Allright so I wanna learn to cook. Im a complete beginner, I will start from zéro.
What are some good ressources? Books, youtubers, websites, maybe some ck guides?
Allright so I wanna learn to cook. Im a complete beginner, I will start from zéro.
What are some good ressources? Books, youtubers, websites, maybe some ck guides?
A good start for me would be ck image guides of simple meals. Is there an archive somewhere?
Nobody ? Pls answer, I stopped drinking and need something to fill the void.
>something to fill the void.
Get a job.
I have one already. The void manifests itself the evening
One last bump.
Good Eats DVDs. Entertaining and you'll learn whether you try to or not.
Find an older version of Joy of Cooking, it's got everything you might want to know. The more recent versions wander out to pasture with weird recipes, find an older version.
Find the money to buy a kitchen scale and an instant-read probe thermometer. Worth every penny. Seriously.
Julia child
half the threads on ck are people posting youtube links, i don't get it.
It's damage control.
That site is fucking garbage and a huge waste of time and all rational people have already left.
Thanks a lot
Well if you're a complete beginner OP I think your best bet is to start with simple meals. Really you're just going to either be following directions as closely as possible with video tutorials or books that are explicitly for basic cooking. I suggest learning the basics of your stovetop; boiling things in a pot and using a skillet. Use nonstick for now, and keep metal utensils out of it. Italian or basic Chinese cooking, or even constructing casseroles for the oven are my suggestions for now, and cooking breakfast items (eggs, bacon, toast, oatmeal).
You're going to want a handful of halfway decent knives that are sharp, including a paring knife, a big knife to chop through things, a mid size chopping knife and a serrated knife for slicing through bread. Make sure you clean your cutting boards thoroughly and depending on its material you're going to want to learn how to use and care for it.
After that, it's all a matter of just doing it and asking lots of questions. The internet is your friend (not here) on nailing basic questions. Keep things simple; cooking doesn't have to be complicated and don't get too discouraged or intimidated. If you fail or do something wrong, seek a solution or fix, and use it as as learning experience. My sincerest of luck to you.
Great, thanks man.
generally easiest dishes:
>spaghetti (most pasta with sauce really)
>pancakes, crepes, omlettes etc.
>tortillas, pitas, grilled sandwiches etc.
The Great Courses has a great class from CIA.
go away lindy, this isn't Veeky Forums or Veeky Forums
the fundamentals of cooking are taught by Jacques Pepin in Essential Pepin. This is a modern rewrite of his masterpiece "La Technique" in DVD/book format.
The DVD is searchable for the technique and the book has good recipes. You can supplement this with an "American Test Kitchen" book that interests you, I'd even recommend get a sub to their website.
Start with pic related, you can likely find a torrent of it if you're a poorfag.
As the title suggests it covers the basics.
Fuck, I love satoh. Have you heard As If?
Go on youtube and watch the Cooking With Jack Show. He has no idea what he's doing so it's a useful resource for what not to do.