Could you sustain yourself in the wild? What glorious meals would you make from exclusively wild local ingredients?
Could you sustain yourself in the wild? What glorious meals would you make from exclusively wild local ingredients?
I would definitely lose some weight if I had to sustain myself in the wild! lol
i've strictly had wild-harvest protein for almost 4 years now. 6 deer and countless fish a year, plus whatever stupid duck or goose comes into my path.
>feels good man
actually that was an incomplete statement - I strictly have wild-harvest protein at HOME. I eat meat and shit at restaurants.
If I was in a straight-up Naked and Afraid situation I could probably live for a while by collecting insects but I don't know anything about trapping or primitive hunting so I'd probably die after I ate all the spiders and lizards around, or poison myself by desperately eating some plants.
I dunno. I mean I know a lot of shit in theory, but I've never actually tried most of it so I'd probably suck.
Could live off fern root and protein source if i had too. The painful part is that there are no wild mammals bigger than a rabbit. Have to resort to fish and eel.
rabbit in arrowhead tuber stew, with greens : thin sliced cattail shoots, lambs quarters, morel mushrooms
fish baked with sheep sorrel and wild onions and summer savory
squirrel, wrapped in dock leaves, baked stuffed with garlic and elderberries, rubbed in rendered fat or ghee
pheasant meat battered with egg, acorn flour, fried in ghee
purslane and apple salad with pine nuts, honey and plum juice dressing
acorn flour bannock bread or handpies with oregon grape and salal spread
smoked deer jerky, minced up you can reconstitute it to make chili or something
bone marrow, bone broth, yum
Nah, I wouldnt last 24 hrs. Gonna hit that red button.
I'd prob live off of dandelions since they grow fucking everywhere here
Oddest boner right now. No homo.
yes homo, my friend ;)
Pls be outdoorsy boiwaifu :3
If I get all the tools in my house, sure, it wouldn't be to bad. Hunt for any meat and fishing is fairly easy. As for veggies/fruits, that might be more tough. Dandelions would have to be my first thing until I figure something else out.
If I was just dropped in the woods with nothing except clothes, I MIGHT make it, since I have a bit of training from the army, but a very good chance is I cant find enough caloires before I get tired and sleep and never wake up
One of the biggest issues with living in the wild is lack of equipment. Cooking isn't easy when basic cookware isn't a thing.
Making soup would involve dropping hot rocks into woven baskets full of liquid. Salt would be from evaporating salt water only. Frying pans and pots aren't really a thing unless you bring them into the wild or have clay and skills.
That being said, if I got to live "in the wild" in my current climate, I'd have wild naturalized fruit trees everywhere and occasional game/fish. I'd survive for a while, probably. Not comfy, tho. Anyone who thinks they'd be comfy isn't thinking this through or plans on coming in with 60lbs of shit.
nobody's saying you have to GO innawoods with no equipment. i think it'd be silly to do it like that. a good cast iron or stainless steel is probably the most you need for cooking soups or w/e on fires.
are talking "the wild" in general or the wild of our country? because in the wild of western canada I'd have a handy time surviving if I could figure out, on my own, how to hunt large animals, I am not practiced in trap making, I don't have formal training making melee weapons, but I feel like if I put my mind to it I could kill a deer just by starting with my hands, but if we are talking having equipment, things become way easier, like if I could have a deep stainless steel pot, or just any pot, that would be very helpful, fires can be built. but I can't forge metal
why am i the only one who has posted recipes haha?
You're the only fag
Raw berries I guess? I'd have to find a few horses though, for sure.
ok sorry i guess, thought at least op would care
yeah i would pull the cord on a portable walmart store
Wait, why would horses be your most immediate concern?
Well I assume living in the wild means no modern conveniences, right? I need medicine and the only natural way of getting it is from horses
>I eat meat and shit
You are the classiest caveman ever. Mad props. I've made acorn bread before, as well as wild rabbit roasted over a fire. Good job inspiring me.
Now if only I could get this poison ivy rash to Fucking GO AWAY then I'd be back out there. There are deer with my name on em.
what wild?
Exactly this. Prepare yourself!
I can't imagine there are many outdoorsy types on Veeky Forums
Horses: naturally medicinal.
You need knowledge that in hunter gatherer societies was passed down through education. Since we don't have that you have to get field guides for identifying wild plants. That's how I found these Jerusalem Artichokes which I coated in olive oil and roasted like potatoes. Delicious. I hunt and fish too, deer, squirrel, rabbit and trotlines for fish.
I liked your recipes user
Maybe some space aids infested wild boar or some poisonous berries I don't know about
So long as I was near water, Preferably salt water, Id be able to live for awhile. Grew up fishing, spear fishing, and crabbing.
Lots of plain meat and shit that will probably just make me sick.
I can barely sustain myself living on my own in an apartment let alone in the wild.
cmon man
i got on Veeky Forums when i was a filthy neckbeard that never left my room but now i'm still a filthy neckbeard but i love going outdoors and i'm about to graduate with a degree in wildlife management
maybe that's why /out/ is a thing now, a bunch of us managed to escape our basements
>prescription horse
Can I bring my guns?
If I can bring a gun, maybe. If not, I might be able to survive for a while by trapping and possibly fishing, but I wouldn't be able to survive the winter. I might be able to stockpile enough food to survive if I caught a large animal in a trap, or some how caught like a thousand birds.