"Hangry" people

Can someone please explain "hangry" people to me? Nothing drives me up a wall more. How can you think it's acceptable to act like a grumpy awful shithead if you've gone a couple hours without food? If you have blood sugar issues or something, carry some snacks with you to make sure you don't have to worry.

I had to deal with someone completely throwing a tantrum in our group today because it had been a whopping THREE HOURS since our late breakfast and we weren't all sitting down for lunch. We were doing other shit and our early dinner plans weren't that far away, but you'd think we were on a fucking death march.

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I have never heard of this. Maybe you just hang out with shitty people?

"Hangry" is a millenial term to justify their peter pan syndrome and continue acting like a child and making a funny "meme" about it.


I hear it all the time, at work too. It's basically like the new "don't talk to me until I've had my coffee."

Sometimes people don't realize it's happening until they're told they're acting shitty. I know I sometimes don't but I've started carrying granola bars since it was raised as an issue. I've noticed a general upward trend in happiness since. Some folks just can't see themselves without help.

Low blood sugar, like alcohol intoxication, merely amplifies existing negative personality traits. That person is an asshole with a thin veneer of social grace.

>millenial term
I'll give you the fact that I've only heard millenials use the word. Having said that, the only people who I've seen actually act that way have been boomers, so take that as you will.

they may not have medically diagnosed blood sugar issues but they probably have too much sugar/carbs in their diet and it's causing their blood sugar to go up and down more drastically than it should. a higher-fiber diet would probably help.


also this

You're not the kind of person that bothers me. It's the kind of person that acknowledges that they get "hangry," and refuse to do anything about it, all the while warning people that if they don't get fed, they're going to start acting like an asshole, like there's ever an excuse to act like an asshole.