Make your pick, Veeky Forums. Also, (very) low-end alcohols general.
Rose, Train, or 'Bird?
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bum wine is the fucking worst. cheapo spirits mixed with coke or juice are tastier and less likely to fuck you up
Between those gotta go with the Train.
Shatterproof MD 20/20 seems even lower.
>very low end alcohols
Australia reporting in
Why drink this shit when I can just buy cider?
>it's 1993 again
night train
but now I drink the trader joe's garbage that is 2 buck chuck
>buying low end fruit alcohol
enjoy your mycotoxins
I see these gallon jugs of wine on sale for $9.99 in my area sometimes. It's about as cheap as wine gets here.
>$2.50/L vs $2.50/0.75L
you win (since 2 buck chuck is actually $2.49 here)
I'm much more worried about organ damage due to the alcohol, but hey, if I needed another scare, you've provided it!
This 3l vodka for 10-15$
stick with boxed wine. bota box is a good buy. the hangovers given by thunderbird, night train or whatever else in that range are just too much to bear for any reasonable person.
night train literally turned me into a bum once. i drank half a bottle and woke up by a library security guard who handed me a notice that banned me for a month. apparently i was sleeping under a drinking fountain there.
oh god damn
my roomate goes through one of these in like two days.
real fun guy to live with.
MD has been cutting back most of their flavors to 13% booze; I think only a couple are still made at 18. A shame, really - it's hardly worth the godawful flavor for a piddling 13%.
None, anymore, because I'm too old and to wealthy to drink that shit. However, when my spouse and I were first married and still putting ourselves through uni, we'd buy Wild Irish Rose sometimes. It's the least offense of the three. I have fond memories of that, because one night, when we were REALLY drunk on WIR, we were trying to remember the words to Danny Boy, and my drunken spouse changed to the words to Danny Glover, and so ever since, we refer to WIR as "Danny Glover's Wild Irish Rose". Makes no sense, except to us. We had to explain the joke to our now teenage son, since he finally realized our joke didn't make sense.
>local liquor monopoly prices these at $30 expressly to fuck over cheap alkies
>two-litre bottle of domestic sherry is $9
Cisco was the best, id put it in Gatorade bottles and drink it at work or out at the mall shopping etc
I am with the Jews on this one. ( Moisen David)
Bling Bling niggers
My mom used to tell me a story about how her cousin spent his last few dollars on a bottle of Night Train, walked out of the liquor store and the bottom of the bag fell out and it shattered on the sidewalk. He just sat down on the ground right there with his head in his hands for a few minutes. Tragic.
>mfw this has happened to me
Except it wasn't a bottle of Night Train, it was cheap ass vodka.
Any UK anons care to weigh in on the great Frosty Jack's vs. Diamond White debate?
2 Buck Chuck is 3$ now due to inflation, but it's still actually pretty okay tasting for the price.
A friend of mine "ironically" got us some Frosty Jacks once. Tastes like railway sleepers and then tomorrow you feel like you've been hit on the head with one.
Great stuff if you hate yourself.
Mad Dog 20/20 has a great flavourful selection desu senpai~
I switched to bum wine a few years ago for about a month when i was drinking heavily, mostly because i was trying to stay away from liquor at the time. Horrible experience, feeling like a bag of hot trash that's been left out in the rain all day long for WEEKS ON END. Something in that shit just makes you feel like shit for several days after you drink it, not counting the fact that the hangover starts before you even get buzzed. I finally gave the shit up and went back to cheap vodka and felt SO much better.
Writing "yawn" is about the most worthless thing you can do in a thread.