...and the Asian lady in line had to pay for her entire weeks worth of groceries with nickles and dimes.
Can we get a thread of unfortunate food shopping experiences?
...and the Asian lady in line had to pay for her entire weeks worth of groceries with nickles and dimes.
Can we get a thread of unfortunate food shopping experiences?
Sure you couldn't have just switched lines, sport?The worst experiences are those that could've been avoided in the first place.
Do you really not think I thought of that? They were crazy busy tonight.
I just wanted to pay for my groceries...
...and the obese mancow behind me in line wouldn't stop wheezing and making me lose count of my change.
>person in front of you pays with a check or WIC
>person in front of you has to run back to "get a few things" or else decides that what they have isn't what they want
Was there an express lane or self check-out?
The worst are the old geezers and biddies, they can barely remember how to get their cards working if they even ever learned in the first place and then they'll spend 20 minutes arguing over whether or not the coupons they cut out applies to the similar-but-not-valid item they got before asking for you to fetch it, or wander off in the middle of checkout because they remembered something they wanted. Never get in line behind someone who looks over the age of 55.
>Person on food stamps thinks they have to argue with the cashier
every fucking time.
This kind of shit ONLY happens on bad days.
>spent all night tossing and turning
>got no sleep
>spend all day absolutely miserable at work
>decide that I want to splurge and cook something nice for myself
>lady with a STACK of coupons in front of me
>"oh wait... I have more"
>ANOTHER huge fucking stack
It's never a good day that this happens. Always a day where you NEED a break and never seem to fucking get one.
>People blatantly cut the line because they're disabled
>Person with items over express limit uses express lane
>Teenage/Early college age girls block isles to mindlessly chatter and act like you're in the wrong when you have to get by
>Person with WIC has to swap items that qualify for WIC
>Person who doesn't pay attention to expiration dates disputes coupons
>Old person pays with a check
>Parent is too busy to put down a partition for their groceries
>Shop person asks when need help you're trying to make a decision about what you want and what you need
>The seasonings/spices in bulk are sold out and you'd rather not pay for the dinky one
>Chatty cashier has to have a quip on the shit you bought and you're just trying to catch your damn bus.
>Store literally no longer carries your favorite item(s). Not even out of stock for the day, they just stop making or supplying that thing because of losses or something
Enjoy your listeria.
I hate all these fat fucks that always have trouble with their food stamp card. They always buy crap like candy, sodas, and chips. They can barely remember their pin, or they don't have enough money on the card, or they are so fucking slow. You can always pick out the ebt card holders.
Why yes there was. Boy I feel silly for overlooking that!
>some bitch with more than 12 items goes through the express self checkout
I probably would have let you get in front of me user.
I'm a miserable cashier who works for Wal-mart. Just remember, any time something annoying happens to you at a store, it's twice as bad for the employees, so maybe that'll make you happier.
>have one item
>nice old lady lets me cut in front of her
This is true
>working cashier at local grocery store
>white trash 50+ y/o woman shows up
>"run that as EBT please"
holy shit people are defensive as hell I wasn't even looking at her dirty
It had been some time since my drivers license had expired. I had attended to the matter well before the deadline but the state felt there was no need to inform me they had ultimately found my photo unacceptable for even their own sub-standards. By the time I had convinced them I was not so ugly I could not grace the DMV's only product the id had expired and had only a passport card and photoless paper license to fall back upon.
At this point knowing only time could remedy that matter I abided a leisurely stroll through my favorite asian grocery mart. After remarking to myself on the happenstances of asian markets offering so much American produce while American markets seem to sell only South American produce I had made my selections and was now in queue at the most seemly checkout available.
The woman seemed to have a poor grasp of the nation's common tongue but that was a matter I had traversed on many an outing there and was quite comfortably enacting a smooth trade as usual.
After presenting my MasterCard the woman requested my identification and I obliged. This is when everything stopped. She narrowed her almond eyes ever further and flipped her gaze betwixt myself and the badge, flipping the pass over and over again to suddenly belt out, "why you different?"
What could I say? The picture was certainly mine. It had been updated this year! What could be the matter as she repeated the inquiry. "Why you different?" Had she suddenly taken offense I had encroached on her ethnic realm? To what else could she be referring? What was was it that demanded I be singled out of everyone in the store?
"Why you different?"
Over and over again she started belting the question at me. "Why you different?"
"Why you different?"
"Why you different?" Louder it got.
"Why you different!?"
Sweat began to bead across my brow. It was no use. I could no longer hide amongst the crowd. Unexpectedly I was confronted by this existential question. Without preparation I had to on myself as to why I had always been picked last, why my love always went unrequited, why my involvements had always been an exception yet never exceptional.
"WHY YOU DIFFERENT?!" resounded once more and every eye was upon me as I stood speechles, lacking all explanation as to my existence. As that din crowded my thoughts a window was opened.
"Oh passport card. That new?"
"Yes, you can go to Canada or Mexico if you drive."
"Never see before... different."
This happened to me last weekend and it's still got me pissed when I think of it.
>Get in line, two people in front of me and it's the same in all lines so whatever
>Woman in front of me asks to hold her place and push her stuff through while she runs to get something she forgot
>I say no and she scoffs because she'll "be right back"
>I say no again, if you're not ready I am so I'm going before you
>She huffs and talks loudly to the other people in line and cashier about how she wanted some ice cream and fruit for her kids but I was being an asshole and trying to ruin her night and her week because she'd have to go back to the store and blahh blahh blahh
>She kept making eye contact with me and smirking like she was winning some sort of fight
>I just shrugged and put my headphones back in to ignore her
Bitch I just wanted to get some food and go home, it's not my fault you forgot your shit in the line. You're not special, you're not entitled to a saved spot, especially when other people are in line!
>more than 2 people shopping together
Jesus fuck make a list.
>people who walk side by side
>people who stand in the middle / don't keep left
>bagger who double bags everything
I really needed that single bottle of shampoo double bagged.
>baggers who don't group like items
>old man at deli getting 10 different things
>people who don't corral their carts
I count their items and silently judge them.
The asian lady is probably debt free whereas you can't stand spaghetti situations in public to do so. Who's laughing now fat boy.
This post is so forgien i need someone to tell me what language it is
Boring: The Ice Cream
Coupons are the bane of my existence
respect your elders cunt
It's completely legal to pay people in US currency and cashiers that aren't morons with the idea that they aren't still getting paid by the hour actually kind of enjoy not having to go to the bank every day to trade company money for rolls of change.
The people here don't say a word about it because they're constantly out of pennies and nickels, I even get thanked when I have to use them.
But I get the fact that you don't want to wait, I fucking don't either so I roll it myself if it's a lot and only retarded cashiers will break it up and say "I have to count it."
Be ready next time whore
>Shop person asks when need help you're trying to make a decision about what you want and what you need
fucking wat
I used to work at walmart, it fucking sucks man hang in there i'm sorry you have to go through all the bullshit I had, just try to have customers who are assholes get to you.
I get frustrated in these situations but I turn them around. I just start to breathe deeply and put my mind somewhere else, otherwise I get hotheaded to the point of my mood being ruined for a few hours. I think it's alright for life to be slow sometimes.
I enjoyed it, user.
>Store Guy: "Oh hey, can I help you"
>user: No
>Store Guy: "Ok then, that can of peas sure looks nice, you consider that?"
Like that
>>old man at deli getting 10 different things
Fuckers at the deli who decide they want to do a meat inspection and hem and haw over the way it's cut are way worse. Once got caught behind a shithead who went through 4-5 different cuts of bologna because OH NO, THAT THICKNESS SIMPLY WILL NOT WORK FOR HIS BARBECUE.
>not using self-checkout
> Go to work
> Work
> Finish work
> Shop
> Colleague bothers me while I'm trying to do my own shopping, and judges what I'm buying
Fucksake, I'm not being paid to put up with you if I'm not clocked in.
> Go to checkouts
> Scan line of checkouts for cashiers that are faster
> They insist on gossiping
> I can't decline because I need a reputation for being nice to people in case I need to hop departments in a hurry
> Holy shit, didn't I train this guy like three or four years ago? I thought he quit, but here he is on checkouts.
> Tell me more about how hard your job is, sitting down all day at a constant temperature with windows to look out of
>Two grocers in my town: Walmart or HEB
>Avoid Walmart like the plague
>Need water and other groceries
>HEB's water dispenser requires cash
>Have no cash
>Go to Walmart
>Race through isles and grab everything I need
>Head to water dispenser
>mfw I start questioning all of my life choices
>Head to customer service
>Explain that I'm in a rush and far too busy for this shit and I have to leave this full cart here and I'm never shopping here again
>Go to HEB
>Race through isles and grab everything I need
>Head to produce dept
>HEB is out of fucking cabbage
>mfw I ponder the existence of a god
>Check out
>Head back to Walmart for cabbage
>The whole staff is staring at me
>Spaghetti is starting to peek out of pockets, but I am able to push it back in
I wish I could end this greentext on a high note or with a punchline, but I can't. All I can say is I have NEVER had a good experience at Walmart, yet I keep getting sucked back in.
I would punch a cunt. Nothing against food stamps, but goddamn.
Yeah, you don't get it because you deserve it, you get it because you need it.
It's not their fault you look like you have special needs.
>Need water and other groceries
>Need water
From the shop?
not sure if you're autistic or if I sympathize with you. it's probably 50:50.
>listening to your headphones in public
edgy AF my bromigus
Sounds like Texas, wouldn't be surprised if the water was so shit even home filters couldn't deal with it.
No, our tap water, in my experience, is just like everybody elses. I think is just a smartwatersperg or something
I've been to a lot of places in Texas the only time the tap water tastes funny is when its actually from a well, I've heard people say how great Well water is, but its really easy for it to be contaminated.
What's wrong with headphones while shopping? You expecting to talk to people or something? Do you not wear them on public transit? Who the fuck are you?
HEB should've been a dead giveaway that it's Texas.
The municipal water is fine for cooking but I prefer drinking filtered water i.e. Glacier or Culligan
You're looking at yourself in forty years
>What's wrong with headphones while shopping?
1) Can't you wait until you get home to play with your toys, user.
2) Yes, you should expect to talk to people. I can't count how many times I've tried to tell someone "excuse me" so I can get past them but they're too obvious to notice because they are preoccupied with their phone toy or their headphone toy.
3) It's not as if you can truly appreciate the music (or whatever) anyway since you're having to pay attention to shopping.
>person in front of you has to run back to "get a few things" or else decides that what they have isn't what they want
I just fucking cut in front of them
I have lived here 10 years. I am conspicuously not a local by appearance. I was at the grocery store waiting in line with a young mother and her son in front of me. Lots of people waiting in 3 lines.
She sees a cashier sit down at the next register and proceeds to run there to be first at the new checkout. The cashier informs her that she is not open but only setting up the drawer for later.
Young mother proceeds to return into her spot in front of me and others in the line without any type of acknowledgement of me whatsoever.
I just smiled and let it pass. Others smiled too. It's a small thing.
well, did you fucking consider the peas or not?
what's wrong with a brita filter
>etxra 2 minutes in line is what ruins your day
harden the fuck up lad
Pic related costs only a little more and lasts many many times longer before the cartridge needs replacement.
Not him, but real life needs a buffer. Unless someone is standing in a doorway or they need to listen out for traffic on a crosswalk, let alone a cashier then no one needs to be dealing with shit from the outside world.
You sound like a beta that got jilted because a cutie on her way to work was wearing earbuds on the subway.
This. Follow the ancient wisdom OP.
>I am conspicuously not a local by appearance.
Clearly not with that reddit-tier spacing and lack of green text.
Fuck off.
>I need muh buffer muh moooosick to interact with other human beings
>calling anyone else a beta
You rely on a crutch and you dare to call yourself a man. You're a spineless coward like the rest.
>Woman in front of me with 3 kids who can't speak English and is trying to pay with EBT/SNAP card.
>no one needs to be dealing with shit from the outside world.
I can't believe I just read that. Honestly. What on earth else would you deal with other than the outside world?
>>got jilted because a cutie on her way to work was wearing earbuds on the subway.
Nah, I'm just tired of people so immersed in their phone that they are completely oblivious to the fact that they're blocking an entire isle (or doorway, or holding up a queue) with many people waiting to get past.
Hell, between I made my earlier post and this one I was out running errands. I stopped off at Chik-Fil-A for lunch. It was packed. Easily 20+ people in line. The dumb chick at the head of the line was fucking with her phone, earbuds in, even though the cashiers were calling out "I can help the next guest". Dumb bitch thought her chat was more important than being courteous to the 20+ people behind her.....
>calls someone out for reddit spacing
>uses reddit spacing
Is this some bizarre form of lolitrolledu I'm just not getting?
earbuds are made for pulbic use
Sure, but filter pitchers are still much more cost effective than buying bottled water, which is about as dumb as you can get.
Here's the thing: I hate oblivious retards as well. Just because I have headphones in doesn't mean I'm not paying attention, or that I'm listening at a volume too high to hear shit around me.
I've never seen people get so assmad about folks listening to music before, what's the deal?
You're not really cutting at that point anyways
>implying it's possible to tell what fucking volume you're listening to at a glance UNLESS you're blaring it (which is even more obnoxious - we don't want to listen to your shitty techno-ambient crap moron).
How do autists like you assume every other human has mind reading abilities? Is it just the retardation, or do you really lack ToM this hard?
I don't care whether or not you think I'm cranking it, quite frankly it's none of your business as long as I'm staying out of everyone's way. I just stated that it's possible to listen to music quietly. Again I'll ask, why does it fucking matter how I shop of I'm not in other people's way?
>>worrying about volume at all.
It's simple, user. If the headphone-wearer is paying attention to what's going on and doesn't block hallways/isles/doors, is aware when someone is talking to him/her, etc, then nobody cares.
But when they're oblivious to what's going on around them then everybody fucking notices, whether the volume is on 2 or on 11.
>muh personal choice
Why are you so defensive about being critiqued? We're just telling you you look like a sperglord sitting in the corner listening to your /mu/tant crap all day instead of, you know, interacting with society rather than relying on a crutch until you get home to post on Veeky Forums again.
>Again I'll ask, why does it fucking matter how I shop of I'm not in other people's way?
It doesn't matter one bit.
Alas, in my experience most headphone-wearers are not so conscientious of others as you are, and DO get in people's way.
What a stupid thing to make a generalization over.
I agree. Why can't those idiots leave their toys at home while they're out shopping. Do they really need to listen to podcasts or whatever 24/7?
The sperging out about headphone use in public is funny.
Nothing wrong with listening to music in public sometimes, but you're probably a faggot if you "have to" do it most of the time for some "reason" your beta faggot ass has concocted, like as a "buffer against real life" jesus lol.
Shh stop being reasonable this board exists to shitpost, right?
>how to tell someone's getting insecure 101
Yeah, like I said, time and place are important but insisting I gotta put that shit away when I go out and deal with downtime like waiting on a bus or agree to meet up with some friends at a public place like a city square or some shit, of course I'm gonna put on my tunes. I don't mind giving directions or some shit, but otherwise people can go fuck themselves because I'm not putting aside my time to talk about nothing with strangers that just like hearing themselves talk.
>calling phones toys
wow i wanna be as cool as this guy
Just do away with the headphones and sing your favourite songs while you go about your day.
Maybe brighten a stranger's day and make a new friend!
I make sure to go early when the store is empty. I get kindness from the cashier and silly smalltalk sometimes. I give her finished counted stacks for easy processing and she loves me :)
I have enough friends, I'm not trying to be Fred cunting Astaire.
I fill two 5-gallon jugs at 29 cents a gallon. I'll pay for the convenience of having 10 filtered gallons of water on demand.
Those water machines in Texas are pretty fucking cool.
One of the only redeeming qualities about the state. I wish there were more of them.
How fucking dare you.
If I never see you in Texas it will be too soon.
You truly are a scumbag.
I just pull out my phone and browse /pol/ or Veeky Forums in the 2-5 minutes people waste
There is no need to get upset
>barbecued bologna
In forty years, there will be no supermarkets.
What the fuck is this shit?
Can I buy it from infowars?
Whoa. That looks like an azn version of my old boss. Creepy.
>waiting in express grocery line 1-8 items
>two black guys ahead of me place like 20-25 things on the conveyor
>cashier points at the 1-8 items limit
>blacks chimp out and tell him he should do his job regardless of the number of items
>he quietly processes the groceries with no further protest
I don't get some people
is WIC annoying to process? I thought it was just a card like SNAP
anytime someone uses a chip card for some reason every time im behind someone and they pay using the chip instead of swiping there card it takes like 10 mins
>in fucking mississippi for a week for a job
>after dinner, swing through grocery store on way back to hotel
>what the fuck, no liquor?
>buy a 6er of torpedo and a 12 of coors light for the week (i shit you not this was the best options)
>go to grab a butterfinger bar for coworkbro
>all of them broken in half.
>start questioning if this is new style or just shitty handling of inventory
>every check out line closed. only self check out open
>all full except 2 kiosks
>one says CLOSED
>choose other open lane. swipe beer
>go to set the 6er in the bagging area, one bag already has 2 sticks of deodorant in it?
>"assistance" shows up 3 minutes later
>"aw hell nah, shugah aint this yo aisle? ay yo man she in this aisle aready you caynt be scanning here
>lady walks up, having left the self checkout to get more shit
>patiently wait as i observe the other patrons
>one lady is extreme couponing at the self checkout
>we're talking 2 full carts, 3" zipper binder FULL of loose coupons
>other kiosk is 2 people with a cart full of at least 20 packs of Kool-Aid bottles
>other kiosk
fucking mississippi. never again
>the person in front of me is black
Black men at least seem to be a joy to shop around, at least in my mostly white neighborhood.
They keep to themselves, rarely shop in a group, and if you need to ask them to move or scoot over they don't sneer or get all snarky like the whites or upper scale asians do.