Anyone here buy their meats and dairy right off a farm?
Anyone here buy their meats and dairy right off a farm?
Ideally I would but it's too expensive
Literally no one does that
I do, but I live in a rural area in Georgia. We have farms, orchards, etc. everywhere.
Yep, I even see the cows before they become my meat. Feelsgoodman.
>Anyone here buy their meats and dairy right off a farm?
No I'm vegan
Yes - I watch my milk come right from the udder into my glass milk bottles. Also I watch the butcher cut my meats and poultry.
There are some great advantages to living in the 3rd world. still.
Got sausage meat from a wild hog by a friend. It's amazing how much better it taste compared to to Jimmie Dean or some shit like that.
I used to but they kept getting too many bone fragments in the ground/cubed beef.
Nobody is asking vegans this question, you fucking faggot.
I imagine most farms don't have the processing capabilities to give you anything more than eggs.
>what is a mobile butcher
Usually in late spring I will go to an amish farm and get a quarter cow butchered and packed from them. Deep freeze the meat and have cook outs on the weekends. I also get chicken from them from time to time, but less often than from Kroger.
Vegans have to inject their veganness into every conversation about animals, they think they can convert people by "leading through example".
It never works, and only serves to vindicate the vegan's self image, which is why the vegan does it.
It's not that hard to fill milk into a vessel
An independent contractor removed from the farm.
Milk is different than butchered meat
I buy my dairy right from the farm. the milk and eggs are incredible-tier and the ice cream is other-worldly-amazing-tier.
>removed from the farm
Which means the smaller farms don't need the money, tools, or time to process beef.
if by "farm" you mean the woods and by "meats" you mean deer, and by "buy" you mean "shoot and then drag out with an ATV, hang in your own garage and butcher" then yes, I get my meats direct from the farm.
Yes, meats anyway. 1/4 to 1/2 a cow, a whole pig, and several chicken every year, with the occasional bit of goat or mutton tossed in as well.
The More You Know.
I used to subscribe to a monthly box of farm-fresh meat and veg through the local farmer's market, but ultimately it was too expensive and sometimes it would be something stupid like 30 pounds of fennel bulbs
Not yet, I currently share meals with someone that would most likely think it's "stupid" and heavily prefers pre cut nugget shaped meat products.
I'll have my own place around december and I already picked out the farm I'm going to order from.
>Anyone here buy their meats and dairy right off a farm?
Well not the dairy but the meat yes
Have a store in my city, that owns a ranch, in buisness over 60 years
Place smells like a slaughter house when you enter, place is bone chilling cold
They sell a lot of specialty foods and cooking stuff, lot of stuff made in our state
But the meat counter wraps 3 sides of the store
All meat is raised and butchered on their farms, then brought to the store
Prices are just slightly above normal store meats
No GMO's, no hormones, grass and corn fed
I also usually buy a steer, a pig, couple dozen chickens and a turkey or two from the local 4H sales, get to meet the steer before it gets taken to the butcher, get your picture together, go in 50/50 with a neighbor, get any cuts you want, guy even ages and makes sausage, fee is pretty good, free if you let him keep the bones, hide and internal organs
Got 4 chest freezers in the basement and an extra fridge for defrosting
Can remember the last time I bought meat from a regular grocery store