MRE Thread?
MRE Thread?
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I miss the vegetarian omelette.
Been thinking about these a lot lately
Anyone got some good first hand experiences?
Is it worth the trouble?
They're nice for camping and hiking and any situation where you can't cook. A bit much to eat them everyday, but they are far from horrible and likely alot better or at least equal to alot of canned food and other non-perishables. Deserts are usually always winners though.
Any in particular that you think are worth it for a first try?
Chicken with feta is one of the best ones they make.
Chicken is hard to fuck up so I guess I'll grab a couple of those next time I see them. Thanks.
Don't these things cause constipation?
They're pretty overpriced these days, if you can get a case for cheap or someone's selling dated surplus I'd jump on it.
Canned/freeze dried will always last longer though. Nothing you can do to get around this.
No, if anything you get the runs due to the high oil content.
There's a camping supply store in my area thats run by this really paranoid prepper guy so he usually has a lot of MREs and freeze-dried stuff in stock and pushes it pretty hard.
Thought about it for emergencies since the power does go out at time when the weather gets rough and sometimes I don't want to be bothered to cook.
It's a small town but I get payed city wages so I've got the cash to burn.
Yeah, MRE's are fantastic. When you eat them 24/7 you think this is the pinnacle. I can't wait until Trump drafts you worthless fucks and you can get your fill.
Beef Teriyaki, Beef Ravioli and Chicken Fajita FTW
Back when I was nervous in the service (2002-2006) during field training many of us would save our MREs and eat them back in garrison. One dude had an entire box worth in his locker when inspection came around but Top and Cap didn't give a shit.
Mess halls have come a long way since powdered eggs and slop but those Mister Es were hands down good eating, except for the pound cake/log of brown shit dessert.
Fucking spelling errors, they make my dick cry tears of pain.
required watching, you'll easily spend too much time watching these
Fucking MREs man. The ones we were issued were okay I guess, a few of the pasta ones taste like chef boy ar dee but it's hard to not associate these things with sand people and various times they shot at you and yours.
Anything with rice in it is terrible. They should hire some japs to make the rice entrees because they seem to be the only country in the world to do it right.
Hated the squeeze cheese, always tried to trade that for peanut butter. I heard the limeys got hazelnut spread in theirs. Fancy bastards.
Back to pol you immense faggot
Thanks that was great. Just watched the guy eat a load of 75 year old biscuits then unwrap some British WW2 Benzedrine. Decent channel.
They're not bad, better than cafeteria food. The main entrees taste like canned equivalents. Great if you're camping or only wanna eat one meal a day.
oh yeah US MRE's are pretty inferior compared to a couple other countries. France supposedly has the best hands down.
hmm. hm. mmhm. huh. oh wow. that is awful.
>get this image in my head that Steve is some rosy-cheeked beach dude that never forgets to work his lats
>see him for the first time in one of his videos
>he's literally Shaggy motherfucking Rogers
Blew my goddamn mind.
I thought you get the runs after constipation?
>Let's get this out onto a try
So, would anyone have a good place they'd recommend to go and buy some MREs? Any stores online or brands that are recommended?
gun shows
i buy ones from the 90s gulf war era for $3/pc, still tasty as fuck
US MREs are middle of the road. Certainly better than the canned tripe the Russians and Spanish feed their military men but the French & Italians seem to have the artform of the premade meal down to a science.
Also, Americans don't typically like pate so you'll never see that in an MRE.
Same here. I retired last year, so when they discontinued it, I was a bit upset.
Best thing to do was gather up Tobasco from all your buddies and douse the omelet in that. Heat it up real nice. It really wasn't that bad. Plus, you'd get decent snacks, but I'm not a child so I don't really have a sweet tooth.
I wonder how youtube will react when he inevitably dies from botulism.
If the 50+ year old smokes don't do him in first, that is.
he ate a cracker that was preserved in formaldehyde
at that point it isn't even a food product anymore
I have a fuckload of these, but I haven't opened any. Came from a relative who dumped em on me. Do these go for a lot or is it illegal to sell them? Do they go bad? I've been wanting to try one to, though I havent really looked for flavors.
Unfortunately for me I don't recall seeing MREs being sold in the gun shows I've been to (Crossroads of the West at the Cow Palace in SF and a smaller one in Reno), unless I've completely missed them while walking around. Have seen a good amount of beef jerky sold though.
Chili Mac is the best MRE and I will fucking fight anyone who disagrees with me.
As said, chicken with feta. But you can't forget chili mac.
I was at a gun show in Las Vegas in November, got 24 MREs for like $80. Pretty recently-made, too. Pic related. Menu B box is behind it.
Man, chili mac was great. I think that an beef roast was the only thing people actively traded for.
Army cook here, have seen so many of these ratfucked by soldiers. Pretty annoying but whatever. My first one was Pork Sausage and Gravy, day right before BCT. Shit was decent. One of the better ones is the Lemon Pepper Tuna, tasty as fuck. Vegetarian meals always have the best pastrys/desserts.
Clam chowder is GOAT, faggot
Hit me up with your email and I'll paypal you 5 a piece.
I really fucking miss these. I can't even count the number of times I sat in a pricy restaurant and wish I were in the outdoors spooning ravioli MRE into my face instead.
He has developed an immunity to food poisonings.
Just like how you can build up an immunity to bullets by starting with small calibers and working up.
Like my evenly spaced score lines? Yeah... Wouldn't it be a shame if I just broke into several pieces however I feel like?
>tfw always read MRE as meady rade eels
its ruining my life brehs
>implying it's not already shattered to bits and only held together from the vacuum seal
I tried an MRE for the first time recently, it was pretty nice.
Crackers and peanut butter are all I need
I've been meaning to order a case of the crackers, I miss them.
French MREs are good, but they're bulky as all hell.
What is with you shitheads and injecting your /pol/ obsession into everything?
It's not wanted, fuck off.
But that's wrong.
>Stuffed squid in ink sauce
>canned tripe
Now why would you even say that?
that's 60-year-old corn
it looks perfectly fine
the chinese rations always look a little depressing, just this big old slab of noodles.
isn't resale of gov't property forbidden?
since the food is government property, when you poop it out later is that government property too?
> tfw your military MRE is a collection of supermarket tin food packed in a cardboard box
> tfw the meatloaf was removed for cost reasons so now your only protein is tuna
> just tuna
> for days
Man the things an IDF soldier does to spice that shit up. There's the usualy TP-fuse-and-light-it trick, but eventually that does not help either, so you get adventurous. You add the disgusring canned chocolate spread, or sprinkle it with the yet more disgustin canned dry fruit that are all stucj in a mass. I envy foreign servicemen.
oh, oh wow, yeah, that is so rancid
>takes a bite
I've seen a few reviews of those MREs I'm so sorry
You saw the good old days, mate. Everything good got discontinued.
>Man the things an IDF soldier does to spice that shit up.
Can't you just shoot a towel head and loot whatever they have? Or do they not have any food?
That's the good old days man. Wish we could turn back time.
No I mean of the modern ones, just tuna and tuna and tuna
Steve did a review of one and it was just so much fucking canned tuna
That was an 09 one, still had the fabled meatloaf known as loof, as well as the drink mix we'd save for rucksack matches, and then pour it down each other's throats while screaming like autistic children to get pumped up.
Nowadays the meatloaf and drink mix are gone, replaced with more tuna and absolutely disgusting canned dry fruit.
>cost reasons
> any army
> paying more when it can pay less for a grunt
holy fucking shit
I didn't think it could get much worse than what steve showed
Shit's fucking disgusting. I'm sorry.
The tuna candle thing actually came in handy back in the 2014 operation. We braught industrial amounts of black coffee and forgot a gas burner and finjan set.
What we did was, we washed out one of the chickpea cans from the MRE, set 3 tunas on fire, and boiled the coffee over it like a stovetop. Good times.
Cheese tortellini
Chicken Pesto
>as well as the drink mix we'd save for rucksack matches
what did he mean by this
ITT: stupid americans
america is not the only country that feeds its military, user.
Nope. But MRE is an American-specific term. Other countries have rations but they are not called MREs.
Your linguistic knowledge is astounding.
Amazing, mind boggling!
It's not linguistic. I worked on several MRE related research projects when I was in University.
Plus you can just look at the's made by an American company, it states that it's US gov has the damn US seal on it.....
Yes user this entire thread is to discuss that one MRE that the OP posted.
Truly a stunning insight. Your university education surely sets you above everyone else on this topic.
Well sure, if user wants to discuss other MREs there's no problem with it.
I just don't understand why people think that MRE applies to rations of other countries. Do people think that the French, German, Italian, Russian, etc. militaries use English words for their food? Of fucking course they don't.
"Hey let's discuss MRE/emergency ration packs/EPA/RCIR/CR1M/Manot Krav..."
Or, you know, we could just use one abbreviation that's really quick to type and everyone understands to mean "a shelf stable military ration".
If Jack started reviewing MREs could we count on you guys to help bolster Jack threads with webm's and positive comments?
I don't care for MRE's. I remember training in the army and they would have us eat nothing but these for 20 days at a time. Got burnt out on them very quickly. With that being said, some things were ok others were pretty awful. It sucked getting spaghetti or ravioli for breakfast.
>but I'm not a child so I don't really have a sweet tooth
Oooo... trolled so gently. You're good, big boy
You could just say "rations" user.
Extra letters to type, why bother?
Steve1989 is god tier
Somebody please read the amount of HFCS, or it's position on the label of US MRE's. Don't have one in front of me so asking for a friend.
this is probably the sweetest entree.
oh i found some in a fig bar.
Christ, look at that label. As a soldier I knew it was shit, but it was the only thing I had in the field. What's your fucking excuse? Pretending because you're a paintball warrior you should lunch on MRE's?
I used to get these from my dad (drill sergeant) when they stock was going to expire.
I really liked the beef strogenof.
Looks like he got more ripped recently.
Watched his last video and he made me wet