Ever just buy a candy or snack out of nostalgia and realize how terrible it is?
Ever just buy a candy or snack out of nostalgia and realize how terrible it is?
We threw away the chocolate ball when we were kids.
I mean we were young and dumb but our taste buds weren't exactly nonfunctional.
And yet i still bought a few pieces
No, not really. I'm not a nostalgic guy.
struggle starbursts
fuck you dude
this is the best candy
I'm divided between these and florestal taffy.
They're both the best, fuck it.
Now and laters do cause ulcers fast as fuck, after 6 or 7 pieces, but they're still great.
US is a shit show about candy. Brazil and mexico are fucking pros.
Any store bought cookie/baked good.
>Anything Little Debbie/Hostess
Dishonorable mention are those crappy Plastic Wrapped Cinnamon/Honey Buns. Those things are so lousy but I loved them in high school.
I still regularly enjoy Christmas Tree cakes and oatmeal pies from little debbie, theyre just addictive.
Those might be still good, I just really hate the taste of cheap chocolate now.
I bought some atomic warheads the other day.
Goddamn are they shitty. For starters, I definitely think they changed a few things about them. I remember them being fairly small, and sort of having a squished sphere shape. Now they're basically spherical. I spat out one of the artificial black cherry ones and it was brown, rather than the pinkish red I remember it being. The "sweet" component of them now tastes completely artificial and disgusting.
Basically most things listed here in the thread; I don't like things that are overly sweet these days. Most brands of chocolate I ate as a kid I can't do any more and I've lost my taste for pop rocks and most bubble gums too.
Cadbury creme egg, had it twice in my lifetime. As a kid, after seeing all those commercials convinced me it was worth trying - I couldn't enjoy the egg white/yolk thing, the taste wasn't what I thought (I imagined more white chocolate-like). And later, I tried it as an adult for hecks, and more regrets.
Not candy or snack, but this happened last week.
>hanging at friend's house
>need something to drink
>nothing to drink but orange Crush soda and water
>haven't had a soda or sugared drink in 12 years
>almost opt for water then decide "what the hell, I used to love these"
>sip Crush
>metric ton of sugar to my tongue
>the world tastes like orange disinfectant
>can't get the taste out of my mouth for the rest of the day
Never again. Fuck soda.
Concerning the hunie buns makes sense there because those are the only things that didn't suck
>prepackaged frozen pbj with the bread crust cut off
>frozen tofuchicken sandwiches
>brown spinach/broccoli
>frozen deep dish personal pizzas with what tasted like a tomato jam with too much sugar and cheese that burned before it became stringy
What a nightmare
The Hostess Apple Fruit pies. Theyve seemed to have changed the crust now and its got a weird texture, almost soggy like.
>Back when they were good, the wrapper looked like pic related
Drake's fruit pies are basically better now than Hostess pies.
I never bought wonderballs cause I saw the commercial and know how shitty they are
Literally bought these only because I saw them and was like "Hey that's what Kendrick Lamar mentions in that one song!" and didn't like them as much as starburst. The grape flavor was interesting though.
I used to really like cheeto puffs but hadn't had them in years, I saw them on sale and thought "Eh what the hell" and then regretted my decision. They taste so nasty to me now, but flamin hot cheetos are still good to me
They're definitely a niche candy. I like them but I wouldn't go out and buy them. Fuck how they stick to your teeth though, they will destroy any dental work.