Is your water safe Veeky Forums?
So is this legit or it is alex jones levels of crazy?
Is your water safe Veeky Forums?
So is this legit or it is alex jones levels of crazy?
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It's funny, Alex Jones is so easy to make fun of but when you actually research some of the stuff he says you start to think he's not so crazy.
Alex Jones basically does all the work for us.
This. Even his gay frog shit was right
This must be how he has so much energy
"The salt from your skin is reacting with the Chlorine. This is why you use salt (NaCl, the latter half being Cl or Chlorine) in a water softener. The free Cl has bound with other free elements coming from your skin so it will not precipitate out. Hard water has it's issues but the Cl is fine. He's going to sell you a soft water purifier that you load with rock salt. This is what happens when people are afraid of the unknown. I love your cooking content but I've slowly been picking up on the fact that you have some scientific literacy issues."
"The stuff was falling from the ice cubes was only the colder water dropping to the bottom of the glass. It wasn't particulates of any kind. This guy was taught a great way to sell his products."
Jesus Christ where does he live to have all that shit wrong with his water? Is it even legal to let people drink water that shitty?
It's from his water heater
im in florida and we get notes in the mail reminding us not to drink tap water because it has so much chlorine. our pipes are clean though.
does this stuff really work?
I've been acting pretty nu-male ish for the last couple years and wouldn't mind turning it around while there was still time. Maybe trading Veeky Forums in for /out/ or /k/.
I live in PA and my water looks like that.
Filters, my dude. I go through 'em like candy.
Could just grow some balls
If you think that /k/ is full of anything other than weeb faggots then you're in for a big surprise. Don't be one of those faggot hipster numales that infiltrates the gun community because he wants to post snapchats of himself at the range.
easier said than done but good jest friend
i listen to alex jones show and democracy now at work everyday and feel like with the two together, and using my own logic i'm getting unbiased, actual news
I used to think that distilled water was a joke. Then I read up on it. If it's a joke to you, laugh away, fuck face (Repo Man, 1984). Clean water is a big deal.
Most of /k/ crosspost with /mlp/
Too bad all the wells were empty by 2010, used to have really nice water in PA.
No, op, the water is not safe. There's so much chlorine in it that you'd be a fool to touch it. My lungs are fucked up from showering, be glad you don't have asthma.
Alex Jones is a disinfo agent, he presents information that sounds absurd but actually true but in a way where any rational human being would see him as a nutjob.
Just get a gun and wear some women's underwear and /k/ will welcome you with open arms.
Now even the illuminati shills have lost their resistance to their own water, food and air poisons and we find them contradicting themselves in one full sentence.
Can't kill everyone else without killing yourself, guys.
How much and what does this snakeoil salesman sell you?
Shhh, let the cretins rock their placebo. It's healthier for them to think they're benefiting their lives through psychogenic effects anyway.
I'm a proud /k/omando, but that board is gay as fuck.
Chlorine is harmless and you're a bunch of hippies.
Yep, just a bunch of furries and horsefuckers.
looks like some tricks your middle school chemistry teacher would show
also just buy a water filter from home depot or someplace to remove the shit that comes from old pipes, not the expensive garbage this guy is peddling
And that's the way we like it, now GIT.
My main concern is the initially high indication of chlorine levels in his tap water. Are those levels typical, or safe?
Just go through the comments section
I kinda just realized
Jack's videos are more senseless than YouTube comments.
Think about that for a sec