Pick your poison.
Pick your poison
yeah lemme get uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
what is this shit
some flyovers attempt at having a craft beer bar
Just ask the bartender to give me the wheat beer they recommend.
>tfw the butthurt is palpable
>tfw he has no feel
nice try cletus, too hard to figure out how to upload an image? or is your 14.4 connection out there in Appalachia too slow?
If you were the son of a coal miner, you would have trouble uploading an image that appropriately conveyed your feels as well.
coal dust wouldn't be the problem, the fetal alcoholism and lack of breastfeeding on the other hand
>alesmith .394 not 19th on the list
just a glass of water thank you
>Beer menu on 5 tvs.
>have stumbled into yuppy hipster fuck up town
>turn around and walk the fuck out
I'd probably start with that sour stout
anderson valley, thanks
Coffee stouts are my one true love
I'll stay home and drink thanks.
Do people actually pay $7 for 16oz of beer?
Are you fucking deluded morons the reason why I pay $15 per homemade 1 man meal on the east coast?
Stop fucking everyone else over you assholes, you're literally making inflation happen and fully supporting the devaluation of your currency.
The fuck are you going to spend $400 getting drunk for? Are you retarded?
>Are you fucking deluded morons the reason why I pay $15 per homemade 1 man meal on the east coast?
No, that's 100% the product of your own stupidity.
>In early 2014, Tony Gwynn’s team approached AleSmith to create a distinctive beer for the baseball legend. A meeting was called at the Gwynn household, which included a sampling of AleSmith beers to identify Tony’s preferences. He wanted the beer to be “light with a kick” which he elaborated further to mean full of hop character and light in body and color. The result of the Gwynn family’s feedback on test batches rendered a golden pale ale full of American hop flavor and aroma, with a subdued bitterness and a malty sweet finish. AleSmith San Diego Pale Ale .394 pays tribute to the city that Tony loved and the career high batting average that he achieved in ‘94. Discover what happens when a Hall of Fame perfectionist crafts a beer with a world-class brewery. A portion of the proceeds will go to the Tony and Alicia Gwynn Foundation (TAG).
Huh, so that's what that's about.
Anyways, the beers are arranged starting from specialty ales, and then roughly from light to dark.
It is a terrific beer to be fair. Alesmith definitely seems to fly under the radar as far as San Diego breweries go, but then again they're in one of the most saturated areas to brew.
I love their IPA and Speedway stout, but they have some weird distribution so I can't get much else from them where I'm at.
You people are contributing to the economy in the worst way possible.
Every state in the nation has prices like new York and California now, but our wages are 50% of yours.
Do you not realize that you people paying an hour's wages for one fucking beverage are destroying the entire country?
I know your head is so far up your ass that you can't connect action to consequence, but this is getting fucking ridiculous. Millions of Americans starve every day because you fucking douchebags have made $7 cups of coffee and $1 single vegetables the norm.
You'll get yours in hell you fucking liberal shits.
None of those 50 beers are even sold by the case, Cletus. Most of them are only available seasonally in bombers, and at least a good half dozen of them can only be found on tap.
What people pay at a specialty beer bar 3000 miles away has zero effect on you.
Where is this? Just asking because it's obviously somewhere around Sac. I've had most of those beers.
I'd take the coffee stout or milk stout on nitro (#48 and #49 respectively). I'll always take nitro, depending on what they have on it. Except that raspberry ale on nitro (#50), fuck that shit. I had a raspberry ale on nitro (maybe the same one, IDK) a couple weeks ago, and it was fucking terrible.
Buy 360 oz of beer.
What do you pay there?
It does affect me because you people are making shit like this normal all over the country and food prices are following rapidly.
Why would I buy a beer for $3 here when I can walk across the street to the same store they bought it from and get it for 70 cents?
We're fucking halfway to $7 beer valhalla in the middle of nowhere, Appalachia, west Virginia.
This MUST be the source of the inflation meme.
>$1 single vegetables the norm
You've obviously never been to California. Vegetables are cheap as fuck here, because we grow them all here. Right now, it's asparagus season, and my neighborhood grocery store is selling asparagus for $.99 a bunch. When artichoke season is in full swing, I can buy artichokes at 4 for $1 for big globe artichokes. I paid at least 3 times more for fruits and vegetables when I used to live in flyover country. I fucking love it out here.
>This MUST be the source of the inflation meme
Yes! YES! It was the craft beer drinkers all along!
Yeah but we have GMO vegetables and guess where they come from?
It's just gouging but anyways you Californians are seriously hurting the rest of the country with your wages and commodity prices.
I hope the old San Andreas fault lets you guys off the hook soon, since you want your own country and all.
If we go, you'll suffer like you've never suffered before. Both California and Texas have threatened to succeed before, and it doesn't happen. Why? Because the US needs both of those HUGE economies. California has the 6th largest economy in the world. All the poor red states can't afford to lose that. Deal with it, Cleetus.
too many fucking options holy shit why did this become a thing? I don't want to spend 10 minutes looking at a menu. keep it simple stupid
>live in Texas for 25 years
>barely over $7 min wage
>realize the min wage is over $10 in WA
>bail the fuck out of shithole TX
>have a larger home for $250 less per month than the smaller home in TX I used to live in
>live like a king relative to back home
You can always stop complaining about your hellhole red state and move somewhere that doesn't blow ass
It's all on untappd, so you can figure out what you want before you get there and don't need to stand and stare at the menu like an idiot.
Who doesn't like options?
A 49 but pronouncing Moooooooon as obnoxiously and loudly as possible
friendly reminder that all obsessed coastal cucks who shitpost about flyovers are shit skins, and you should just let them air out their frustration of being subhuman
I'd buy a couple rounds if I ever met you.
OP reporting in.
I started with 5 oz pours each of the Berryessa Red Rice Saison and the Firestone Walker Leo v. Ursus: Fortem unfiltered imperial IPA.
Then I had an AleSmith Hammerhead Speedway coffee stout and an Epic Big Bad Baptist barrel aged stout.
I also went back for a regular Speedway because they were selling 5 oz pours for $1.50 in an attempt to empty the keg.
One Heineken please :^)
Good job spending $14 on 4 mouthfuls of yeast water, shithead.
I get $20 in food stamps per month, am permamently disabled, and you do this in front of me?
You have your place in hell. I will be leaving here before you and will make a special request.
Can we go somewhere else please?
Ya'll got Miller Lite? Tap preferred but I'll take a can in a pinch.
>$20 in food stamps per month
>spends all day on the food and cooking board
>gets upset when other anons post pics of food
good call on the bba bbb but no modern times? dafuq?
The Dymaxion and Cloud Giant were also on my list to try... it's hard to choose.
I'll probably go back this weekend, but they do turn over some of the kegs pretty fast.
Also want to try the Bruery, the Pizza Port milk stout, the AleSmith .394, the Almanac saison, the Coranado Conquista, and the Founders Frootwood.
The one I've had before that I really like but have never seen in stores was the Faction Winter IPA, so I'd really like to get that again too while they still have it (it's a seasonal, obviously).
4363 days.
Being here for one day is a joke. You already know I'm not going anywhere. You're here for life too, give it up.
Also a joke: Op buys 4 mouthfuls of beer instead of getting a case of beer and staying home.
In other news: user attempts to justify op purchasing 1 1/2 cans of beer for $14.
Not that I feel the need to justify spending money on alcohol (it's not like I do this every day), but 15 of the 25 ounces were 12% abv, and didn't go down in a single mouthful. I also went during happy hour.
I'll have the epic big bad baptist 10oz, I think I might need it to deal with this restaurant
I'll have a pint of Fosters please mate.
Do they even still make that?
I thought Australians always pretended that nobody there actually drinks it and it all gets exported, but I haven't seen it in the US for probably a decade.
Its probably the most popular beer here in UK along with Stella
Weird, I thought the UK prided itself on its pub culture and its domestically brewed ales.
Yuengling pls.
Carling is the most popular beer in the U.K.
Pub culture is dead outside of rural areas.
the sea to sea and my check, fuck that place.
There are two pubs in my village but London has a great pub scene not sure what you're on about.
GF gets annoyed when I drink this now cause the brewery supports Trump or something. Like IGAF. Unquestionably top 5 everyday beer.
epic brainless
>all those memePAs and sours
>sad, angry redneck detected
No one cares about your stupid opinions anymore. Either change your lifestyle choices (job, location, etc) or shut the fuck up.
Life isn't fair, deal with it. You had no choice to be born, and you have no choice to die. It's just the way it is.
>and you have no choice to die
I don't know, user. I you've got the money and live near a decent beer hall it wouldn't be too difficult to drink yourself to death.
>tfw life is good
sours are good though, so refreshing in the sun and heat
Don't you mean IPayyyys?
i hate menu on tv's as a son of a tv technician this triggers me
enjoy the burned in televisions shit cucks and wasted electricity could of just done chalk board
coffee and beer are fucking dumb ill fight you and cum in your hair you dumb bitch
beer meant to relax you
coffee wakes you up
go mcfuck yourself
show a little respect for the boys dropping 1000s of glass bottles on themselves daily to bring you the many fine options of Californian beer
>do you guys have Coors Light?
I love you, Yuengling is my go-to normie beer
beer and amphetamines are glorious
with coffee tho, i dont get
>beer meant to relax you
Alcohol is most closely associated with inhibition and bacchanalian jubilation. Why wouldn't it pair with a stimulant?
No, what I mean is that you have no choice in the fact that you WILL die. How it happens is either your or nature's decision.
What he means is that California has literally hundreds on hundreds of micro breweries with people busting ass to come up with new beers. People should try to appreciate all that hard work. I just wish there were more porters and stouts and lagers and less IPAs.
I was looking and dollar for dollar the hammerhead speedway looked good.
I thought it looked good too until I saw it was brewed in CA, nobody in that libshit state knows how to brew a stout
I'll have a double
Colorado is that you?
I've only ever gotten the regular Speedway and that's usually close to $15 for a 750 ml bottle.
Amerilard """"beer"""""
imo it's the best Macrobrew in America. Second and third is probably Lone Star and Samuel Adams.
Pick your poison
Holy shit, I love Febo. The fried chicken is p good but I'd probably get a croquette and a beer right now.
The speedway stout
>tfw you only decide your drink choices by a highest abv to lowest price ratio
frootwood is aids, avoid