i spashed 250 c oil on my hand
wat do
i spashed 250 c oil on my hand
wat do
Take a bite.
soak in cool water, use burn ointment or aloe if you have it
still looks raw to me
serves you right for being fat
? im not fat
it been an hour and i still can't take it out if the water without it burning up after a couple seconds
calamine lotion, aloe vera lotion
Embrace the pain
who can't cook now, faggot?
It will still hurt, doesn't mean it's still burning. Give it another half hour if you're worried.
It's annoying but takes time to come down. After 15 minutes of cold water it won't make any more difference
Put cold butter on it
The only reason he hasn't burned himself is because he drops his food into room-temperature oil.
One time I came home drunk as shit and thought it would be a good idea to make a steak in my cast iron. Put that shit in the oven and when I went to get it out I grabbed the handle with a full grip and I was so drunk apparently my brain failed to register how hot it was until the pan was half way up to the counter. Dropped that shit on my foot and had the biggest burn on my hand that hurt so bad I thought I was going to have to go to the hospital. Ended up putting a giant bowl full of ice water beside my bed and let my hand sit in it all night. Was fine in the morning just needed to put some aloe on it and bandage it up.
peel off the affected skin, sew on pork belly
If you have someone that can run up to a drug store for you, ask them to get you a can of Dermoplast burn relief spray or something similar
It's surprisingly effective at relieving the pain from burns, although it works better the sooner you use it
Just suck it up and drive on, pussy.
Next time use vinegar to stop the heat. (Trust me)
Also tack some IQF beans and stick them if a glove.
Stop being a pussy and get back to work!
I once tried to make honey more liquidy by putting it in a plastic container in the microwave. Apparently the container wasn't microwave proof, I ended up getting a bunch of melted plastic and scolding hot honey on my hand. I was supposed to go to the movie theater an hour later. I filled a shaker cup with water, brought it to the theater and let my hand rest in it during the entire movie.
Anyways, use water running from the tap and listen to the previous posters
Get burn cream. Take antibiotics.
>burn cream
Silver sulfadiazine to be specific
toothpaste, rub that shit on your hand
op here, i was supposed to go to a show tonight bUT i just drove around the oarking lot with the ac blasting on my hand then texted my friends "i'm not coming" picked up a 6 pack and now i'm back with my hand in water
i actually had some from an incident with a motorcycle but i cant find it.. i think i gave it away
Make sure the water is room temp and not cold. Cold water just prolonges the burn feeling. You could also put fine yellow mustard on it.
>worked in a kitchen as a sous chef for 6 years.
Where exactly did you burn yourself on your hand? Can't tell from the photos
i'm one tallboy in. pain is starting to subside
cold feels soooo much better thoooooo
it's starting to blister up now but my pictures are still shit
middle finger mainly. top of the tip to the of the knuckle; also the inside of the index. i tried to do a crossword puzzle earlier but had to stop because holding a pencil was agony. then a few more splashes on the back of my hand all the way past my wrist but they don't hurt at all i can just see them
OP you need to invest in one of these
saved my butt a few times and stops the splatter from wrecking you
i'm usually pretty cautious. i dropped a steak mid flip- total jack move
i cut my finger today preparing the same meal and remarked how long it's been since i injured myself (sober) in the kitchen
i attribute it to the fact that my eye is swollen shut from biffing myself in the face longboarding yesterday
>clumsy people
I'm pretty sure your brain is subconsciously trying to kill itself.
Just soak in ice water for a while.
And try not to pick if a blister forms, this burn on my wrist is taking forever to heal because I keep picking the scab off.
DON'T DO THIS. Your brain will subconsciously associate the fine yellow mustard with a delicious sandwich and you'll eat your hand before it's done cooking. Only do this when trying to lose weight or make your poop bonier
You got fat wrists. Lose some weight you piece of shit.
Apply ice and some burnt skin cream. Probably wouldn't hurt to stop by the ER to see if they can do something as well. Apply aloe vera to heal the skin.
Personally I just cook greasy foods shirtless and have the oil splatter on my chest. I cooked steak, bacon and eggs shirtless all my life. I just developed resistance to the burning.
Now you wanna talk about stupidity in foods, I once splashed some salt into my eyes by accident.
Run it under semi-hot water.
I'm not even joking.
>Next time use vinegar to stop the heat.
This is a good suggestion too.
God fucking damnit, I have that same Dallas Cowboys hat. FUCK YOU JACK, I HAD IT FIRST.
Happened to me before.
If you take it out of the water then after about 30 seconds to a minute the burning feeling will fade and it'll feel pretty normal
once you get through the initial pain then you get used to it
blistered up good
doens't hurt anymore
must resist urge to pop
That doesn't save you from when you actually need to flip shit. The oil will find the slightest opening and rape your hand.
Do it!
Get some moleskin for it.
Don't splash stuff down with force when you're flipping, just place it gently. Not difficult.
come to think of it i might have a concussion
Fat fuck
It's not the splash from dropping. It's the water in the food.
This. Toothpaste takes the heat out and pain away. Literally just put big blobs of it on the worst parts.
Draw a smiley face on it.
>make your poop bonier
wtf are you eating mate?
God your a bitch.
I swear the next time you make a thread about burning yourself, shit better look like Freddy.
you should very tightly cover ur blisters user so you dont die from internal bleeding
just to be safe u shud put a tourniquet on your wrist
Get a vasectomy
OP get some milk you tremendous faggot