alcohol has ruined my life
it should be illegal
alcohol has ruined my life
it should be illegal
can i have your stuff
Sounds like a personal problem, borrow a stranger's phone and call yourself. That way you can talk to someone that gives a fuck
No user, your lack of impulse control and personality has ruined your life. Alcohol just enabled you to do it quicker.
Sorry you're too retarded to moderate what you put in your body.
im the same fucking way with cough syrup
but god damn if this board hasnt taught me how to cook egg
How did it ruin your life op?
People like you make up over 50% of this fucking board.
Don't encourage him.
food has ruined my life
it should be illegal
a gun killed my wife
they should be illegal
Everybody should have the right to consume and wreck their body as they please. Be it alcohol, cigarettes, meth or heroin That said advertising should be illegal.
>still enjoys smirnoff
you'd think that OP would have better taste if he drinks like a liter of the stuff a day
Nah prohibition is bad. You should considering going to an AA meeting or if youre lucky there might be a less dogmatic addict/user group in your area
your thread gave me cancer, you should be illegal.
alcoholics are just opiate-heads that haven't discovered poppyseed tea yet
that's almost as bad as blaming corn for obesity
its in the same vein as blaming the sun for global warming
It has ruined my life too. People in al/ck/ threads call me "Smirnoff bro" because are used to drink three 70cl bottles a day and have been drunk for a quarter of a century. I'm only a week sober, will inevitably relapse soon, and even if I don't, the damage is already done, alcohol will kill me. Should it be illegal? Absolutely fucking not. If it was illegal, it would only make me crave it 10 times more. The ease with which I can acquire it, makes it somehow less desirable. Less frantic. Less like my other addictions to illegal drugs, with which I struggled even harder than a physical addiction to booze.
>cough syrup
Patrician spotted
Yeah same.
2 days no sleep, just went and got 2 bottles of cheap pear cider... fuck knows why, don't even need or want it but I'll crack them open in a few hours no doubt.
Lol fag
>making penne alla vodka tonight
>call my shady vodka connect
>get stabbed and robbed in a back alley
Look at what you've done OP. I can't afford to get stabbed.
For me, the McChicken should be illegal. The best fast food sandwich ruined my life.
Fuck I remember you man. Glad to hear you are getting sober, stick at it bro. Hope everything works out for you
Thank you user. I'm ok. A week sober - fourth longest time in my life. Plus I'm almost 40, I'm astonished I've been lucky enough to make it this long. Any additional time is a blessing.
Try watching the BBC alchie documentary "rain in my heart" (YouTube), op. That'll provide a little motivation to steer clear. Good luck.
>i dont have self control so you cant have it either
Most helpful book I've ever read.
>it should be illegal
I love how I'm not an alcoholic.
I love drinking here and there, but I can go months without even thinking about alcohol.
I love how I can enjoy being drunk without having a bad conscience at all. After all, I'm not an alcoholic!
Nice joke faggot
There's no point in making it illegal. It's so easy to make alcohol that everyone will just sell it on the black market.
Maybe you should kill yourself? You've obviously proven yourself to be a beta male. You couldn't resist temptation and managed to become addicited to a substances that others can drink moderately. The world is harsh for weak people so I'm just giving you some advice that maybe you should end that pain before it continues to get even worse.
I used to go to this liquor store near my house fairly often, a pretty girl works behind the counter there.
I'd chat with her and flirt a bit, she seems nice and I wanted to ask her out.
I went there shit faced on a Saturday night one time and she was working, I'm not sure what I did but I'm pretty sure I would've been obnoxious me.
Last time I went there I saw her at the front and she saw me but she sort of disappeared out the back somewhere. I got served by some awkward dude, I'm pretty sure she ran away and made him serve me.
Moral of the story is live somewhere where there are lots of liquor stores because you can be a dick to everyone and start fresh everyday.
Same. But fuck it. Here's a story from last night.
>>be me
>>bro text me to go for a drive
>>fuck it
>>tell baby momma gonna go get a donut
>>meet friends at park
>>decide to skate
>>eat shit, shoulder to head fall
>>wake up today, my fucken shoulder hurts
Thinking of dumping my stuff but I'm trying to use alcohol to fuck around with chicks
Hey man I really do hope you can get better, shit sucks and it will kill you if you're not careful
it also shouldn't be illegal.
>alcohol has ruined my life
>it should be illegal
Stop being a pathetic Nigger and start taking responsibilities for your own fucking life & actions.
those groups do nothing at all
its all about personal discipline. a person can truly on rely on himself to decide what goes in his body.
you probably asked her on a date or something and embarassed her badly
it's ruining my life too :(
good luck buddy i hope you can get help
What does Veeky Forums think about this Aussie anti drinking advertisement.
cost me my job, around 15k in the past year, don't have enough money for car insurance next month
and I have the shakes
Alcohol has ruined my life, too, but I recognize that I have a problem and that people who can use it responsibly have a right to not have to pursue criminal channels to acquire it.
So stop drinking it op, I mean it can't be harder then getting bullies right? Just close the screen or tell someone it's happening. " sarcasm "
I agree
Legalize weed
Criminalize alcohol
You can do it bro. I think the best way to quit though is not to instantly go cold turkey, but to slowly decrease your intake over time.
Nope Article 33 of the Fourth Geneva Convention specifically forbids collective punishment.
Just because I can't do it reasonably doesn't mean other can't.
And yeah my life sucks....
does anyone have that infograph on how to make your own still?
>a gun killed my wife
A gun killed the woman I wanted to wife.
Guns are why I don't have a wife.
You just need to choose drugs that aren't as bad for you
Try weed
Dude, as an alcoholic myself, you really are being a huge bitch about this. I've fucked up plenty of things because of my drinking, but that's just what happens if you want to keep doing it a lot and for a long time, something is bound to happen.
Just quit if you want, but no it shouldn't be illegal.
*i ruined my life with alcohol
T. An alcoholic with self awareness
>I can't control myself from doing drugs, so that means no one should have them
Get help or just Fucking kill yourself faggot
>a gun killed my wife
>wanting to make illegal the only thing that's kept you from killing yourself all this time
not the drink's fault OP
>food should be illegal
same argument
Being stupid should be illegal. Eugenics now.
What is this picture?
This is actually true though.
Weed saved my life. It should be legal.
And mandatory
Fuck you. You just don't understand what it's like for people when weed doesn't work for them. I tried to break myself into probably like a hundred times and it 9 times out of 10 results in psychological horror and physically crippling panic attacks. I've only had maybe 2 good weed highs in my life.
Weed permanently fucks with some people's heads.
I was joking, I actually have the same reaction to weed. I tried it twice and gave up. But it should still be legal.
I agree that weed, along with all other drugs shouldn't be illegal for people to put in their own body. It also needs to be regulated a hell of a lot more than it is over there in the states, where it seems its given away carelessly. Aren't there doctors over there who specialise in finding some "ailment" for which to prescribe you weed?
In states with medical marijuana, there are special doctors who will write you a weed recommendation that needs to be re upped every year. It was my way in before it just got legalized here in CA. There's no system yet in place to legally sell for recreation so it's kind of still de facto illegal. I pick up from a medical dispensary that has just stopped checking recommendations as long as you're over 21. I'd say of all the drugs that get handed out loosely here in the states, weed is not the one that is a problem
Yeah, the only time I want the state to interfere with people's lives is to prevent stupid people from breeding.
Chemically castrate anyone with an IQ under 100.
This would drastically reduce a lot of social problems, but it would hurt people's feelings, so we can't do it quite yet.
>implying you wouldn't find another vice anyway
Sperglords can't handle self-discipline because they're too impulsive and too attention driven. Invariably, they join le social movements to go mandate dogma for them.
I thought you died. Haven't seen you in a while.
Been drinking for a month or 2 straight. Been black out for a weeks total adding the random days here and there. Everyone is starting to compare me to my dad. My babies momma who I live with at home with family just told me my mom thinks I should go to aa. Shit pissed me off. I'm going sober to prove them wrong. See who the fuck needs help after. Thinking of dropping out of school to find a full time job so I can move out. One of my family members is pushing it on my mom to kick us out so his wife and kid can move back in and get the room I share with my kid and babies momma. As now im saying fuck family in ready to prove them wrong.
For me, its the vodka
I quit like, a week ago. Feels okay.
Nah user I'm always here, needs me sum al/ck/ to stay remotely sane, I just can't always communicate. Withdrawal is backing off but PAWS are fucking ruining me. Craving like fucking hell, but these threads help me to remember why I stopped, and how hard it was to do so.
Always lurking. Not dying quite yet.
Do you have a girlfriend or anything? I bet that would help.
Where do you think you are, redditfag?
Nobody. Gf left me in 2012 because I wouldn't stop drinking. She's married now and other girls don't interest me. S'all about her. Friends and family are long gone. Everyone hates me because I'm a drunk. Closest thing I have to friends now are crack/smack addicts from whom I buy weed and lorazepam, who have stabbed and robbed me. I suck.
what liquor do i get tonight Veeky Forums?
sounds like me except 2013 and she doesn't have kids.
I just have no friends whether addict or not
>I have no self control
>Make stuff illegal so I can't have it
Poppy seed tea is great, it's too bad you can't really do it more than once a week, I had a brew last time of 225 grams and I was pinned for like 16 hours. I'm pretty sure even doing it like twice a month definitly raises tolerance. I still like to take some hydros and oxy on and off too for a more speedy opiate buzz
whatever's the cheapest per ABV
where can you find unwashed poppy seeds?
Anywhere that sells bulk probably doesn't wash their seeds unless they're washed direct from the supplier (which is rare). Packaged poppy seeds are almost always washed.
This. I am am alcoholic. Finally decided to go to rehab, stay sober, and clean up my life. It's not society's fault I can't drink. Ultimately it's up to you to take care of yourself, and it's not up to the government to make your life better by dictating the rules of what you can and can't do.
>it should be illegal, إن شاء الله
holy shit dude how much of a nigger can one person be? I bet your kid is gonna turn out greeaat
Move to a dry state if you lack self control.
*You ruined your life
Quite an idiotic plan you got there. Going cold turkey is incredibly stupid, especially without medical supervision.
How much low weight (140-160lbs) affects on drinking alcohol? Fat could drink much and get less drunk
I'm not sure where that would be, and most forums talking about making the tea are pretty tight-lipped about their sources.
>dry state
this is not a thing, newfaggot
Seeing this post got me curious about alcohol laws in the US. I never knew there were still dry towns in my state. The more you know.
OP should move to Arkansas.
i don't drink it.
I eat a low fat diet rich in beans and whole wheat. and carrots and other legumes and geetables.
I feel so good, all the time. It's like being drunk/high all the time. Don't need any sort of drug, except coffee.
Cheers user. Thinking we have the power to stop but not really wanting to in the first place. Hopefully i can make it to 40, and at least give my wife a child before it kills me. The life insurance will help her.
Im not to sure, go ask a nigger and find out. And yeah hes gonna turn out out great and I'm gonna make sure he does even if it means I don't drink. I dont care what you think.
Fuck it. Ive done it before and I was fine. Not even craving or getting the shakes or having any sort of break down.
This makes me so grateful for my gf. She puts up with my shit and even takes care of me. I've never met anyone who has loved me as unconditionally as she does.
Fuck me I'm going to go hug her right now.
Scene from Trailer Park Boys
>dry counties
Much of the glorious evangelical south has them. My county just went wet a year ago for towns with more than 1500 people, of which there is one, barely, the county seat.