It's so over glorified on a huge scale
I hate bacon
Ask yourself the following: Do you really hate bacon, or do you hate what bacon has become?
You're just mad cause it tops any other flavor known to mankind.
Can someone who's tried this sandwich inform me what sauce they throw on this burger? I want to request no sauce.
Stay triggered autist.
>He doesn't like extra fat on his pile of fat
Lmao get out of here, fag.
you seem to be the triggered one, faggot.
I had a bbq bacon king the other day. Let me tell you it's one sexy fucking hamburger
not to shift the convo about bacon king but...
>got bacon king
>unwrapped it
>one small thin piece of bacon
>it's advertised to have six pieces
>stormed back to bk asked for a proper bacon king
>finally got to eat
just another reason to hate bk.
Bacon is such a shit food. Like utter trash tier, nothing you should ever eat.
With bacon becoming a meme some time in the past 5 years, I've become very particular about it.
For me, it's best uses are:
>frying things like eggs in bacon grease
>using it as a source of fat and flavor for things like beans and stews.
For breakfast I have always preferred sausage, it's just much more filling and gratifying. The only time I cook bacon for breakfast is when I want to cook eggs in its grease. Even then, I'll cook just enough bacon to get a suitable amount of grease for eggs, then in another skillet, I'll cook sausage.
Lastly, unless I know a restaurant has very good bacon for their burger, I hardly ever add it to a burger. In the past 2 years, the quality of bacon at Whataburger has seriously shit the bed, I'm pretty sure it's pre-cooked, as it's always a mushy, stringy mess. Wendy's is the worst offender, not only is it terrible quality, they jew you on it hardcore if you get the baconator - you might get 2 entire slices of bacon on the sandwich.
Other than that, I won't eat bacon out of places its meant to be.
All that being said, Wright makes the very best damn bacon that's widely available (obviously smaller, more localized sources are superior). Cut at just the right thickness, good smoke flavor to it, not much more expensive than shittier bacon and best of all, it's not all just fat.
Seriously, if you haven't had it before, try it, It's worth the $7-$9 for the 1.5lb bag. The first time I tried it, I was up late, drunk, had bought it earlier. Made bacon and eggs. After the first 3 strips, I ended up spending the better part of an hour frying up and eating the rest of it.
On top of all the alcohol I had consumed, the massive dose of sodium I had ingested nearly caused me to commit suicide the next day. Worth it, though.
>frying eggs in bacon grease
>frying things like eggs in bacon grease
You're literally cancer. No chef does this. Bacon lard is the worse at frying anything.
Sweet quads, sir.
I never claimed to be a chef and I didn't say I fried everything in bacon grease, only certain things, as I mentioned eggs,
I have a variety of oils and butter at hand for pan frying, different foods call for different fats. As such, I enjoy frying eggs in bacon grease. Deal with it, nerd.
I don't save my bacon grease, as many autists do. Therefore, the meals that include frying something in bacon grease are usually paired with bacon on the side or as a component.
I am drunk, how are you? I hope you are not mad.
bacon is fine, but I don't understand it's meme status
other fat cold cuts are just as good
That's deep man
it isn't . Recent studies show that bacon is way bad for you. it's not worth killing yourself eating this shit.
it's bad for you if you eat it every day but who the fuck eats bacon every day? it's like a once a month thing
I bet it's not worse than salami or chorizo
tripe is better than bacon.
>studies show
sauce or gtfo
fuck those meats too. another fatty, greasy meat. let alone most italian cooking in general.
You show a study that says bacon (lots of saturated fat and sodium and some cholesterol) isn't bad for you, you made the initial claim. Pro tip: you can't. Everything "good" about bacon is just splitting hairs over very few nutrients that can be aquired way healthier otherwise.
>NO U!
>Huffington Post
>trusted source
Yeah no, try again.
>Limit the intake of saturated and trans fats, cholesterol, added sugars, sodium (salt), and alcohol.
>Consume an eating pattern low in added sugars, saturated fats, and sodium. Cut back on foods and beverages higher in these components to amounts that fit within healthy eating patterns.
ok so heart disease and cancer ain't that bad to you? hmmm.
Anyone who says glorified should be shot
not sure you are supposed to say "over glorified"
the word glorified means 'made glorious" which already is a pretty huge claim
so "over glorified" is basically redundant
Not at all
Something can be justifiably glorious
But if you overglorify, then you are glorifying beyond all reasonable measures
neck yurself m8.
i disagree. but this is an anonymous board so you are safe.
Incorrect usage of the "ProTip" meme. Try again.
I agree.
I never did beat the Adventures of Link. Pisses me off.
The usage of "glorified" to denote hyperbolized worth is actually a slang usage (e.g. "The M16 is a glorified BB gun.").
Whereas the correct usage of the word would be more along the lines of "the bishop glorified the sword in order to properly slay sand niggers."
You're a dumb cunt. Eggs fried in bacon grease are legendary. I cook them Sunny Side up and spoon the hot fat over the top of the eggs until the whites are solid. Absolutely delicious.
one time my sister ordered a whopper and they forgot to put the patty on it
checked even without dubs
Bacon culture annoys the everloving fuck out of me. That being said, a bacon egg and cheese on ciabatta is one of my favorite breakfasts.
It's a condiment now, like ketchup or Parmesan.
Fake news.
>trusted source too
>literally an article filled with shitty gifs, non-points, and 3rd grade level writing.
Am I being trolled?
more like begone
I used to like bacon before it was everywhere on everything, now I hate all pork but shoulder.
>huffpo blog entry
>trusted source
>esp. when it comes to human nutrition which is a crapshoot of differing opinions even when it comes to the brightest minds in the field
My word, you people are worse than parrots.
.>BBQ Bacon King
Ordering that shit with onion rings. If they're gonna rip off Carl's they may as well go all the fucking way.
(you) are worse than parrots. bacon sucks shill bitch.
how come bacons the only good tasting meat
meme bitch detected
filet mignon sucks aswell.
Bacon is good, fads are bad.
Most professionals use lard, and frying eggs in bacon grease is the traditional way.
no. brain dead people just fused the flavors together while making breakfast then it became a meme.
TIL billions of people have just been memeing all these centuries
very funny haha
Not gonna lie, BBQ Bacon King is the best fast food sandwich i have ever had
holy shit end your life
how else will we defeat the jews and muslims?
Those people who eat pigs meat are plainly stupid retards, I have no respect for them and I did cut off all my friends who eat bacon from associating with me.
why are you perverts always associating mayonnaise with sex?
you are disgusting!
im glad that the mcchicken isnt around to hear such treason
>not getting the Triple Bacon Buttery Jack, available for a limited time at participating locations
hard to beat a good BLT 2bh
It's that way because of marketing. Literally propaganda.
they probably added more than just bacon to it
Not him, but I just sort of vaguely don't care for bacon. It tastes okay, but it's hugely unfilling and unsatisfying, especially considering how expensive it is. I do passionately hate it on burgers though.
don't tell me you would take a bite of, and then proceed to throw away, a double baconator
the combo of one part mayo two part BBQ is heavan.+bacon,charbroiled is muh jam. stuff all them dalar meu items up ur arse
Why can't they genetically engineer pigs to have porkbelly without the fat?
If bacon was more than 10% edible meat, I would love the shit.
you know im kinda over bacon. its such a boring food to me that i dont even like it anymore. if its in a burger or something ill request it without.
same here.
Not nearly enough bacon. I remember completely getting overwelmed by the baconator at wendy's back in the day. Now THAT had too much bacon on it.
>BBQ sauce
>On the same sandwich
I always request no mayo
>Muslim, the post
If you think you don't like bacon, you've probably never tried back bacon.
I find it much nicer than streaky due to having far more meat, and (usually) far less salt.
>frying things like eggs in bacon grease
This is a good use of bacon byproducts.
Hash browns also benefit from bacon sharing.
My dad cooks bacon in the pan and afterwards gets a slice of plain bread and mops up all the still warm fat and eats the thing like a sandwich.
I'm all for bacon, but I just can't process this.
>it's real
aw shit nigga I know what im having for lunch today
I like bacon, but not on a burger.
One time a black employee touched my food. Never ate there again. It's like leppers or people with those ugly split lips at buffets.
>someone doesn't like fast food from fucking wendy's
>must be one of dem MOOSLIMS
Found the vulgar flyover who can't stop trying to capitalize on a tragedy he watched on television when he still in high school
I'm a vegetarian, but I accidentally ate bacon recently, and I have to say that it's way overglorified.
I think your boyfriend told you to say that.
Its just such a forced meme food. You know that asshole who tried to be really cool at school by talking about shitty memes when the conversation was about something else? Thats what bacon and nutella and that kind of thing are. Everyone on the I luv bacon XDDDDDDDD train is doing the same shit to get upboats
>Its just such a forced meme food
Spend less time on Veeky Forums, bacon or something like it has been a staple of most major cultures for thousands of years
>You know that asshole who tried to be really cool at school by talking about shitty memes when the conversation was about something else?
Yeah, it wasn't so much "that asshole" as "that kid with severe social anxiety", and when I was in school that kid would talk about Monty Python. He was annoying but I don't hate Monty Python.
>Thats what bacon and nutella and that kind of thing are. Everyone on the I luv bacon XDDDDDDDD train is doing the same shit to get upboats
Log off right now and go outside before your sense of reality gets even more fucked up and you turn into the next Dylan Roof.
>uses Veeky Forums
>pulls the go outside shit
K dude
For me, it's bacon not on a burger, the worst ingredient around.
I h8 bacon m8.
bacon is literally the reddit of foods
That's because you're confused user.
The only bacon you've probably ever known is the streaky meme strips.
And this is sad.
The cut of meat is what makes all the difference. American bacon is streaky with fat because it comes from pork belly, the cheapest, shittiest cut of pork possible.
This stuff is considered to be butcher's waste almost anywhere else.
Rashers are cut from the loin, located in the middle of the pig’s back where the meat is leaner. Back bacon rashers are superior as they contain more meat and much less fat.
The cut of meat that’s used for British bacon is actually the same cut as a pork tenderloin or loin roast, just sliced and cured differently.
And your government is to blame for this horrible deprivation.
The (US) definition of bacon has been created and enforced by the US Department of Agriculture, which explains in its labeling policies that the word “bacon” in the United States only refers to “the cured belly of a swine carcass.”
Bacon made from other parts of the pig must be labelled as such—like “pork shoulder bacon.”
So when you’re in America and ask for bacon, you’re getting the sidecut, not the back, by default.
To get proper bacon in the US you need to go to a butcher and ask specifically for "back bacon".
tl;dr - America is wrong on every level about bacon.
>This stuff is considered to be butcher's waste almost anywhere else.
You've got to be kidding me. Pork belly is highly desirable for its combination of lean meat, skin, and fat. Asians go nuts over it too.
That's just a term that means the same thing as "slice". It refers to geometry, not the location of the cut. I've heard Gordon Ramsay discuss "rashers of streaky bacon" many times on his various programs.
>>So when you’re in America and ask for bacon, you’re getting the sidecut, not the back, by default.
Yes, but we have all the other types of bacon as well. You just have to ask for it by name: peameal, back bacon, loin bacon, etc.
Not to mention that different types of bacon have different culinary uses. Sometimes you need the higher fat content of streaky bacon, like if you were barding a roast or if you need to render fat for cooking other parts of your dish. Other times you don't want that extra fat. Arguing about which is better without specifying the application is silly.
more bacon for me then
thank you op
the BBQ one is decent. just get no mayo.
BK sucks overrall and i try not to eat it unless its a last resort