>coffee coolata is being discontinued
Coffee coolata is being discontinued
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What the fuck is that? And why do places insist on calling their milkshakes 'coffee'?
>name is in the post
>have internet at your hands
>what is that
That's coffee you dumbass
Why the hate? I think it's much sillier to buy normal coffee because there's no reason not to just make it at home. On the other hand, if I want some sugary coffee milkshake monstrosity, then I'd rather buy it from a chain.
Why in the world does DD need shilling. Honestly.
I don't care if people want to buy it, but why conflate it with coffee when it's not?
>le everyone is a shill
Dont be intentionally stupid
That and the Starbucks frappucinos and shit aren't coffee. Maybe coffee is a minuscule ingredient, but those drinks are milkshakes. And that's why we get stupid memes like Starbucks is expensive. No it's not actual coffee there is
My man, it is not a fucking coincidence that a major chain discontinues a product and people lamenting that fact don't pop up. Look at the framing of the logo. It is in no way, shape, or form natural.
Calm down
no fuck you
Its from google u fucking moron
Ok. Be upset over nothing for no reason
tasted toxically sweet, good riddance
I totally agree with you. The other person arguing with you will die from all the sugar and chemicals in his/her "coffee" drink eventually anyway while spending $4+ on it so fuck them haha.
im the other person
i dont drink frappucinos or other sugary coffees but i also dont go into autistic rages when other people do
Coolatas were the only redeemable thing about that shit shack
>be called stupid
>user get irritated
>calm down, brah
you're one of those people aren't you?
you need to leave
I'll be nice since you're clearly ESL. Coffee is an adjective here. It indicates that the "coolatta" is coffee flavored.
it's fine, were getting a new frozen coffee drink
we ditched the coffee base coolatta mix forever ago
by the way if you order a frozen coffee/frozen hot chocolate/frozen vanilla chai just know that everyone in the store hates you
It sucks cause they're pretty tasty. but at the same time, thank you. That shit is fucking awful for you