When moms menu says find your own
When moms menu says find your own
But mommy I'm a big kid now I eat big tendies
>living with mom
holy shit.
More like find your own diabeetus.
I'm only 29. I'll probably move out sometime when I'm 30 hopefully
I don't understand families that do this.
Is it too hard to look in the fridge and figure out what to make that day? Is your life filled with such boring regularity you need to schedule "Taco night" and "Porkchop night"?
Also fuck off tripfag
She will sometimes mix up the days but Friday is always pizza and any day labeled find your own means she won't be home
It's about making the actual shopping easier.
It's pretty shitty to me, I lived under the system for 8 years but now I'm an adult and I decide on the spot what I'm having and go buy it.
Is she out fucking some guy?
haven't seen you since i left /g/ circa 2012
this is the last place i expected to find you
how you been, man
>when you're still living on mommy's tit
idk, I'm not my mom's keeper.
pretty sure she goes out w/friends or out to work dinners
Good, did you know desktop threads are banned
>letting your wife/mom go out random nights with no explanation
Hope your dad knows he's getting cucked.
My mom's significantly fatter than me and I weigh 280 pounds. I don't think my (step)dad would mind if someone else took over sex duties.
my mom moved in with my oldfag grandma and I have to live in her house for home insurance reasons
i did not know that, that's an interesting decision
how did it affect /g/?
g is all normies posting about smartphones
I'm 290 pounds could I take a whole boittle of nyquil at 650 mg/30 mL of acetaminophen at 354 mL without becoming cripple
I'm 37 and I live with my mom. My sister was killed in 2001 when she was 19. Dad died a few years ago. I'm foreveralone, so we're all we have. Rest of my family is normies. Aside from no social life it isn't so bad (thanks, internet!). I already hate myself and resigned to a life of nothingness anyway. Mom's a terrible cook from the baby boomer generation. We usually just throw things together on a whim and I end up doing anything complicated.
too late lads i drank it and now im gonna sleep
No shit. Where's the vegetables? Where's the lean meats? Where's anything remotely healthy? FUCK.
Just make meatloaf, it's so easy and wholesome
>I'm 37 and I live with my mom.
That's really hot. Are you single?
Kek, yea.
Be honest, who's your favorite new wave band?
Ooooo tough one. I guess Depeche Mode simply because of Violator. But I was/am more of a metal nerd. The Bangles were good.
Whenever my mom made supper without meat I'd get really pissed off and just drive to Taco Bell
Have you ever searched inside yourself for the reason why?
I need red meat and grains to feel satisfied. I can fill up on other stuff but it still leaves me feeling empty.
what will u do when ur mom dies?
>oil fried protein breaded with carbs
>starchy carbs
>carbs covered in processed cheese
Sell house, buy condo, drink self to death.
gosh jordan i didnt know you were here. i havent posted on /g/ in several years. its nice to see you again i hope you find something to eat for Wednesday.
No, It has more to do with menu planning and shopping and saving money so you can have a healthier more balanced diet. That being said I have no idea what OPs picture is. Its reminiscent of an elementary school lunch menu. It is literally junk food on junk food, all week long. Does OP really need a menu for that?
I've seen your micropenis.
>the old /g/ outcasts are on Veeky Forums
>Still living with Mommy
It somwhat stopped the loli posting, but not fully.
Now they make neofetch/screenfetch threads with their desktop in the screenshot.
Also Jordan fucking kill yourself, you make mommy buy you alienware garbage and you still complain about her not cooking you dinner EVERY night?
Do you want to fuck her?