Best recipes for leftover basmati rice?
Best recipes for leftover basmati rice?
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2 to one water to rice
Boil, cover, turn heat to low for 20 minutes. Turn off heat and let sit for ten. Put in fridge and wait a day. Wa la! Leftover basmati rice.
Look ma he did a thing
Fried rice works better with stale rice.
don't feel bad, that's a common myth to fall for
>Best recipes for leftover basmati rice?
Kheer is a good option.
rice pudding
In the toilet, you dirty pajeet.
give it to the dog
Boil them in milk and eat with sugar and cinnamon
In the mouth it goes
just pour some spicy meat slop over it and enjoy
warm it up in microwave
make a side dish of maPO TOfu with lots of veggies
et wala
OP's got to stuff them peppers.
Wait how is this a myth? I always use leftover rice to make fried rice...
>Leftover rice
Congee. Any answer that isn't congee is wrong.
How about you learn to portion control you fucking moron
Fuck off back to /pol/ please
unironically this desu