Homemade recipe critiques?

Hey Veeky Forums, I'm new to cooking for myself and I'd appreciate any pointers you have in how to improve the following recipe. I'll post pictures on a step-by-step recipe I developed and if you want, please tell me what you would change.

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Would you like my honest criticism?

So my first step was chopping up a whole bunch of chicken-apple sausage and yellow onions.

>chicken apple sausage

Yes please! I need to become better.

I then sliced a bunch of tomatoes and started boiling some spaghetti noodles.

Then I mashed up two cloves of garlic using a metal fork. Before this, I had some trouble incorporating garlic into my recipes such as fried garlic chicken and this pasta dish. I always tried to dice it up, but the garlic was in too large of chunks to really release the flavor. But this time, based on what I read online, I just used a fork to mash two peeled cloves of garlic up until they were a semi-paste.

I then got some olive oil into a pan and heated it up until it was simmering. In the meantime, the spaghetti pasta was done cooking so I put it in a strainer.

I then put the sausage, onions, and garlic into the pan and then added some seasoned salt and pepper into the pan. I then sauteed it until the onions started to get translucent.

After that, I got added the tomatoes and again sauteed them until they got soft.

Finally, I added the spaghetti noodles into the pan and added some more seasoned salt and pepper and just mixed it around until everything was thoroughly mixed. The picture shows the result. It tasted pretty good and not to garlic-y as I was afraid I had added too much garlic. It tastes best hot but it cools off way too quickly.

So, any thoughts about the recipe? What should I have done differently? What would you have done differently to enhance the flavor of the dish?

Not the highest class food, but respectable bachelor chow. Learn to dice dem garlins tho bwah.

Andouille, fusilli, pinch of chili, play with your willy.

>Andouille, fusilli, pinch of chili

What will these do? Especially the fusilli?

TT is either an epic Veeky Forums troll or an honest to goodness earnest epic fail. Let's assume the latter and want to learn. First, the Adelles meme sausage. No. If you must, pair it with carmalized onions, and something like a baked or roasted tater and sauce and peas or green beans and dry white wine. Second, cherry tomatoes stand on their own. Think puttanesca. To make a quick sauce use canned or fresh (blanched or peeled) Roma's. Third, garlic. Smash garlic with the flat of the knife, peel, mince finely, add some salt and and work with the flat of the knife into a paste. Fourth, flavored salts are for college girls; the only exception is seasoning for grilling meat. Fif, use pasta water when you combine pasta with sauce.

Try and perfect this recipe: foodandwine.com/recipes/pasta-sausage-basil-and-mustard

Post results.

All in all good effort, you tried. Keep at it. This skill is is one of the most pleasurable things you will ever develop in your life, for you, your family and your friends. Stick around and keep it up with the OC.

And lurk these forums: forums.egullet.org/forum/108-the-egullet-culinary-institute-egc

And a source for Italian cusine: academiabarilla.com

The mouth-feel is important. Don't discount that. We can all see you snapped your spaghetti. So you already knew it was an inappropriate shape.

>TT is either an epic Veeky Forums troll or an honest to goodness earnest epic fail.

Oh my god, I didn't realize I was that bad. What specifically about this was so bad? Was it the recipe itself or was it just my cooking methods?

He's just a hoity toity know-it-all prescriptivist. Don't worry about it. Probably takes himself oh so seriously with his X years' industry experience, AA meetings and chronic lung problems. You didn't do that bad.


im an old fart home cook, but otherwise spot on.

There's an old internet rule of thumb: if you want to know the right answer, purposely post the wrong one.

>purposely post the wrong one

Did I fuck up that bad?

You're too self-conscious. Throw the messenger bag away. No, it's not the male equivalent of a purse. It makes you look like a fag.

There's one thing you'll come to learn about Veeky Forums. Everyone here thinks they're the best cook and everyone else has shit taste and cooking skills. Have yet to see a cook along not turn into a condescending shitfest.

True enough, but that's true of every board here and every forum since USENET. OP can take constructive advice or leave it. He asked for an honest opinion, he got it. He's either trolling or wants to learn. Poes Law.

I don't get why you need to troll a dead board. Just let Veeky Forums die in piece.

I would have used fresh sausage and taken the meat out of the casing. Also, pasta calls for a sauce (whether that be tomato based or not) so I would add a liquid such as tomato sauce and crushed tomatoes. Also your dish lacks seasonsing - herbs, anchovy paste etc. as well as a topping like grated cheese or fresh herbs.

I just want you to think about one thing my dude because while it's bland that's easily fixed with a teaspoon of chilli powder or cayanne pepper or where ever you want to go with that. Texture my dude, Texture. I cringed hardest when i saw that you left the onions sloppy and white, probably chewy. Crank your fucking pan to hellfire, little oil (don't be afraid to season the onion a little garlic goes into, you're building up the flavors in your oil) Get that shit light to medium brown. The oil should have picked up all your flavors Now comes meat (Fuck your apple chicken to be honest, that's cringe tier, Polish is my fav for sausages, but Italian is all good, pork or beef please). Bung those bangers in there let them pick up the flavor for the love of god actually brown them. I actually think your tomsatoes look allgood, as soon as your pans dried out use them to bring moisture back to the dish and soak up all the crispy shit you have left on the pan. Buy better spaghetti because it's like half the dish and it instantly makes your dish look hideous if you don't. Also I'd probably use a little less proportionate to the ammount of other shit you have here, that looks pretty bland. Good job actually using salt and pepper, it shows you care and that's the hardest part.

>Crank your fucking pan to hellfire, little oil (don't be afraid to season the onion a little garlic goes into, you're building up the flavors in your oil) Get that shit light to medium brown. The oil should have picked up all your flavors Now comes meat

So instead of putting the onions and sausage in at the same time, you're saying I should stagger their cooking? Add and cook the onions and garlic and then add the sausage?

>Buy better spaghetti

What would be a better type of spaghetti? Some thinner angel hair type or a different shape like the fusilli?

Also, thanks to everyone for the feedback. I've got a lot to try out.

>stagger their cooking
yeah my man that's the way. basically the simplest mistake you can make when cooking in a pan is making it sloppy. The whole point is you can do all these things on higher temps to get it to caramelize (this =flavor), you want your garlic and onion crispy, your sausage nicely browned and your tomatoes are just going to want to sweat down and stew for a bit (crank it down, let it bubble away when you add them).

>Buy better spaghetti
Really no rules here just don't grab the cheapest one on the shelf.

>better spaghetti
Read the ingredients.
They should look like this:

Ingredients: 100% raw durum seminola (durum wheat)

If you see a single fucking word after that, throw it away. Spaghetti does not contain synthetic chemicals by default. It contains one ingredient: durum wheat.

Always remember this and you will not have to worry about your spaghetti tasting like poisonous shit.
Healthy harvest wheat linguini is a good place to start.
There's a bit of a taste change going to wheat, but white spaghetti is quite literally impossible to find unenriched. Order that online or something.

You're all set, enjoy the flavor of actual wheat because it does taste somewhat different than a slew of the powdered jew.

Remember this.

While I agree that pasta should absolutely not contain any synthetics, there is no problem with them containing egg. Its just a different flavor, but completely up to taste.
Both variants are "traditional italian" just from different regions.

Different flavor and texture you mean, and yeah I love it when tards go "ONLY EGG PASTA IS GOOD" or "ONLY DRY PASTA IS GOOD"

It's like spergs going on about how red wine is superior to white wine, like sorry you're a fucking tard and think they're somehow competing with one another but it's mouth sex vs pussy sex, they aren't the same

Enjoy your poison.
Better stop flipping your shit, mods are finally here after two weeks.
Time to calm down.

Synthetic american poisons make spaghetti and bread taste like ass. This is fact.
Plain wheat the way god intended it is the only right way.

>egg is a synthetic poison

I definitely prefer egg pasta in soups and some really rich sauces. for normal spaghetti I'd take non-egg

>mouth sex vs pussy sex aren't the same