christfag /pol/lite who doesn't think her gender deserves the vote.
You have no idea what you're talking about, user. Live-in gf is an RN, I'm a consultant. I make right around double her pay. If we were married, there would literally be no need for her to work, she'd be less stressed, and she'd be free to raise kids/cook/clean. It's a partnership. As it stands, we're in our early twenties, have more money than we know what to do with, and no time together to use it.
A housewife sounds awesome.
You need to move to Japan. It's the 1960s complete with stay at home housewives who are respected for being childbearing housekeepers. Also disposable income and functioning national healthcare.
Learning a language and moving to a new country is a small price to pay to get out of hell, just ask any Mexican.
Be rich.
How else does one make money off of being a housewife?
>Under what circumstances canb you justify being a housewife in the moderb west?
You justify being a housewife by being a woman. End of discussion.
>All evidence suggests
>posts anecdotal evidence
damn why are fedorafags so irrational
there are lots of ways you can make money from home user. but it mostly boils down to your own personal requirements that dictate how you should behave as a submissive stay at home woman and if and to what extent you are allowed
assuming you have no strings to hold you down, setting up an online buisness, creating youtube or other internet content, sewing or creating goods to be sold on etsy or other places, and even artistry, painting, etc can all be done at home to fill time.
daily vlogging however has been shown to be fucking awful for everyone involved. it litterally is poison for your life.
>Step 1. Meet someone with whom you have multiple interests in common and you find attractive, and fall in love.
>Step 2. Discuss marriage and children with said person BEFORE getting married. This includes deciding who will be the best provider for the family. Express your interests in being on the domestic side, and gauge how into that living situation your partner is. Figure our your combined finances and how those might change in the future.
>Step 3. Get married after signing a prenup.
>Step 4. Start on your domestic voyage. Remember to be open to change, as your partner will have a career that grows and changes, and you will have to follow that.
No one who cares that much about their bike owns one with those shitty handlebar attachments
If this isn't a bait thread just stay at home with as many kids as you can produce. Europe needs more Aryan children. Just raise them well and earn your mutterorden
Nothing wrong with being a housewife.
I see way too many Millennial aged women who fucking suck at their careers and fucking shitty mothers at home.
They just end up fucking up both worlds and usually end up divorced.
At least pick one fucking task and actually get it right before you try to be little miss do everything.
oh so I just have to be a rapfugee to get into Denmark like I can with Sweden? nice! can't wait for that Denmark pussy!