Can we please dispel the notion that veganism doesn't provide all the nutrition we need?
Can we please dispel the notion that veganism doesn't provide all the nutrition we need?
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Why, it doesn't.
If you're satisfied with lentils and beans, then by all means.
As long as you eat food that is fortified, take supplements, or drink unsanitary water, sure.
Here's one notion that will never be dispelled: vegans are shits.
supplements are bad for you
your body can't absorb them like normal vegetables
>vegan version of broscience
You know what's even easier for the body to absorb? Meat.
can we please dispel the notion that a person can't live off of sawdust and glue?
I will, when vegans stop saying that OUR nutrition provides evil particles that destroy our bodies and cause the deaths of millions of innocent babies
No, we can't.
Remember to replace your protein with good heaping doses of soy beans.
Too bad the vast majority can't properly balance their diets and end up killing their newborns through vitamin deficiency
nice rhymes
What about B complex ?
Happy to do it if we can agree that eating meat isn't actually wrong.
What is B complex?
>is so retarded that the FDA convinced him he needs synthetic b vitamins to actually survive that have existed for no more than 65 years of human history
Loling. I'm no vegan but you, sir, are deluded just like every other merican into eating their poison and enjoying the fuck out of it.
B12 specifically
Yes, you are correct, heart disease and stroke have long existed
You don't them if you eat meat.
A bowl of roasted veg? Where's the fucking flavor? The texture?
Yes, they are present in meat and fish, but up to 40% of non vegans are deficient in this as well.
>meat and fish
Why is this a thing? Fish is a type of meat.
Vitamin b12 hads a rating of 1 for hazards to humans under the national fire protection association chemical rankings.
You literally can not Google or think for yourself.
You do not need a synthetic chemical that is hazardous to humans every day of your life to survive.
Once again, you are fucking deluded, and you are advertising literal poison as healthy.
Please use Google.
Either troll or insane conspiratard.
The good news: It is virtually impossible to consume too much B12, since it has a very low potential for toxicity. According to the Institute of Medicine, "No adverse effects have been associated with excess vitamin B12 intake from food and supplements in healthy individuals."
Food & Recipes
Vegetarian Diet and B12 Deficiency
Vitamin B12 Deficiency Seen in All Types of Vegetarians
By Sid Kirchheimer
From the WebMD Archives
June 18, 2003 -- Researchers have long known that a strict vegetarian diet -- one that excludes all animal products -- can lead to vitamin B-12 deficiency, and possibly heart disease. Now, new research suggests that even those who follow a more lenient vegetarian diet are also at risk.
In the July issue of the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, German researchers tracked 174 apparently healthy people living in Germany and the Netherlands.
They found that 92% of the vegans they studied -- those who ate the strictest vegetarian diet, which shuns all animal products, including milk and eggs -- had vitamin B12 deficiency. But two in three people who followed a vegetarian diet that included milk and eggs as their only animal foods also were deficient. Only 5% of those who consumed meats had vitamin B12 deficiency.
Take Heart
The problem: Vitamin B12 deficiency can boost blood levels of homocysteine, an amino acid implicated as a strong risk factor for heart disease and stroke. Studies have suggested that high homocysteine levels can promote blockages in arteries over time, possibly leading to heart disease and stroke.
s the number of vegetarians is increasing worldwide, we have special concerns about some health aspects of this diet, "We have a particular concern over vitamin B12 status being regularly monitored in vegetarians -- most importantly, in pregnant women, nursing mothers, children of vegetarian mothers and on macrobiotic diets, elderly vegetarians, and people who already have atherosclerosi
Much like with meat, the flavour is in the spices/seasoning.
You can tell just based on the colour that it isn't roasted, and you could venture a guess that it's curried.
And texture, what? Do you need a meaty texture to be satisfied with a meal? Each vegetable has its own texture.
Perhaps you can survive but it isn't healthy long term. Our bodies need animal fat, and it simply isn't replicated in plants. The vegans I knew in college all eventually fell out of the diet because their health was clearly starting to deteriorate. [spoiler]Just eat fucking fish, there's legitimate reason not to.[/spoiler]
*no legitimate reason not to.
174 people isn't enough of a sample size for the study to be relevant.
Increase 100 fold, then maybe.
That said, I'm B12 deficient, and I used to eat a shitload of meat. The answer is to take a B12 supplement.
>our bodies need animal fat
Actually, our bodies don't need animal fat, that's a myth.
Now your a nutrition scientist? Fuck off with your amateur opinions, drumpftard
For a healthy diet, it's required. For basic survival, maybe not.
Feel free to substantiate that claim
Again, for a healthy diet, it isn't. It's a myth.
Feel free to post some proof of your claim, though. I've never read anything even remotely conclusive.
It's pretty hard to do though. Most regular people with meats have a hard time being nutritionally sufficient, so you need a lot of discipline and knowledge to do the same with a vegan diet.
Has nothing to do with knowing anything about nutrition, I'm just aware 174 people isn't indicative of shit.
For all we know, all 174 are the exception. It's kind of key when it comes to science, being reasonably sure that the results are true.
If it was done with 100,000 people, and the same results observed, it would be counted as relevant.
But I mean I could go ask 174 people on the street if they have a B12 deficiency, and it would be as credible as this study.
Tell me more, oh wise statistician! Surely your amateur opinions are worth more than some random pH.D specializing in nutrition.
Let's say someone chose to do a study on breast cancer fatalities.
He looks at 200 women that definitely died of breast cancer, and not just had breast cancer and died.
He concludes that breast cancer is 100% fatal.
Pretend you don't know that it isn't, would you just agree with this study because it was performed by a doctor?
>implying a study group of that size would ever be in the realm of feasibility
Keep living the dream, these are the most reliable results we'll get
Literally eighty nine (89) studies backing up everything I have said
I never said what the study claims is wrong, in claiming that the study doesn't prove anything. Pick one with a reasonable sample size of over 10k at least, next time.
Hey vegans, I was wondering, do you have a dog or cat and what do you feed it?
Or how about eighty nine (89) studies showing the benefit of B vitamins?
Protestant detected
There are organic multivitamins that your body absorbs easier.
>was 100k
>now 10k
Yeah, go on and change your story without acknowledging that what you said was stupid
>no one can ever mistype and only hit 0 once, instead of twice
That said, I never said the cutoff for relevancy was 100k, just that 100k would be a relevant sample size.
Again, didn't say what the study claimed is incorrect. The fact that 89 other studies have been conducted doesn't mean anything either, if they're all of a similar sample size.
link doesn't work dingus
In response.
Tried to strip the referral away, I thought you might figure out where I fucked up
they can't see logic, they don't even understand macronutrition
Are control decks the fedora of MtG?
>Can we please dispel the notion that veganism doesn't provide all the nutrition we need?
Veganism is strictly a spoiled, sheltered, White people disease. Fucking white people people are all genetic defects & fucked in the head.
"eating food is morally wrong" lol
Ummm Hindus don't fit your narrative. Sweetie
Can we please dispel once and for all with this fiction that Barack Obama doesn’t know what he’s doing?
Don't you have a vegan board somewhere else you can try to virtue signal on?
hindus aren't vegans you idiot
Yes, though prison decks are for trolls.
The vegan diet is lacking in Vitamin B12, Iron, Omega 3 Fatty Acids and Calcium.
However if you are taking supplements for these, it should be fine as long you're eating healthy vegan foods.
Enjoy your incomplete proteins.
>Ummm Hindus don't fit your narrative. Sweetie
lol. indus are broke af. 100 years ago, if those niggers could afford beef, every one of them would be eating steaks right now.
get outta here with the vegeterian shit. those indian fucks just broke as shit.
And plenty of indians eat meat btw. i.e. all the ones that can afford it.
the indian "vegans" are just broke as niggas
Can we please dispel the notion that one type of diet is correct for all nations, cultures, professions, and age groups?
Veganism is a healthy lifestyle choice as long as it is not slavishly adhered to and is properly balanced. There is a very high amount of prep in a balanced vegan diet.
Vegan convenience food is expensive because a) usually organic b) trendy with a fluctuating customer base c) more prone to spoilage at the user end since the foods are prepared to a easily digestible state.
Consider the global and societal ramifications of the staples of veganism becoming more widespread. Soybean production is a tremendous drain on the water supply. Quinoa is a luxury where the means of production is slowly destroying the producers and productive land. Cauliflower has been so over-farmed that it now commands the same price as mid-grade chicken breast by comparable weight.
>eating a vegetable-based diet is healthy and sustainable
>adhering to a vegan diet says more about you politics than your concern for personal and global nutrition
>still not part of the pescatarian master race
You try eating 200g of protein a day vegan.
It isn't easy.
>not being a breathitarian
fucking fascists
>Much like with meat, the flavour is in the spices/seasoning
unless youre piano levels of huge nobody needs 200g.
I'm a 6'3" 210lb brick shithouse. Sorry I'm not a effeminate boy I guess.
1g/lb bw if you lift, which everyone should.
Well it's all the nutrition you need if you a transitioning into a young lady
>he thinks he needs 200g of protein
Veeky Forums fags are painfully retarded.
found the manlet
No one actually gives a fuck until you force children and babies to eat that shit. That's literally child abuse. Kids and babies are dying from vegan diets forced on them.
It's about lifestyle. There is no one true way. Whether you're a brutish swolebro or namby nu-male you're still trying to get fucked.
Pussies and assholes are both gonna take it.
It's a healthy diet for people of all ages if you do it correctly.
When I decided to change my diet (was fat, lethargic, suicidal) I decided to stop excessive meat and dairy consumption (found out the reason why I used to spray liquid shit five times a day, sometimes in my undies was due to lactose intolerance). I assumed it was coffee causing my liquid brown water geyser explosions in my jox.
I stopped eating meat completely (didn't miss the taste), only occasionally have pizza or icecream once a month (take a Lactese) or two and mostly eat a vegan-ish diet.
My doctor was shocked when I lost over 27kgs and actually said "What the fuck? You used to be fat". I can now go to the gym, run and do boxing without being as exhausted now.
My blood test and checkup revealed my cholesterol was better, my blood pressure was down and the only deficiencies I had were in vitamin D. I don't feel depressed or suicidal, my skin is clear and glowing, I can concentrate and not procrastinate and I have never felt better. Say what you will about Veganism/vegetarian diets, if they're planned well you can get plenty of nutrients without using processed garbage supplements or toxic powder shakes.
God damn, how many years did it take to figure out the lactose thing?
Pretty sure a sedentary lifestyle is the opposite of healthy. To make up for it people move heavy shit around a few times a week, and as a result need high amounts of protein.
It's great that it worked for you. I come from a vegetarian family and went vegan for a few years because everyone recommended it for high blood pressure and cholesterol (which I was having issues with due to PCOS). I played around with my macros on Cronometer to try and get things just right, but I never felt 'okay'. I ate a wide variety of fruits and vegetables. My vitamin D dropped, I gained weight (while still being within my calorie limit), I was exhausted, and my skin was breaking out.
I ended up going keto, and from there, everything just got better. Blood work is great, I lost about 10lbs in 4 months, I'm no longer breaking out, and I'm no longer having issues with fatigue. All from dropping carbs, eating meat and upping my fat intake.
I think this just goes to show that one diet doesn't work for everyone. For whatever reason, my body can't handle carbs. People need to stop arguing about what's best for everyone and do what's best for them.
I never used to eat a lot of cheese or milk as a kid. I'd have a dash of milk in coffee or the occasional pizza. when I moved out of home I used to eat a lot of dairy and drink lattes a lot.
holy fuck
I LOL'ed WAY harder than I should have
Definitely, and thanks for not being a sperglord and raging as a response. I'm sometimes surprised genuine debate can happen on this site sometimes.
I found the only thing that really fucks my diet/sleep up is the excessive caffeine intake. I make fresh coffee (grind it, brew it in a chemex) and drink coffee at work and I literally get migraines when I don't consume enough of it. It's my last health hurdle (I quit drinking alcohol and drugs years ago).
Practicality-wise, it's very hard to do a balanced vegan diet on a low income while still supporting a family, however balanced vegetarian diets are doable.
But to be honest, every single vegan I have met is extremely vocal about thier lifestyle and seem to always be in bad moods. Just an observation.
So I usually just avoid pork, and stick with legumes, chicken, and fish for my bulk protien. Beef is a "treat" every once in a while since the cholesterol from beef is good for bodybuilding.
It's a myth that veganism doesn't provide all the nutrients you need.
It's a fact that vegans are insufferable cunts that eat awful tasting shit.
Vegan diets are impractical on low income because you can't eat eggs or milk?
>what is intrinsic factor
Absorption is different than intake. Please do not use your personal anecdotes as facts.
Or is over exerting yourself in the name of being fit just an excuse to consume more? Can a person's self image be so fragile that they need to eat a steak every day so that they go to the gym to work off that steak in order to gain the benefit of regimented exercise to rationalize all the other awful things done in the name of their chosen lifestyle?
If you eat 200g of protein on a daily basis for health reasons you are either wasting your time or have a personal development agenda that is probably psychotic and you should be culled.
Or you wrestle sumo and are a hero to millions. Those guys are tanks.
You simply cant as ignorance is rooted deeply into individuals and denial is even more deeply rooted.
All you're gonna get is dipshits that are gonna say MUH B12 when they don't even care to be aware that the B12 that comes from industrialized meat is from injections given to the animals because their diets are so poor and the conditions so bad. They have to inject them to keep them on their feet and keep them gaining weight.
Industrialized meat is just another fortified food, an incredibly wasteful fortified food.
At least vegan nutrition doesn't stay in the gut for days as in the case of meat. Enjoy your cancer, cardiovascular problems and early deaths.
daily reminder that there have been dozens of cases of vegan parents imposing that diet on their children, and their children dying because of it.
daily reminder that social darwinism works both ways
I'm not white and I'm a vegan
>deaths of innocent babies
It's funny because that is what Vegans do when they are to malnourished to feed their kids.
Then you're two steps behind
>if you do it correctly.
Do you really think the retards taking part in these "diets" ever do it correctly, much less make sure their kids do?
Can we please dispel the notion that veganism is possible at all!