I had a large Dominos pizza for dinner and now I feel like a fat fat. How do you guys balance your love of food and drink with staying healthy?
I had a large Dominos pizza for dinner and now I feel like a fat fat...
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Ate the kids???
fast tomorrow and it'll even out
I don't eat entire pizzas.
it's cheaper to buy 3 hamburgers, large fry , large drink
and you get more product
You have the good stuff (which Dominos pizza isn't) only occasionally and don't eat it all at once.
I limit portions, I try to cook healthy foods, and I do physical activities like going on hikes or going to the gym occasionally. I also limit my intake of fast food and other junk/candy.
I'm not going to claim to be the picture of perfect health, in fact I'm slightly overweight. However I do put some effort into looking out for myself. I'm considering resolving to walk to class every day rather than ride the shuttle. It would add 20 minutes to my commute but I'd probably be a lot healthier simply by getting some consistent light exercise.
Small steps, friend.
>I limit portions
Easier said than done. Even when I cook healthy stuff like rice and beans I end up using way too much rice, otherwise I'm still hungry.
You wanted until you were starving and resorted to crap takeout/delivery.
Good dieting is typically having a plan, and planning head to use your plan. If ypu intended to do pizza for dinner, you'd have preplanned a very light breakfast and lunch, and you'd have a cup of soup or salad just before teh pizza, so you filled your tummy somewhat and didn't relay on bread and cheese to do that alone, but added in some nearly zero calorie salad or soup.
I purge so its ok
>I had Dominos and now I feel like a fat fat.
this is literally the same feeling i get every fucking time i have dominos (which is seldom).
I fill up on vegetables and grains most of the day, and only have 4-6 ounces of meat for dinner along with some sauteed vegetables. During weekends, I binge on pizza, cheese, braunschweiger, and crackers.
Currently cutting out beer and sodas for as long as possible. I really want mandarin Jarritos or Mtn Dew Pitch Black right now, damn it.
Go for bigger portions of food that's less calorically dense. Fibrous vegetables and such.
I imagine the kind of people that browse a cooking board that does not prefer cooking are not the most balanced individuals in the world. Myself included.
Wait, so he ate the three Kid's Meals, or did he eat the fucking kids?
I plan a binge day and then base the rest of my week around the remaining calories.
I roll-over my calories day to day but never week to week.
This is usually enough to account for unplanned social eating.
Get a scale and always secondguess yourself. Eyeballing ain't worth shit when it comes to dieting.
I can't afford that shit. 5000 calories of rice and beans is cheaper than 1000 calories of vegetables.
I just ate 6 eggs, 4 cups of rice, 2 cups of peas a gogurt and 1 cup of corn for dinner.
I am not fat. I have chest hair, I have to eat like this.
At the bus station you can prey on the indigent and downtrodden.
Usually I'll buy a bag of burgers and eat them in front of some homeless guy. In between mouthfuls I mock him for not having a job and being hungry. After I've eaten a couple burgers I take the wadded up remains and hurl them at the hobo, along with epithets and pointed questions about his lineage.
Eat slower
Drink more water with your food
>a gogurt
>I have chest hair
Binge one day, starve the next.
The easiest way is to exercise. If you get regular exercise sufficient enough to keep yourself fit then you can cheat once and awhile and it wont have much of a long term effect. It's when you eat 10 big macs and a diet coke then sit on your ass that things become a problem.
why would you "have" to eat like this?
Some of the hair fell out when I ate it.
I only had one that was given to me so the rest of my chest hair is fine.
I am hungry and it's not like you can get full without steak or chicken involved.
>once and awhile
Trolling really is a lost art.
>Trolling really is a lost art
an lost art
this. measure portions and count calories, exercise to counter what you don't burn daily, and if that's not an option eat less. also quit eating so much at one time, just take some and put the rest away before you even start eating
I run marathons
>eating 3000 calories a day
>still can't bulk
Feels terrible bros, how am I gonna get gains like this, no one told me manlets have it so easy.
>Large Dominos
So you ate a medium. Domino's is too jewey on sizes compared to other pizzas.
I'm pretty sure your fat ass is three times the size of mine and I'm a big boy
>get fueled on liters of coffee all day every day
>when stomach hurts too much drink some water/eat some starch
>get an ulcer and be unable to eat in large quantity because of the pain and GOR
Or just eat a fat meal a day
Or do your pushups before sleep so you'll feel better about yourself
Or drink water to fill that gut
And the issue is that you're eating too much, so if you proportionately swap out rice and beans you don't want to eat in a given meal for the same price in cabbage or spinach, you're making a financially lateral yet healthier move.
Granted, this does require planning out dry item quantities across multiple meals, but it's something you can probably get the hang of and learn to eyeball.
By drinking 2 of these every day
If you're polishing off entire Domino's pizzas, you don't have a love of food you have a love of eating.
Those are some pretty astronomical claims my friend. Why do advertising reps do this?
Kind of a pointless distinction to make. What do you eat that isn't food?
having a very, very physical job has its perks.
>love of food
>dominos pizza
Um, no. People who love food care about what they put in their mouth. You're just a fat fatty who obsessively stuffs your face with garbage because you have mental issues.
Fucking fat people, I swear.
You gotta just eat good food all the time so that when you do decide to "treat" yourself to something like a pizza it's okay to eat the whole thing because it's balanced out by eating properly all of the time.
I've been around fat people, I know the sorts of things they do that attribute to their weight. I was hanging out with this dude who made some weird cake out of a bag of marshmallows that he melted in a pot and chocolate cereal and was like "this is why you weigh over 200LB." I couldn't imagine making such a gluttonous thing.
I have a physically demanding warehouse job that keeps my horrible diet in check
I have epilepsy and 250 stairs down and back up from the store. I am pretty much in stasis because I can't carry any more calories than I can burn like this. And I can never drive, so I can't get fat.
Well, I've been given tons of food lately so I'm up 8-10lbs from the usual, but it'll correct itself.
I'd pay to see a fat person get an epilepsy diagnosis and turn into a stick that can't carry enough food to eat back to his house. Would be entertaining.
You ever notice all fat people have cars? Like all of them. Or they don't leave their house until they get a ride to the store.
>tfw my ex was kind of on the thicc side and came down with epilepsy late in her 20's and only put on more weight
Made me a fucking alcoholic.
How the hell did she manage that?
Did you drive her places/encourage her?
Did someone else drive her places?
You can't get fat with epilepsy unless people are catering to you because you get plenty of exercise hauling food and water and dodging the rolling death machines every day.
I'm pretty damn good at not getting killed now even with a case of beer in my modified backpack. (It's modified to carry the case of beer)
I know two people who are fat, neither of which have cars.
Yeah but how often do you see them walk to the store and haul groceries back?
I've seen more UFOs than I've seen fat people walking their asses to the store.
I'm not sure how they get their support networks because people don't drive me around and I have far worse problems than being fat and lazy.
I'm in the fattest state too. Actual obesity rate in this town, by my count, is 75%. You'd think I'd be seeing fat people walking every day but it doesn't happen. They will even drive 50 feet across a street instead of walking from their front door to the dollar store.
I'm pretty sure cars have something to do with obesity. I can't be that wrong.
If you elimate empty calories from your diet it's really hard to stay fat. Empty calories really are simple carbs.
The problem is modern diets especially modern American diets go way too heavy on simple carbs, flour and sugar. It's a telltale sign that the US Food Pyramid from the 90s encourage people to have giant heaping helpings of bread and pasta.
And that doesn't mean those things are bad for you, you need Carbs to live and bread and potatoes have nutrients that help your body. But you only need a tiny bit.
Next time you make Mashed Potatoes you're better off using more butter and just eating less. It might sound counter-intuitive but fat fills you up, you can fill your stomach up with carbs and keep on eating.
lol im 6'0 and have to eat 3500 cals to bulk, you have calculated something wrong
You're talking complete shit. If somebody lives one mile from the store, so has to walk two miles every day and carries 5 frozen pizzas home, are they going to gain weight?
>two miles is a lot
>this is what cagers actually believe
I walk two miles on a sedentary day and that doesn't even count the 15 mile bike ride to and from work, and if I ate 5 frozen pizzas a day I'd look like a male version of Simply Sara in under a month
Where do you people live that a 2 mile walk counts as strenuous calorie burning?
Practice your reading comprehension.
15 Mile Bike Ride is pretty damn active buddy. I mean hats off to you for sure but please don't act like that's normal for most of the world.
eating a large, bad quality pizza from a franchise equates to love for food? lel
>please don't act like that's normal for most of the world.
30 miles actually (15x2) and it depends on what you mean by "most of the world" but the point is 30 miles riding + minimum 2 miles walking is more than the grocery store guy. And if I'm more active than "normal" and 5 frozen pizzas is still too much calories for me, maybe it's WAY THE FUCK TOO MUCH for someone whose main "exercise" is shitposting on Veeky Forums and walking 2 miles a day
They mean the love of feeling full
Fat people do not love food, try going with a fat guy to a nice restaurant and watch him freak out that he doesn't know the words on the menu and complain the whole time that he can't have his tendies
I skip meals in anticipation of a lavish feast, and keep treats like that as relatively rare occurences. Maybe weekly or so.
I also try to eat light as possible without starving myself as a everyday norm. I also go for a jog every now and then do an odd push up.
It really isn't that much of a deal in the end.
I did say 250 stairs. You're not factoring in the complications. Or the ramps in between staircases. It's a half mile down and up and it's strenuous as fuck.
Seizures, retards honking at me, screaming at me or flashing high beams at me for literally walking, causing me to stop dead in my tracks. Then there's asthma and a sun allergy which are two other massive issues.
Then I get to the store and some whore is wearing perfume, causing my heart to beat out of my chest and more petit mal seizures.
Then I realize I can't drink tap water because I'm severely allergic to chlorine and chloramine. So I get to carry every drop of water I drink back up this hill.
I mean it's not hard to see where I'm losing weight when literally everything and everyone is causing me this much stress.
Then there's the lupus, which I drink beer to relieve the pain from, so that's 200 oz a day, about 12lbs before the containers, no big deal.
It's the allergies that complicate my life to the point where I'm static in weight, and the majority of shit I carry is liquid anyways. And the hill would beast the strongest of bikers and hikers, I biked avidly for 12-13 years and this thing still destroys every man I know especially me.
You just can't win on stairs at a 55 degree angle with 2 foot wide slabs. This is really situational, but I can assure you I'm not fucking gaining weight, as you suggest. I'm not sure where you get this idea.
That was my first post in the thread, I didn't even read all the way back. Sorry about your medical issues and I hope you get better.
btw have you considered a filter for the water carrying? Either a filtration system or just a pitcher?
>How do you guys balance your love of food and drink with staying healthy?
By loving food that isn't unhealthy.
Here's me and I eat like trash.
it's all about balance, sometimes i eat a whole pizza too, yet not fat. cause 70% of the time i eat healthy, often, and in small portions + i move my ass. even if i binge-eat a whole weekend because i decided to get high and get munchies, i'm careful with what i eat 5-6 days after that.
That is fucking terrible advice